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  • It's not self-deprecating if it's true lol. I have a thingy called Avoidant Personality Disorder, which is basically shyness and social anxiety up to an extreme level . They needed someone who was especially good with dealing with that lol.

    Oh, of course lol Kids tend to get the not as experienced therapists, but yeah they do exist :P
    Well, they're all nice, but I mean I have someone who specializes with someone like me :P

    Hey, a good therapist should be concerned. The important thing is finding a doctor who legitamentally wants to see you get better and happy, not one that's there for a paycheck necessarily
    I think it's qworking, I just have to give it time. I mean, I know they deliberately gave me the nicest doctor they had lol given my track record.

    And I haven't yet really vented yet, but I hope soon I'll be comfortable enough to XD
    Lol, thanks :) But they know I'm a strange case with anxiety and evrything, so they aren't pushing it.

    Just generic question like that. It's sort of working I guess? It helps none of them are particularly annoyed with me or something, otherwise I'd stay silent forever :P
    Yeah, no kidding. I feel like a child though lol. It's like what nearly twenty year old is still scared of them? :P

    I'd say it will help more when I can actually speak to them, so for now it's just me trying to be comfortable with them.
    well um
    I'm sorry but I kinda forgot to elaborate
    it's not gonna be an online tournament just
    if you're bored, check it around 10? I think EST
    and it's gonna be updated.
    Lol thanks :)

    Yeah, I have a little strength for once :)

    I recently started more therapy, which is good, but I'm just so terrified of speaking to them lol. I can't even speak really, I just nod my head XD
    I'm at a stable weight at the moment :)

    Yes and no lol. A part of my brain is screaming at me to stop getting fat, but mentally I'm a bit more stable, and I can actually do things like climb stairs now without too much of a hassle :)
    Still an A.

    It's an additional chapter. It's not the actual storyline; you start in the skies above Mossdeep with Steven, riding his Latios. I've only played through it once, so I don't know if the scenario keeps repeating. It is a special demo, so it has unlimited uses.
    "I was so close to getting an A-average in Algebra II. So close. Naturally, however, I fucked it up on the last day of the grading period and have a 92% for the quarter. One. Point. Off." don't you just have the number going in to your final average anyway? because lbr the final grade is probably the only thing that's going to be appearing on your transcript anyway so like. the substance of that 1% is like 10% relevant.
    My girlfriend wants to tell him to fuck off but ugh I don't want anything to happen to her
    He was in the choir room (my friend said he was following another girl), and he saw me and he was like let me explain and I was like I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXPLAINATION I've already told him to stay away from me why won't he get the message
    To be fair, two of those As are in Choir and PE. I lpve dissections they're so much fun!

    In other news, creepy boy tried to talk to me today
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