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  • Ah, ok. I suppose we could still trade Pokémon with decent ivs and hidden abilities then? I could make a list in my old thread of the hidden abilities I have access to, plus some pokes I have left over from iv breeding.
    I really want to play x/y argh
    A friend of mine has level 100s and got the game for Christmas. Mine are all level 60. >.<
    I don't think it's about terrorist at all to be honest, that's just an excuse like communists were before and witches were before that.

    Also, aren't you American? Why do you spell colour with a U?
    Do you know me as my previous usernames here as well?

    No, I'm not American. Though remember that when the NSA spies on "everyone", that means everyone. It annoys me that Obama or whoever's defedning it at the time says (lies) "We're not spying on American citizens!" and I'm like... thanks, I forgot foreigners weren't allowed to have privacy.
    Also the GCHQ, the UK's equivalent, does a lot of unethical stuff as well.
    It wasn't really that bad. I've been busy as hell and school is sucking the life out of me, what about you? (Also sorry it took so long for me to reply to this!)
    I don't want to link to my Twitter directly here, because I'm worried of people following me around online, but I think you follow me. I'm the one who constantly retweets stuff about the NSA being naughty.
    yeah, it was a good episode; of course bias because otp wedding is always a good thing
    crunchyroll is free to use and it has a huge lineup of animes, plus there's a mobile version on android ios and the kindle app store!
    Fine! Beyond the stuff I constantly moan about in the CC anyway :P

    Also I noticed you sent me a tweet quite a while ago (where I said that I saw Majora's Mask in the trailer for A Link Between Worlds) sorry I didn't reply, I didn't see it until ages after the game was already released.
    I don't drive yet so I'm asking my parents if they can get me to a psychiatrist when I'm home. I'd rather get a definitive diagnosis first.
    ! Oh, I think that was Leslie and Ben's wedding.
    I watch it on Crunchyroll, but now I use Netflix.
    Hi, just saw your message. Would you be ok trading now? And it's still the jhoto starters you want, right?
    Nope! Snow is still there. Slipped my way to the student cafe last night. I don't think anyone saw me so it's okay.

    (I mean I also slipped up the stairs today in a building and people actually saw that but whatever)
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