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Open An Influx of Evil

No, but you can choose to have your character die soon and then create a diseased one. I don't like it when people have multiple characters on RPs. Sorry.
Name: Laia
Species: Jolteon
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Diseased: Yup.
Background: She caught the disease at the age of 11. Her family and friends generally left her alone after seeing her shocking transformation of appearance and personality. As they went far away, she wrecked their homes and ran in the opposite direction. She joined the team of Seriquan shortly after that, though her own aim still seems unclear.
Puhsunahlitee: She's bitter and loves to bite other's heads off (sometimes literally) at the slightest trigger when she's irritated. When she's not, she generally leaves everyone alone.
Looks: Her fur turned dark violet, while her collar-spikey thingy is dark red.
Other: Nothing, really.
Name: Tak
Species: Misdreavus
Gender: Female
Age: 159 (Hey, she's a ghost)
Diseased: Yes
Background: She got the disease 3 years ago. It didn't help matters that people found out she was part of a group of Pokemon that wanted to take over the world. She was thrown out of the group for being diseased, even though one of the members wanted to use the disease to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
Perlasangasonality: Her personality didn't change too much. Now, she's sarcastic, evil, and still bent on taking over the world.
Looks: Her eyes are purple, her hair-like things are now bent and spikier, teeth are sharper. (You can make a sprite if ya weant)
Other: I misspelled personality up there.
Name: Laia
Species: Jolteon
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Diseased: Yup.
Background: She caught the disease at the age of 11. Her family and friends generally left her alone after seeing her shocking transformation of appearance and personality. As they went far away, she wrecked their homes and ran in the opposite direction. She joined the team of Seriquan shortly after that, though her own aim still seems unclear.
Puhsunahlitee: She's bitter and loves to bite other's heads off (sometimes literally) at the slightest trigger when she's irritated. When she's not, she generally leaves everyone alone.
Looks: Her fur turned dark violet, while her collar-spikey thingy is dark red.
Other: Nothing, really.
Name: Tak
Species: Misdreavus
Gender: Female
Age: 159 (Hey, she's a ghost)
Diseased: Yes
Background: She got the disease 3 years ago. It didn't help matters that people found out she was part of a group of Pokemon that wanted to take over the world. She was thrown out of the group for being diseased, even though one of the members wanted to use the disease to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
Perlasangasonality: Her personality didn't change too much. Now, she's sarcastic, evil, and still bent on taking over the world.
Looks: Her eyes are purple, her hair-like things are now bent and spikier, teeth are sharper. (You can make a sprite if ya weant)
Name: Carnage
Species: Victreebel
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Diseased: Ah, what the hell. Yes.
Background: Carnage caught the disease upon birth and never recovered from it. He fended for himself for a long time, and finally joined the main group of the diseased.
Pernosality: Carnage has a sense of humour and tends to be very rough. He enjoys seeing Pokemon be tortured, instead of being killed on the spot.
Looks: If you could make a sprite, that would be great. :D
Other: The disease is beginning to lose it's grip on him, although improbable.
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Name: Carnage
Species: Victreebel
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Diseased: Ah, what the hell. Yes.
Background: Carnage caught the disease upon birth and never recovered from it. He fended for himself for a long time, and finally joined the main group of the diseased.
Pernosality: Carnage has a sense of humour and tends to be very rough. He enjoys seeing Pokemon be tortured, instead of being killed on the spot.
Looks: If you could make a sprite, that would be great. :D
Other: The disease is beginning to lose it's grip on him, although improbable.

Accepted, but you'd have to be younger to have the disease from birth. I caught it in the earlier stages, and I was about 7-10. So, just say you were about that age. And, for the record, if you swear in any of your other posts, you will be banned from the thread for a week.
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Name: Moon
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Diseased: No
Background: He was separated from his parents when he was three, for his safety, because they became diseased. He hopes he can save the other diseased before it's too late.
Persnality: Brave, kind, and will go out his way to save others, including the diseased.

