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I liek Squirtles

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  • Haha. You've been on there for months.

    That happened to me too, when Elektronica put me in her signature. I pretty much flipped in my seat.
    I'll check it out when I have the chance. Right now I've been working on my own writing.

    Sounds interesting though.
    Yes, I certainly can. I think you have to already possess an Emerald ROM, so you'll have to find that if you don't have one already.
    It's fine, just try not to do it again, just look over some of the other posts if you need help.
    I figured I should point this out before someone else does, and they don't do it as politely >w>

    In your RP posts you can't exactly... say what the other character does. You have to wait for how they react to things. They won't always brush off attacks and things, but you've got to give them a chance to do something and decide that. It's called godmodding and I'd be careful of it, it may not get you locked out of an RP but people won't take too kindly to it and may ignore your post or just react how they want to instead.

    Just a heads up for the future.
    I went along with you controlling Maga-G this time, but next time can you not

    Nottt sure if it's in your character's nature to just take and control things, but they're a major part of my character and the Four Dark Gods aren't even pure hamsters so. It's godmodding to just do that.

    I doubt they're natural in the way that your character controls nature, so yeah :(
    You don't know how true that is xD I'm gonna wait for the first massive posts to come in then make my appearance, less chance of being ninja'd that way
    And I'll have to apologize if we move ahead without you. If you ever need help catching up, I can lend a hand.
    Well, I still plan on starting tonight. If you don't get it in on time, there will be another opportunity to jump in in a bit, but still. Hurry hurry.

    And don't worry too much about it being the best form you've ever had. Given that you are being constrained as far as time, you can be allowed more than a few little errors. GO. GO SQUIRTLES, AND FULFILL YOUR DESTINY.
    ... MMMMMMMMM. Thing is I'd really like you to be in this from the get-go, but I also would like to start it later tonight.

    Don't suppose 6-7 hours is a manageable time frame, is it? Because I'd really, really like to see you a part of this.
    Ooooo Squirtles has a crush eh? Daw. :P

    Well, best I can say is stick together. That might even work in your favor for the crushy crush, haha.
    soph in college actually. anyhow i don't recall ever having things happen to me or doing things to freshmen? seniors didn't really care at my school. or i just didn't notice idk
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