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  • Cool! I'm not sure how into-RPing the current ASB crowd is, though, since ASB makes up most of the active members and the actual RP forum has been dead for a while.
    It's the next thing on my to-do list! All the calcs are done, it just needs to be written. I've been meaning to ask you about the pay on that actually, I'm not sure how that's supposed to work still?
    it was my responsibility two months ago to begin with yeah, all this extra work is tiring me out! I'll poke her about it then, thank you!
    Actually, in the original ASB League, one of my starters was a Gulpin! But then we were only allowed to bring one guy over to the new League, and I just had to pick my trusty Goach.
    it's not! his post was carefully crafted for maximum funny (i think it's actually carnivine or something weird like that)
    Yoo I finally got around to it (that's like my catchphrase now) but I can't seem to figure out how to close up Knuddeluff's ref test battle from way the hell forever ago

    why can't i hold all these incompetencies
    (Alright, I just didn't want to go into the next round with my squad of five adorable babymons and five weird not-babymons)
    A national treasure, to be sure

    (There is one part where the Slowpoke says udon instead of yadon, and I'm not sure whether to laugh or feel mortally offended.)
    Whoops, I'd completely forgotten about me vs. VM; it's not because you didn't reply to anything, I don't think. I think I'll be able to get in commands tonight or tomorrow, but if that doesn't end up happening can I have an extension until Sunday? I've been pretty busy this week and didn't think it would warrant an actual Absence Sheet post.
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