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  • When Tingle first showed up in Majora's Mask, he had a few lines which seriously bugged most of the Zelda fandom outside of Japan. To be honest, Japan is about the only place where he's liked and taken in the context he was meant to be taken. Everywhere else, he seems to be a bit...

    Hmm. 'Unpopular' is the correct word for this, but it understates the venom which accompanied his debut. It's unfortunate, but there you are. I tend to refer to Tingle in the same vein as a Tolkien fan might refer to Sauron, simply because I find the reaction of most hard-core zelda fans hilarious.

    Okay. Zelda has a -bit- of humour, but it doesn't centre around the main characters for very long, if at all. You certainly don't get Issun referring to the priestess and her wonderful bouncing friends in the middle of an otherwise serious plotline. At no point do any of the minor mooks you fight turn around and smack their own behinds at you, as if inviting you to take a shot, for example.

    Ah, Lorule. I will assume that Hilda of Lorule has already given you her introduction to this shadow of Hyrule. You should know that if you want to get to most places in Lorule, you'll have to find a crack in reality to take you back to Hyrule and travel to the corresponding place in Hyrule before finding another crack to take you back to Lorule.
    The broom can travel through dimensions and take you to any place in Lorule, so long as you've found a weather vane, so don't be afraid to use the bell.

    Have you found Mother Mai(however you spell her name), the weird octopus-whelk thing? If you have, and you find her scattered children, she'll power up your weapons for you. Some tips for this:
    Children stuck to the walls need to be pushed, rather than pulled. You need some way of slipping between them and the wall.
    Children on the rooves in Kakariko need to be reached with a cucco from a high place.
    Children on top of a pillar need to be knocked off somehow. Perhaps there's a way to run at something and jolt it at high speed?
    Invisible children might be using the terrain to hide. Perhaps they're stuck, like some kind of shell-wearing cat?

    Lastly, if you want the Sand Rod, it's hidden somewhere in Lorule's version of Kakariko Village. You'll need to listen to a song to gain access to the place you need to be. You should power it up by doing someone a favour before you tackle the desert. If you don't, your sand pillars will crumble before you finish doing what you need to do.

    I think that's all the hints you need for now...

    Oh! Hang on. There's a man in Kakariko Village who likes bees. He'll give you 50 Rupees every time you catch one and give it to him, or 300 Rupees for a Golden Bee. Don't go buying stuff from Lorule; the shops there will try and rip you off.

    And -that's- all the hints I think you need for now. There's a few things you can pick up from hidden chests in dungeons which can let you power up the Master Sword, so leave no chest unturned. But that's more relevent when you get on a bit further.
    I actually haven't played Fire Emblem, except for a bit of Awakening, so I can't really compare it to Bravely Default.

    There are actually different Mega Man series, and I guess each series is like...kinda an alternate universe? I'unno how to explain it.
    Yeah, everything was arranged for the screenshot - the word file, the binary, the "cats doing funny things" search...
    i'm working at Acme as everything-except-cashier, or something like that!
    Of course I have! I've played almost every game in the Zelda franchise, starting with Ocarina of Time. To be honest, I like Majora's Mask because any game which unleashes Tingle on the world has to be slightly evil, which adds to the overall disturbing-ness.

    Additionally, I don't pay attention to Zelda continuity: I take each one as a separate story except for Majora's mask, which was a blatant follow-on from OoT. Even on that basis, Okami is still better than Zelda, though. The reason is that Okami takes all of the things that drew me to Zelda in the first place, and then adds a brushwork of humour to it, which Zelda has never had.

    Okay. Back to ALBW.

    I'm not going to spoil the plot for you, so it's essential that I ask you where you are in it if we're going to talk about it.
    So, a few years ago, I was playing the original PS2 version of Okami, and I ended up thinking to myself "This is better than Zelda". Of course, I immediatey felt guilty about even thinking such blasphemy, but there you go.
    It... kind-of bumped Majora's Mask into joint-number-one, because I've always liked the slight disturbing-ness of that particular Zelda game.

    Anyway, enough about me. What do you think of A Link Between Worlds? Have you gotten around to playing it yet?
    There was exactly ONE person who found good lighting on that stage, hahaha
    Yeah, it's gonna be the first piece of fanfic I'm actually happy with, haha


    Lots of drabbles, I tried writing a couple fanfics back in the day but they were kinda awful.
    Nice pic, hahaha.

    And I'm sorry for hearing that you went through similar problems. Umm . . . maybe I'll tell you the source of a lot of my issues come from.

    And I am taking it better? I suppose, but that was only just recently. For the past three months, I was really iffy.
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