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  • I didn't get to do any dissections, which was a huge disappointment. I have Bs in both classes right now, but a B in an AP class counts as an A! And I'm taking 7 classes right now so one B won't hurt
    I guess it kinda helps that I'm good at it? Like, I've only ever had consistently good grades in history and science. Except they're my hardest classes this semester so like that's not working out
    I see. we cant be friends anymore im sorry

    Did you hear about the update? apparently it was taken off extremely quickly. It was just a gif that said welcome back, apparently...
    Why would you want to take math unless you absolutely have to? I love biology, it's so cool knowing and learning about living things
    Oh, hey. Sorry, I've been inactive for quite some time. The first time I've logged in in a few months. Are you... Qvalador?
    It's a PE elective, so I'm taking it instead of sophomore PE (which is team sports, kill me). It's so cool that you're done with math dude I still have one more year (precalc) and then senior year is optional but there's no way I'm taking calc. I LOVED biology; I'm hoping to take AP bio next year and biotech as a senior!
    before you say anything about it
    magikarp is the most majestic fish ever
    let no one tell you different

    He's adorable. Look at this face.
    Kyogre is a water type, so... yeah.

    Olimar is top tier in Brawl, so the competitive community would like a word or two with you.

    MSPA RP is a chat where you roleplay as characters from Homestuck, or your OC.

    And I have French soon~
    I'm gonna wait for Christmas. A couple friends of mine have the Wii U already, so they're probably inviting us over. As for ORAS, I have no idea which one to buy.

    Olimar is cool bruh
    He got the mother of all nerfs by having only three pikmin

    Have you heard of msparp?
    It's his up special. You'll know in due time.

    Ah, systems.

    No, I don't play Diddy Kong. He has the honor of being my least played character in Brawl.
    It's usually the last ten minutes or so, but it's still amazing to see my friends curse me out while I Balloon Trip over them. >:]

    Yeah, we have. What do you mean three way? Three signs?

    The thing is that Villager is just so amazing to fuck people over with. My playstyle is annoy everyone, so he/she's perfect for it.
    Yes, they do. As long as we don't use it in class. We totally play in French, though, and the teacher doesn't care.

    Yeah, it's Algebra II. That sounds horrifying.

    Anyways, I highly recommend Villager if you can get the hang of him.
    Because it's local Smash. The internet is blocked by a series of filters, and apparently they aren't very good. I can still come on here, obviously.

    ohMYGOD i must have your gif warehouse.

    it's mono stop the presses
    literally the only way I know about that disease is all of the black family sitcoms my sister watches

    psat tests
    french tests are the easiest shit ever
    advanced, but it's algebra. the psat math is hard because it ahs functions and three way linear fucntions and all of that goodstuff
    It's a very silly comedy, and kinda weird, but it's hysterical.

    I haven't actually seen the movie version of Music Man but from what i've heard the sixties version is better, yeah.

    and yes harvey is the rabbit's name
    No. Before, lunchtime was 20 minutes longer, but because of the whole rescheduling thing they're now 30 each. But since in lunch you have to go in line in the cafeteria, eat, and then you can leave, it's less time to play than snacktime, where I just take my lunchbox to our corner and eat/play there.

    Villager. Villager is king. Villager is God. There are no other words to describe the most perfect being in the universe.
    Besides him, I try to play PAC-MAN and Ludwig. I'm currently trying to learn Jigglypuff and Robin.

    Awesome! Now you can do things.


    Tests+works+honor application.

    The English section is surprisingly easy, considering I'm supposed to have Spanish as a mother tongue (I express myself much more fluidly in English than in Spanish). The math parts make me shiver. I've been to math competitions where they hand out hard exercises, and these are very similar to those. I need to talk to people who math excellently to properly prepare myself.
    Arsenic is a straight play actually (and it's HILARIOUS and there should be a movie version somewhere) and Music Man definitely has a movie from the sixties. Also the early 2000's but i've heard the sixties version is better

    Also it's called Harvey and it is hysterical
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