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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

A guy...

To tell you the truth, I didn't feel a thing when he said that.

It's happened so many times, it's expected, I don't know what I was doing, thinking he was even interested in seeing me.

Although, I am disappoin...ted.
Yes. She does. *tosses giant bag of M&Ms*

I hope you don't mind if it's cloned, I had to give a pack to Zephy-kun too. ^^

Just.... ö

That's... terrible. I don't see how anyone could be so...


;~; Oh Dewgong. -cuddlesnug- YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS!



How could he do that? I mean, if he knew how much you loved (or love, if you still do) him, he should never have given you false expectations by hugging you, it just made it worse ;_;

Poor you, you need Skittles *Gives a giant pack of Skittles* I assume almost everyone loves Skittles, right?

T_T Poor Dewgongeru! You need moar choloate! *gives her some* and a hug. Hugs make everything better! Er... Most of the time.*hugs*
Aww, I feel really sorry for you. But like you said, never assume a happy ending, as I have found in my experience.

At least people here somewhat care about me.

-eats all the chocolate/candy people have given me- Thank you everyone.

Yes, Tailsy, with the help of you, I will be okay.
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