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  • You mentioned that once before, and I would very much enjoy something like that. Not sure as much about Cato's deal, but 'tis an option, certainly. (If I do, I'll have to pester you about how they'd do this, or that, even if they're only in the thing for a couple sentences :D)
    Thanks :D Actually that reminds me to go and look at things for Mafia Awards. I haven't been all that active in mafia lately, eh.

    Pffft. That is the other thing the world runs on, then.
    Oh, I forgot about the new convict. What's his name again?

    I don't watch the previews. I hate spoilers. >___>

    Yeah, Carl's getting way less annoying. Poor kid killing his mom. :[
    They always kill the black guy. >_> Now they have Michonne so there's no need for two black people, right. =_= Sigh.

    I KNOW I hoped after Andrea left the gang she'd get less annoying but nooooope sigh she's so annoying haha. I was also wondering about the baby!! Maybe it's part zombie and eats people. :p hahaha.

    HAH re: mustache. Also he's so adorable haha I can fix your motorcycle haha seriously! So what if they're cons... :[ aw.
    AWww yeahhhh~
    if only I knew more about skyrim I'd read yours in kind, ahurrr u3u' But thankyew~!
    Haha I just finished the episode and was thinking the exact same thing xD oh god! I was so shocked when a) another inmate and b) Carl is not useless and c) Rick just falls to the floor in shock. He is such an amazing actor, wowow. 9__9 I was actually tearing up haha... But I'm so glad they finally accepted the inmates, it frustrates me so much when they're just refusing to accept anyone that isn't in their pack. You can't really build a community that way. >___> sigh but such a good season so far!! Michonne is freakin' awesome.
    Ooooooh god I did it, I posted it. Already regret it. Needs work. AAAAAAGH. But I told you I'd do it before the night ended, and it is ten o'clock at my house, so, there. I kept my word.
    So here's a sketch. His hair is long-ish 'cause I was thinking about how he was training for quite some time. If you do not like, I understand. I was going to add a bunch of snow, maybe some frost on his armor (if I can figure out how), and possibly just a teeny bit of blood splatter (not his :D) Also his breath visible which'd look cool.

    Or I could start over. I was really tempted to use him, Lydia, Cado, Malik, and Ralof to make them into Skyrim's Power Rangers.
    Also, I'm starting over with my thingy because I decided I want a letter or some other sort of text at the beginning of each chapter (Usually letters between Luciana and her father, or sometimes Ataf) So it actually takes off when they're leaving Helgen.

    So yeah. Still trying to think of good chapter titles (I need to look at a bunch of quest names and such), and ways to make everything flow smooth-ish.
    No, actually! :0 Usually the only results I get when I look up Slenderman + song all I get is Gimme $20, but I did rather enjoy that one!
    WHAAAAT that's awesome. That would make me very happy.

    If it makes any difference, I see Lucy being the type who spends a lot of time in the Arcanium. She's Urag's favorite. So she knows a lot of lore and such, more than most of the teachers.

    ... SO. New character. Yoshi is excited. Very. Very. Excited.

    (Skyrim Fic Covers are hard.)
    Thank you for pointing that out, in Mohacastle's RP. I can't believe I missed that.
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