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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • How did you get a hundred more posts than me
    *looks around desperately for something to powerspam*
    huh, try entering the other ones
    might be different passwords for US vs UK versions?
    There is no sticky: my pc. its just two loooooooooooooong threads. the closest thing to that is the check out my pc link........ I went to the safari zone forum thingy!!!!!!!!!!!!
    No, you havent told me. What are you going to do with it? Me still want join!!

    (Oh and how can i find my safari zone pc account? if i make mah own, where do i find my starters code? And is there a way to quikly get to the safari zone like a link?
    Shiny lapras... iirc is pink right? My memory skillz are not amazing (seriously, I forgot my best friend's birthday.)
    not the storage room. her plain old page. well not plain. her signature is a mile long. but that little box that you type in wont appear. Ill just blame my ds for the time being. it has the internet of a typwriter. Oh, and nice smiley chain. lopsided cyclops smiley chain: .D.D.D.D.D
    wait... why wont the talking bar appear for me in super richie guru`s room? I want to welcome her back... :(
    Thanks! You have gained... exclusive membership? umm... post discussions anytime you want! ... (ive finally thought of something to give you. sort of.)
    smiley face chain- ACTIVATE! :D:D:D:D:D:D! Dont look at the wrong way they arent sad. They are freakin happy! WHO!?
    Of course not. I just wanted the one deleted because i wanted it to look like my adoptables shop had a tiny bit of hope. (jk) Id be glad to hear anything you have to say. :) do i sound like a customer service person to you?
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