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Search results

  1. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I have the 5th generation Pokemon turned off. I'll just turn them on when I get far enough into the games that I don't have to worry about spoilers. That, or when spoilers start being inevitable. And yes, I have found that question marks do hatch into question marks. I have no idea what I got...
  2. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Yeah, good point. I dumped one of mine into the Pokewalker too. Hopefully I won't have much history homework tomorrow. >:D As for fifth generation ... I'm snatching random eggs from the dream world and hatching question marks out of 'em. They do hatch as question marks, right? xD
  3. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    ...Why don't we lock the windows I instinctively read spoilers? o.x That's just plain cruel. So how in the world am I supposed to The weekend just ended (My "weekend" is Saturday through Monday, since I don't usually have homework on Monday) and I won't be able to click much...
  4. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Yep, the others who want to join are welcome. :) But I'm not collecting gen 5's yet, but I do want a couple of Zoroas. D: I also started the Yellow Forest exploration and got an awesome Scyther companion.
  5. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Hmm, not only have I not been on GPX+ for a while, but I'm waiting for the games to come out before I spoil everything for myself. :P I'll probably get more active on a weekend where I don't have much homework, which will hopefully be this one.
  6. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Similar experience here, I think I've already told about it though... Bred a small batch of Chatots (for my hunt) and "gave away," as you said, two shinies. Blehhh I'm getting discouraged and sometimes consider stopping the hunt. :U I've never hatched one shiny on GPX+, though... I don't really...
  7. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I just found out I've bred two shiny Chatots out of about two hundred total daycare eggs ever. But I don't have either of them. And I'm on a shiny Chatot hunt. @_@ To top it off, my Mesprit who came back from the underground after about two weeks found nothing. Eh, my luck seems to be bad one...
  8. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I've hatched 267 eggs and not gotten a shiny. The chance is about 1/250 right? So if I have OK luck, I should hatch one soon. *stares at Chatot shiny hunt* Or maybe my breeding the shiny Chatot that I didn't get counts :/ The over 9000 achievement was fun for me. Especially when I completed it. :D
  9. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Well, I used my enigma stone right after the reset and expected a really long egg description. But this egg just blended right in with his average description. |D I examined it a bit more closely, though, and fortunately I didn't miss it. :P I believe that I am stealing the luck from...
  10. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Well, my anniversary FINALLY rolled around, and my reward was a Magma Rock. :D I also nabbed an Enigma Stone from the backroom, but if for some reason anyone here wants one really bad I can "give it" to them (organized selling and buying? If possible?). EDIT: about 20 seconds after I summoned...
  11. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I got a Mesprit in trade for my Raikou. And I just decided that my Espeon Pokésona would probably fit more if she was a Mesprit... :D
  12. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I went to summon my first ever summoned legendary... and I got it in four minutes :D I heard somewhere that you have to know what you're looking for AND for a really long egg description, and that helped alot.
  13. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Once Darksong said she found a Shellderboy egg in the shelter, I scoured it, alternating between GPX+ and my math homework. And now I've snagged three Chatots to make almost absolutely sure that I'll have at least a male and a female when I hatch them so I can get a breeding pair. Those things...
  14. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    If it's crossed out on the post, you can't get it anymore. Which makes me sad, because I really want a jirachi -.-
  15. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Yup, Ace of Spades, we welcome you into the club ;) Your name kind of reminds me of something from Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker with the same name: a black-and red wolf. :D To be more ON topic, I snatched a Slime Slugma egg from the shelter (/alliteration) a while ago but I didn't bother to...
  16. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Woot. I nabbed myself a Corruption Orb (or rather, Lust got it in the Underground for me) -- a single day after I hatched my Groudon. At least I like normal Groudon better than Fake Groudon :V I'll probably sell the orb eventually, but right now I'm keeping it just in case I find a Bidofo or...
  17. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I've never gotten anything really rare from the shelter. Just the odds and ends like Weedle, Seedot, Whismur, Shuppet, Buneary.... *rambles*
  18. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    It could have been mine... but neither of us know who got it :( Anyway, my Cresselia is reeeeeally close to hatching, and Tessenka (my Cradily) is soaring to level 100 from the New Year's Eve/Day maturity boosts and January 3rd's Critical Mass. Currently he's level 58. Also I got the little...
  19. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I stuck my Regice egg in the Secret Santa. I don't really like the Regis except for the Regigigas, which I already have. So now I'm waiting :D
  20. Mad MOAI

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I'm looking at Articuno, but all the event eggs are exciting :) My sister will be mad at me if I get Regice though. She wants one reeeeal bad, apparently.
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