Other: I took out the "o" in personality to make it misspelled.
Name: Delilah
Species: Delcatty
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Diseased: No
Background: Delilah grew up in a world where the disease was running rampant. She stayed with her parents, running away from anyone and everyone who had the disease. Everything she knew about fighting, she learned from her parents. All was as well as it could be until, around two years ago, her parents were killed by the diseased Pokemon. She had to fend for herself for a while, fighting off everything she could, until she came across the clan. Thinking that there was strength in numbers, she stayed there.
Ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: If you think that you've found a cute, cuddly cat that'll gladly sit in your lap, you're wrong. Delilah's a bit gruff toward others, and is a bit of a brat. She's easily angered, and is always on the defense. She rarely shows any emotion aside from anger, but she still feels other things. She's angry with what the world has become. She's angry that her parents were snatched from her. She doesn't think it's 'fair'.
But on the inside, she's just a scared little kitten that's afraid to death of catching the disease. However, she tries not to make that obvious.
Other: None
Name: Delilah
Species: Delcatty
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Diseased: No
Background: Delilah grew up in a world where the disease was running rampant. She stayed with her parents, running away from anyone and everyone who had the disease. Everything she knew about fighting, she learned from her parents. All was as well as it could be until, around two years ago, her parents were killed by the diseased Pokemon. She had to fend for herself for a while, fighting off everything she could, until she came across the clan. Thinking that there was strength in numbers, she stayed there.
Ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: If you think that you've found a cute, cuddly cat that'll gladly sit in your lap, you're wrong. Delilah's a bit gruff toward others, and is a bit of a brat. She's easily angered, and is always on the defense. She rarely shows any emotion aside from anger, but she still feels other things. She's angry with what the world has become. She's angry that her parents were snatched from her. She doesn't think it's 'fair'.
But on the inside, she's just a scared little kitten that's afraid to death of catching the disease. However, she tries not to make that obvious.
Other: None


We are now ready to start the RPG. (Actually, we've been ready for about a day, but I forgot to update.) A few reminders before we begin: No swearing in the thread, or you will be banned from it for a week. If you are on the evil side and you want me to make you a sprite, please post your request in my art thread, so I don't have to look between two threads for requests.
Remember, you can lose/catch the disease during the RPG once and once only. You cannot lose it and catch it again, or catch it and lose it again.

Seriqan looked around at his underlings. With a dangerous glint in his eyes, he screeched, "Today, we attack those pathetic, weak creatures who have banded up against us! Prepare yourselves, or you will face my wrath!" He began flying above his group, lashing out with his claws when he saw somebody failing to work hard enough. He knew that they disliked him, but because he was the strongest, they would serve him. None of them had dared challenge him yet.
"Looks like he's going a a rampage again." Tak snorted, "But anyway, I'm prepared. Those fools who kicked me out, they will pay!"

She laughed evily. Her laugh had a screech to it.
Moon silently awoke, watching the outside of his cave for the diseased, and once he saw it was clear, he took a few steps outside. When he was sure the area was clear, he ran through the forest until he was out. He then ran to the meeting place for today.
Marcus squeezed through the almost-too-tiny den opening hidden among the roots of trees, yanking his shoulders and hips through, then, first things first, as every morning, sniffed the air to make sure nothing was ready to pounce. When his strong nose told him only of stale scents (excluding Delilah's, unfortunately), he stretched his forelegs and yawned, keeping his ears pricked. If he were to be attacked, the only help he'd have would be the snobby, inexperienced Delcatty. Not that he would need it...He just couldn't afford the wounds.
I still say we should live closer together. Safety in numbers. They could easily pick us off one at a time in our sleep.
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Delilah awoke and exited her den with an angry stride. It was never too early to be ticked off, in her book. She saw Marcus exit his den and wondered if she should try talking to him or walk past him in a snobbish way.
After a few minutes, she decided it was best to try talking to him. After all, they were a team, and as much as she didn't like any of them, or any of the diseased, or anything for that matter, she was willing to try acting like a team member. She wanted to save her own hide, though she wasn't willing to say it outright.
Slowly, she walked up to the Mightyena, not taking any possible risk of startling him, and said in her usual curt, short manner, "Mornin'." She figured that if he really, really wanted to talk to her, he'd start any conversation of substance.
Marcus looked down at her for a minute, then replied, "Good morning, Delilah," with a hint of finality before moving past her, his head low and ears constantly twitching for any hint of sound. He had neither time nor use for chit chat. They needed to meet up with the others, not get to buddies.
Delilah quietly walked with Marcus, trying to keep up with his long strides using several of her own quick, short ones. She didn't like being alone during the day, as she knew that if the diseased were to attack, she couldn't fight them off on her own. Marcus' presence gave her an odd feeling of...relief. Though she wasn't willing to accept that or state it. She saw Moon and Erindor in the distance, and wondered if the diseased were going to attack today.
Marcus let out a tiny bark to alert Moon and Erindor of his and Delilah's presence, then stepped out into the open. Again, he sniffed the air for any strange scents, then looked back down at the two Eeveelutions. "Greetings, Moon, Erindor."
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