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  • "You have to congratulate me. :P Well, not now per se; we've signed the paperwork, but officially the wedding happens on July 3rd."

    Whoah, haha. Congratulations! \o/

    Also hopefully the shiny new server doesn't, you know, blow up.

    you should run it on linux
    a few days ago a friend of mine noticed something when playing my White version. when you're looking at the stats of a pokémon in your party, you can tap its sprite on the touch screen to see its back sprite instead. i noticed this wasn't on b/w changes - it's an amazingly minor thing so if you don't even want to put it up i mean that makes sense but i figured i'd inform you anyhow
    if i wrote a pokémon thing would you put it on the website

    more specifically a little thingy on hms and what routes have hidden items that are only accessible by hms or if the route is only passable with (an) hm(s) because i know i'm not the only 'mon player that gets annoyed at realizing she missed some hidden items because she forgot that oh yeah that route has a waterfall on it

    (it's not like *I'd* have anywhere to put it, it's just more that I want to write this for my own benefit but might as well make it available to the rest of the 'mon fandom, right?)
    I had a mild argument with elyvorg about this, so I just wanted to ask you. What exactly do you make of the relationship between Forsira and Zathern? Sibling-like? Romantic?
    Yep, I got all that. I was just a little confused as to why some pokemon don't get translated? Or is it just like a battle cry thing? Or maybe I missed something. I don't get to read very often anymore so I was reading rather quickly.
    I finally got to chapter thirty in The Quest for the Legends. The pacing is a bit weird at points, but it's entertaining. I'm still trying to figure out the whole pokémon speaking thing.
    Oh, I am being tempted. I could so see myself in revisions with no end. I could. It's scary.
    I just hate it when writers beat themselves up, or sound like they are beating themselves up, or something.

    I plan to read everything that's up. To be honest I've been meaning to read it. It has my interest, which means I think it's a good story idea and everything. There really isn't much I won't read.

    I'll probs leave a review on ff.net when I'm done, or maybe on site. Or something. There's no point in leaving sixty three reviews somewhere.

    I have a general distaste for my main fic I'm writing. The first few chapters, I think up until seven, I hate with a burning passion. I keep thinking to myself, I'm going to rewrite this, seriously, I am. Then real life shows up and kicks my ass and says, "NOPENOPENOPE!" I'm still proud though that I managed to put something up in the first place.
    I started reading "The Quest for the Legends". Can you believe I've never read past the prologue, even after being hear for almost a decade? You lied, it's not terrible. I've seen terrible. That's not terrible.

    I like it. I'm not hugely into Pokémon anymore, but it's good.
    Hey Butterfree. You know the debating thread "On Reasoning and Arguing"? See, on a forum I frequent on, there's a Debaters Forum. Thing is, most of the people participating in there absolutely cannot debate correctly; they're reasoning makes no sense, they don't support their opinions with facts, etc.. Would it be okay for me to copy and paste the "On Reasoning and Arguing" as a thread on the other forum? All credit would be given, of course!
    This is actually LaDestitute.

    I'm actually having an issue with reset password emails for my original account. I use gmail, and no matter how many times I send for a new reset password email, it never arrives in my inbox, or even the spam box. I requested for one last night around 7 or 8 AM, so that's a near half-day without an email. The same thing happened with the account I used to post for help, I forget the password to that too and forgot to have LastPass save it. *sweatdrop*

    Can you reset my password to my original account/LaDestitute?
    Muppets on Community... puppets... whatever.

    I had to leave the room. Terrified of muppets/those kind of puppets. (I blame Angel with that episode "Smile Time")

    But I heard the episode was adorable.
    Thanks! my site is totally in the ground right now

    I'll try not to bug you as much. Sorry for asking a thousand questions.
    This. I know you have something relatively close to it on Spectrum Style-- does it take a boatload of CSS?
    Glad you liked the video. And yes, you should totally read the comic! Plus also more Homestuck, now that it's on a multimonth update break, so you actually have a prayer of getting all the way caught up!
    You may already have seen this video... but if you have not already seen this video, you need to see this video. "The First Level of Super Mario Bros. is Easy with Lexicographic Orderings and Time Travel. . . after that it gets a little tricky."

    If you don't have the stamina to sit through the whole video (worth it, though!), at least skip to 15:00 or so to see how the AI handles Tetris.

    Edit: Also, but completely unrelated, did you know that Mewkitty is back in the fandom? Her nuzlocke comic is quite excellent, too.

    So, I'll rewrite the code. But, also, some site said my host supported ASP and it doesn't anymore, so that may have been the issue. Thanks a bunch, though.
    Hello. So sorry to bother you with my junk again.

    Can you tell me what's wrong with this? My host won't read it as ASP, so I'm thinking there's probably a concern. And my host does in fact support ASP.

    (to clarify, you have to download my file to read it because it doesn't fit on this messaging thingy. sorry.)
    I figured it might boost activity in certain forums and make things less scattered, like perhaps Pokémon Anime Discussion being moved to General Pokémon Discussion, but I could see how it'd be confusing at first and there isn't an absolute desperate need either.
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