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Open An Influx of Evil

...Maybe. I'll think about it, and let you know sometime today. Meanwhile, I put up an evil sprite contest. :P
Yay! I'll probably join it :D

EDIT: What does it look like when someone recovers? I imagine it to be a light or something...
Yay! I'll probably join it :D

EDIT: What does it look like when someone recovers? I imagine it to be a light or something...

It just looks normal.

And after having thought about it, you can join. Just be extra careful about your posts, that they don't really contradict anything.
((I mean when someone recovers, like if they transform or slowly change or...

And thanks :D

Question: What are the teams named? Just good or bad or maybe the diseased team the non-diseased team?))

Bloodclaw woke up in a bush beside a cave. In the cave was the non-dieseased he had been following in hopes of recovering and finding Goldmane.

He stood up, made sure he couldn't be seen, and looked at the pokèmon. There was an Espeon, a Buneary, and Eevee and some more. He laid down again and listened to what the pokèmon said.
Yeah, they slowly change. And as for the team names...well, there aren't any. I just call them whatever suits me. :P

Seriqan didn't bother to look whether his teammates were following him. He just steadily went to the other camp. He thought, If they're away from camp at the moment, it will be even better. We will be able to ambush them when they return.
Tak floated behind the Pidgeot.

First, those neat freaks. Tomorrow night, THE WORLD! Tak cackled in her mind.
Raith followed the set path that Seriqan was going. He hurried as fast as he could without running, and he looked awkward as he did so. Nevertheless, it was an effective way to follow without tiring himself out.
Laia snarled. She padded after Seriqan as fast as she could. How she wanted to rip someone's throat out, to taste the blood in her mouth. And the clean ones would be the perfect targets for her irritation.
Erindor closed his eyes. Using psychic energy, he mapped out the entire Dark team's movement in faint glowing light in front of him. This was to show his team what was going on.

"Apparently they're going to try to ambush us. Let's get them comfortable, and us their own plan against them." With that, Erindor leaped into the tree.
Bloodclaw sensed danger. He was an Absol, so that was natural. The diseased are going to attack! He wanted to jump out the bush and tell the pokèmon in the cave about the ambush, but being a diseased one, he also didn't want to. He wanted to taste and smell blood, he wanted to feel flesh in his claws, but at the same time, he didn't...

Bloodclaw stayed hidden in the bush.
"Hey, I can feel the clean-stink." Tak whispered.

Being a ghost, she could feel these things.

Hello, Erindor. she laughed, Have you forgotten about my powers? the powers of the ghosts?
Nope. Erindor used a sharp mental attack using the link established between himself and Tak, then killed it before she could retaliate.
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Seriqan stopped, and said, "What? How have they caught our trail?" He sneered. "Oh yes, that Espeon who leads them. It says it has quite remarkable psychic powers. Oh, well. I guess we'll just have to wait for them here. Get ready to destroy them!"
"Gah...filthy-earth stink." she moaned, "He attacked with his mind. Grrrr..."

She clenched herself up, trying to get the headache she gained to pass.
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(Uh... you switched my gender in that last post... I'm male.)

Erindor laughed. "Well, so much for their ambush. As well as ours. It's going to be a head on attack."
(("He attacked with her mind. Grrrr..." XD))

Bloodclaw was surprized that Erindor hadn't noticed him with his mind yet.
Thinking of it, I should block my mind for him. He thought, and made a barrier in his mind so that no one would notice him via psychic powers.

"We shall wait for them to come to us, right?" Tak asked, "I could probably get some info out of the non-psychic ones."
Marcus bristled. "A head-on attack is useless. It will only result in heavy losses on both sides. We're not fighting for territory - we're fighting for life. It's counter-productive to attack them this way. If we're going to fight, we should at least strategize, and not just 'sneak up behind them'. That's the oldest and most see-through trick in existence."
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