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  • Does it only do DS games or can you put GBA games etc... on there, too? :o

    Ghost Trick would be good, please. So would Pokémon Conquest. Basically anything you feel I should play, too. :3
    Ah, yeah, that looks like the one someone was mentioning to me. So they are canceling it, then? That's a shame. :/
    Hola! Bit of an odd question out of the blue like this, but have you heard anything about English translations of TCG2?
    Oh, bless you :)

    I hope you kids are having lots of fun in Reading; have you been up to much?
    Yeah, I know that now... Another Mod sent me a PM. By the way, it seems you guys don't really cordinate, because that's the second or third time I've been warned by two Moderators.
    I must not be receiving them properly, then.
    I guess I could share. I'm just... tired.
    So, so tired.
    Oh! I was actually completely unaware of that - it was just something that tended to pop up in my dad's family and I had never bothered to look it up. It's my own fault for not researching, then.

    Double checked, and it looks like there were a few tail indented Pikachu. Although, they're not the same throughout and there's one with spiky ears, too, so it's probably more to make sure the audience knows which one is Ash's. You might press "Weitere Bilder" a few times.

    Freeze frame foreshadowing isn't unheard of, though. There's a background photo in Pi-Kahuna (EP67) that looks somewhat like a Buizel (or at least a two-tailed otter with a bit much fan spec behind it.) Takes a few "Weitere Bilder" like the last one, but it should be there.
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