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  • "If only I could find someone to replace her :/ , someone who's actually interested in math (honestly Negrek "screw the calculus homework"?)"

    oh wait right res is evil right
    There's a one week ago visit. Maybe we could ask bluzzy to contact them, assuming you don't have a DA?
    Since Linoone seems rather unlikely to reappear soon (or maybe their school year is just about to end, who knows), is there any specific point you're going to go ahead or...?

    We could attempt to find them somewhere off TCoD, I suppose.
    If you have the time; yes please. Is the math tournament still going to go ahead?

    Also, I kinda forgot about your tournament battle. Sorry about that, I'll get to it later today. It looks like things will be drawing to a close soon anyway.
    I guess... sort of sucks, I guess ASB is dead for sure? It sort of sucks that when Neg quits it just dies... I wish there was someone willing to take over.
    "What is something that you'd be hugely surprised at if it happens?"

    That was what you asked. I answered it very clearly.
    What is something that I'd be hugely surprised at if it happens?

    Mars exploding today and alien refugees retreating to Earth.
    Because there's a possibility that I will be! It's not exactly an assumption, just... a thing that I wouldn't be hugely surprised at if it happens.
    Well, if the judges aren't interested and I'm out of the contest, I'd be willing to help!
    What's up with the Math Contest, now that you're back? Are you planning to finish up this round, or are you just going to have it die?
    ... And 一日一善, too? xD;

    Apparently res thinks it's amusing, it posted it over on the other place.
    yeah but i'm pretty sure he's like 16 or something. you're only 15, that's still young!
    Sorry, people of TCoD (and especially those of Asber (and especially those whose battles I'm reffing)): due to a sudden circumstance, I won't be able to come on here for the next two weeks or so. If you PM me though, I'll get an email but won't be able to reply (ugh primitive portable devices), so if you want to poke me /contact me/scream at me, then you could do that through PM (but I won't be able to answer until ~2 weeks later).
    are you seriously only 15? that's crazy.

    is your entire body just dominated by your brain?
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