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  • Didn't feel like this was worth mentioning on the Gender Thread, but I'm fairly sure that some of the wild Pikachu on Pikachu's Goodbye had tail dents.
    As soon as I saw that your Suikoden LP thing was on IV my immediate thought was "BEACH HOUSE!"

    i'll probably end up picking them both up :)
    Yeah, I'll definitely get when I get the chance :D

    I haven't actually played them, but I do remember having a pretty amusing AIM conversation about the beach house thing xD
    There's actually a few near me, so I might be able to stop and get one at some point :3
    Well according to Wiki being allergic to milk means you might get rashes or hives, but eh.

    ... I think that's just what I needed. This means I can hopefully have cereal and milk in the near future /yes/ you just made my day. Thank you :DD
    /Probably/ lactose intolerant. As in I only get the urge to crap my intestines out when I drink milk; no rashes or anything. I've never heard of Lactaid, but we do have lactose-free milk. It's rather expensive though, and my mom is convinced I can "get used" to milk again so she won't buy it.

    ... mom, I'm /pretty sure/ allergies don't really work that way ._. Say, is Lactaid more expensive than milk?
    That's best to go by; forums should be fun and rules should be there mostly to prevent fun spoiling.

    But! I'm sure vB has policies that all their forums have to follow and there's always that stuff that varies forum to forum, which I haven't broken yet, thankfully.
    Thanks for clearing that up! :) Figured it was something like that, but didn't want to make a mistake as the forum rules have been getting a bit...outdated and dusty.
    ...I really don't understand it. Is the story supposed to make any sense or am I kidding myself believing that it's meant to?
    I remember my game kept freezing at this battle. It was exceptionally frustrating. :|
    Don't think we have those around here, but I'll check out the pharmacies, I suppose.

    Probably gonna go for the nasal spray still, haha. I... was actually planning on heating it at least a bit so it's warm? Does that even make a difference? 8D;
    I'll bet. x.x I have no idea how my body manufactures so much of that stuff.

    btw where would you find these things? Local pharmacies or drug stores or...?
    Stuffing water up one nostril and letting it come out the other kinda equals inhaling it in my mind, somehow. And I'm a bit squeamish about that. D:
    Really? I dunno, I just think of all those times I snorted water out of a pool. Painful.

    Thanks for the tip! :D
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