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  • Well, it's ok to work and overcome problems. But if you break up because shit ain't working, shit ain't working. But most people want a relationship because they just wanna snuggle somebody at night. That's awesome! But I think the physical aspect, the love aspect for a person and so on are all separate things. And you can have very good short relationships and terrible long-term ones. A relationship is a relationship. Whatever happens.

    And in my case I didn't even have a choice in the matter - the circumstances I was left in were pretty dire. :)

    The thing is, if you want to be with that person, in my opinion, you don't figure that out after one date or even one month. If you are to be with someone in the long-term (which can be defined as 3,6,12 months - for me anything serious should last over 3 months though, so you get the time to get to know some of the little things). But once you've gotten past that point, you know whether they like to have a red toothbrush, something like that; it is what it is. And you should like and enjoy being with that person.

    Although the Germans say "Was sich liebt, das neckt sich" (lovers quarrel well).
    My door is always open if you need to talk. Even if you don't know me that well.
    I've got less than two weeks until Christmas break, then I'll have plenty of time to make fudge. And she'll definitely get some. In the meantime I have not a lot of time for much crafty stuff (all doodling in notebooks aside)
    She lives in another city. I was trying to get her to come visit my school but she couldn't get off of work. Otherwise I would make her all the fudge
    Noooo Poly don't do that!

    The thing was she had been in group therapy for at least a week because she had gotten help for her suicidal feelings a while ago. And the day before she told me it was really helping her and she was feeling so much better. And the next I hear from her is a text that says "I just tried to kill myself but instead I got really high"

    She's been the best damn feelsdumpster I could ask for. I used to talk to her about everything but now I don't want to burden her, so everything's just been building up on me
    The gesture itself just made my night :D it's really just a bunch of stressers that all decided to poke their heads out right before finals week. I'm in overflow housing in the study lounge so I have ~3 roommates (one dropped out but pops in every now and then) and their problems become my problems. Plus the whole friend trying to OD on antidepressants thing isn't fun
    ack, sorry :/ I've only gone there once
    thunder road and the hurler are pretty cool, too
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwi4A1axJbQ here's still around surprisingly

    yeah i don't know what Furret was thinking, something about all the babies having sex and the parents joining. he was banned several times but good friends with butterfree here so she kept letting him back. there's some details on it in this video funny enough.
    creepy_k was such a lame guy. he tried pretty hard to be a cool troll like me and some other people and couldn't tell the difference between several members. he thought people often had puppet accounts and was generally just annoying.

    who remembers Furret's rugrats porn story? i wish i didn't
    it's not that she actually says it outright, it's that she says things that imply it. like "god no one will ever love me and nobody ever has" and "none of you actually care about me do you". we're actually still good friends but every time she says things like that i just. don't say anything about it
    i was talking about other internets things (real life is like another dimension right now hahah....) but. thank you. ;_; i know i need to stop being hard on myself, so many people tell me it's just really hard to break lifetime habits fhjgdf
    ...i barely remember what creepy_kecleon did way back then haha. i do remember that he just annoyed/weirded out everyone very often though. and he said homosexuality is like saying a tv is a tree. he actually still goes out of his way to try and harass me about once a year.
    oh god i do hope you're ok :( i was almost at that point myself after my last relationship ended and it's a truly awful place to be.
    i don't think what happened to you and the stuff i did at 13 can really be compared though, because things really are a lot more important once you get older and you have different feelings and stuff so. yes.
    haha maybe there were like one or two good things in that mess of a year and a half but most of it was gross emotionally abusive whiny bullshit......... though most of that happened off of tcod
    it's kind of embarrassing though because like. we were 13 and 16. all of that was stuff done by whippersnappers. what the fudge
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