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1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)


Ssh, I'm stealing Blastoise's awesome hats.
So basically we put these funny things to do in Walmart, so yeah, I'll start. By the way, the numbers decrease, not increase.

1000: Hide in a clothes rack and when someone comes to you yell "PICK ME! PICK ME!!!"

999: Get bouncy balls and throw them at people shouting, "Pikachu! I choose you!"

998: Get a tent and shove random people in it. Zip it up and chuck it in the food aisle, then yell, "THIS IS CANNIBALS R US!" (That's kinda mean though...)
997: Lurch around with a hunched back and short arms like a velociraptor. Make sure you do not use your opposable thumbs, and try to search through the clothing racks.
996: Take a surfing board and put your foot on it. Skate around yelling, "SURFIN' YO YO!"
991: Use the tent to set up camp in the electronics department. Grab plenty of food and drinks from the grocery isle and have a 24 hour gaming session.
990: When someone looks away, grab something from their cart, when they look back, whistle and act all innocent.

989: Do as above while they ARE looking.

988: Run around screaming "GET OUTTA THE WAY CANTCHA SEE HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME?!" Then after running fall into someone and complain that they tripped you. 0_o
987: Grab some cookies then throw them around yelling "I IS TEH COOKIEZ MONSTAAAAAH!"
986: Get onto the intercom and say, "Please leave the store. Walmart has been taken over by a hobo who wants to hobo the world. Thank you. Good day. Whatever the other Walmart clerk guys say."
985: Pick up all the magnets and attach them in such an intricate manner with a shopping cart that they repel each other and the cart and you zoom around Wal-Mart on magno-powa.
984: Grab knives, then run up to random children and say "HERE YOU GO! BE SURE TO RUN REEEAAALLL FAST WITH IT KID! Have a nice day!" Then give them the knife.

983: Go to any person of the opposite sex and say, *whistle* "Someone's looking sexeh tonight... woof!" (Or meow... or whatever else you can think of.)
981: Yell, "ALL THE MONEY GOES TO ME OR THE KITTEH GETS IT!" Hold up a kitten for better effect.
980: If someone leaves their cart in front of you at the checkout, hurry before they get back and fill it up with junk like Word Searches, People magazines, Altoids, cady bars, cheap lighters, etc...
978: Get hold of a lawnmower, lay down all delicate, shreddable material on the ground and run the mower over it.
976: Run over to a random clerk and say "I NEED THE MANAGER! PLEEEEEEASE SHOW ME HIS OFFICE!" If you actually GET into the manager's office, say "I was kidnapped by this clerk and dragged here. I was told the kitteh got it if I ran away but I liked the kitteh."
975: Grab a baseball bat and start whacking anything that looks breakable.

974. Dump milk all over the floor or food.

973. Run around lighting firecrackers and throwing them into the merchandise, then yell, "BOOM!"
972. Grab a bunch of oranges, stuff them in a tennis-ball chucking machine and assault the shoppers.

28 down, 971 more to go...
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