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Open An Influx of Evil

Marcus was rushing to the defense of his leader, but suddenly felt a dull pain in his right shoulder, and glanced to see a diseased Misdreavus attacking with a volley of Shadow Balls. He leaped towards the Misdreavus, knowing the Shadow Balls were dangerous to Psychic types - like his leader Erindor. The Mightyena employed his Crunch attack, hoping to make solid contact with his target.
However, he couldn't help but be a tad distracted, upping the chance of his miss a bit.
Argh! I was going to suggest the old pincer strategy, but man they cover distance fast!

((Hey, Dark Tyranitar, just curious, but does common "battle courtesy" fall under basic RP rules? I mean, I assumed so, but...either people are making a lot of mistakes or...Ahem, shutting up now. Butchyeah, I was just wondering...Cause if not, I think I might like...Well, frankly, drop out. I can't stand RPing without battle courtesy. It's a pet peeve of mine. >_<
Plus, this...isn't what I was expecting. I was expecting it to be a little more intense, and this is just...not what I was hoping for.
Now I remember why I stopped RPing. I'm so picky. e_e
(BTW, size 1 font is because I usually use size 9 font on Gaia, and how big the font in my posts is now is bugging me. I'll probably be doing this from now on.) ))
((Hey, Dark Tyranitar, just curious, but does common "battle courtesy" fall under basic RP rules? I mean, I assumed so, but...either people are making a lot of mistakes or...Ahem, shutting up now. Butchyeah, I was just wondering...Cause if not, I think I might like...Well, frankly, drop out. I can't stand RPing without battle courtesy. It's a pet peeve of mine. >_<
Plus, this...isn't what I was expecting. I was expecting it to be a little more intense, and this is just...not what I was hoping for.
Now I remember why I stopped RPing. I'm so picky. e_e

Could you explain what you mean by that?
Tak grimaced at the bite. She sighed. She opened her mouth and a bright light emitted from it. It formed into a beam. Psybeam.
((Well, like, from what I've seen, battle etiquette...It's hard to explain without sounding like a know-it-all or some kinda egomaniac, but...
Here's a list of what I know on battle etiquette:
1. Phrase all attacks as attempts to give the other player a chance to veto or consent the attempt.
2. Don't block every attack. No character is that powerful. (I haven't seen this, but these are the first two rules that come to mind.)
3. Don't just ignore an attack. That's like if I said, "Hey," and you just went on with whatever you were doing. (I have seen this. It bugs me.)
4. Even when you do make an attack as an attempt, the attack shouldn't be too powerful, even if your opponent has less skill than you do. (I guess this doesn't have to apply here, since we're Pokemon and attacks really DO get powerful fast, even with small level gaps.)
5. If your character is a beginner, act like a beginner. A beginner is probably going to lose against someone whose been doing the same thing for a lifetime.

That's all I can think of at the moment. It's numbers 1 and 3 I've been seeing ignored...But hey, I'm a nitpick like that. >_>
I promise this is the only time I'll bring it up.))
Marcus stumbled back a the brightness of the beam, but was confused at Tak's choice of move. Why did the Misdreavus just use a Psychic attack on him? It had no effect.
Regardless, though slightly blinded (In other words, -1 accuracy), he leaped forward again, intending to use the move Payback.

((I know it's TM only, but sssssh.

Blaziking: Diseased attacked Non-diseased. Bloodclaw and Seriqan were fighting at first, but then Seriqan attacked Erindor instead, and at the same time, Tak used a bunch of Shadow Balls which is super effective against Erindor, so Marcus attacked Tak.))
Tak fell to the ground. She glared at Marcus, coughing a bit. Lights erupted from her body. Confuse Ray.
Lights danced before Marcus's eyes, and he began to sway lightly, disoriented.
Unable to think clearly, the Mightyena attacked with a Take Down, which wouldn't effect Tak even if it did make contact. The impact of the ground on his shoulder sent a shock of pain through him, though it quickly dulled to an ache.
Raith had avoided the battle altogether, and he decided now would be a good time to jump in. Teeth bared, he jumped towards a nearby Delcatty, ready to Bite her.
Laia had been waiting behind a tree, watching the battle. Suddenly she crouched, then pounced at the very same Delcatty Raith had targetted. Her jaws were wide open, her intentions: to go at her neck.
Delilah smirked, happy about the idea of a fight. But soon, the diseased were showing up all over the place. She quickly assessed the situation. It seemed that Bloodclaw and Erindor were taking care of the leader of the diseased, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn't help Marcus with the Misdreaveous. She knew that none of her attacks would work.
Why is he even fighting it anyway? He's just wasting energy. Foolish old man.
Suddenly, two of the diseased, an Umbreon and a Jolteon, charged at her. Knowing she wouldn't be able to fight both of them at once, Delilah quickly darted out of the way, staying by Marcus.
I guess, if he needs me, I might be able to do something...

(Just out of curiosity, have any of you guys roleplayed before?)
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((Yes. Most of us have. And as a matter of fact some of us are quite experienced at it. I resent that, to put it simply. D<))
I don't want to come off as a brat, so I'm not even going to say anything in reply to that!

It was a simple question.
It wasn't meant to be offensive or anything.

Aren't we hypersensitive?)
((No I'm not. I'm sorry if you thought that, but I felt that a bit insulting, even if you didn't mean it that way. I apologize for any misunderstandings. You know what? I'm just going to shut up and enjoy the RP now))

Laia snarled. The Delcatty had gotten away. Oh how she would have loved to snap her neck. But by the looks of it, she was now near the one Tak was fighting. With that, she slunk back into the shadows, though it was obvious she would now be noticed.
Zane didn't battle yet. He was too small to be noticed. Even so, he went and attacked the diseased Umbreon, with a Take Down, knowing that a weaker attack wouldn't have that much of an effect.
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