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Open An Influx of Evil

Raith sneered. Seriqan was right to be pushing everybody today. Today they might finally take down the non-diseased and make the world much more livable for themselves. And Raith knew Seriqan would like that.
"I suppose I'm prepared."
Over in a corner a few feet away, Laia grunted. Typical of Seriqan to have such high hopes. There were just as many of the non-diseased as there were of them, but did they really stand a chance? Probably, but that was just Laia being negative.
"Calm down, calm down." she snapped, "I'm ready, but how do you know this will even work?"
"Hello," was all Delilah said before sitting down. Her eyes were ablaze, as always, and she watched the three closely. She wondered what their plans were today, and hoped that Erindor had an effective battle plan. As always, despite her age, she would demand to get put among the ranks. She was going to fight, fight until the bitter end. Death was better than catching the disease, in her opinion.
"Well, ya gotta agree with Laia....what if it doesn't work?" Tak asked, "We might have to bring in heavy artillery."
Raith stared at the Pidgeot directly in the eye,
"Regret it how, may I ask? By getting my butt kicked by those non-diseased? Not gonna happen, I can tell you that much."
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(Markku V, like I have said twice on this thread, I do not want swearing on the thread. This is a warning--next time you swear on the thread, you will have a week-long ban imposed.)

Seriqan stared at Raith. "You'd better hope not. They are stronger than you might think. If you do not fight well--well, better to concentrate on the positive. Don't let me down, Raith." He smiled evilly.
(I'm sorrrry. ><)

Raith didn't expect this sudden change of heart from Seriqan, but nevertheless nodded.
"I promise I won't." He replied, returning the evil smile.
"And I'll make sure of it." Tak snarled, "We can't let those....fil-well...those CLEAN, DISEASE-FREE AIPOM. No matter how clean they are, they're still filthy, little Aipom!"
Carnage rolled his eyes at the scene. Seriqan always had high hopes that were harly ever fulfilled.

"Honestly, are you sure we can beat them again? We just fought our last battle a few days ago," Carnage said. He shook his head. He'd been having alot of strange episodes involving feeling more hopeful for the non-diseased. "Never mind."
Seriqan turned angrily towards Carnage. "WHAT?!? Would you like to repeat that little comment, Carnage? I'm sure you didn't mean what you just said. I'm sure that you do not support those fools like you just mentioned." His claws glinted in the light, and he let out an eerie screech. "Are you one of them? Or do you just act like one of them? If you're feeling so hopeful for them, why don't you just challenge me right now? Or would you rather take back those traitorous words?"
Zane woke up and didn't move for a minute of complete silence. Coast is clear. He rushed to the meeting place, where he met some of his companions. Zane passed by them all, saying their names and a little nod in compliment. However, when he passed by Erindor, he lowered his head, in a sign of respect. After that, he went to his place and sat, waiting for Charlot so the meeting could begin.
Name: Bloodclaw

Species: Absol

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Diseased: Yes

Background: Bloodclaw became diseased when he was 14. He enjoyed it for a while, being stronger and tougher than most pokèmon, but it became quite boring killing pokèmon constantly.
When Bloodclaw heard of Seriqan, he decided to find him, not to join him, but to kill him. He thinks Seriqan is the reason he and the other diseased became diseased, and that it would reverse when he was dead. So he plan to join Seriqans forces, then defeat him while he was alone.
Before Bloodclaw became diseased, his name was Silverclaw, because of his claws shining like silver. He was then in love with a beautiful Ninetales named Goldmane, but they were separated when Bloodclaw became diseased, and had to leave his home for his own safety.
Bloodclaw now follows the good team, hoping that they will lead him to Seriqan's base and help him find Goldmane. Though he makes sure he is not seen nor heard.

Purrsonality: Ruthless and evil. Though he still have some emotions from when he was a normal Absol, like love and hate, he can also feel sad for a loss. He is very silent, and would mostly like to be a bit alone, though he can be social when he wants to.

Looks: Purple where he would be white, and red where he would be black. His eyes are white with slight light purple in them, like if he was blind. His tail is more jagged and sharper, so is the blade on his head.
I will probably make a sprite of him later.

Other: Bloodclaw isn't on any team.
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Name: Bloodclaw

Species: Absol

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Diseased: Yes

Background: Bloodclaw became diseased when he was 14. He enjoyed it for a while, being stronger and tougher than most pokèmon, but it became quite boring killing pokèmon constantly.
When Bloodclaw heard of Seriqan, he decided to find him, not to join him, but to kill him. He thinks Seriqan is the reason he and the other diseased became diseased, and that it would reverse when he was dead. So he plan to join Seriqans forces, then defeat him while he was alone.
Before Bloodclaw became diseased, his name was Silverclaw, because of his claws shining like silver. He was then in love with a beautiful Ninetales named Goldmane, but they were separated when Bloodclaw became diseased, and had to leave his home for his own safety.
Bloodclaw now follows the good team, hoping that they will lead him to Seriqan's base and help him find Goldmane. Though he makes sure he is not seen nor heard.

Purrsonality: Ruthless and evil. Though he still have some emotions from when he was a normal Absol, like love and hate, he can also feel sad for a loss. He is very silent, and would mostly like to be a bit alone, though he can be social when he wants to.

Looks: Purple where he would be white, and red where he would be black. His eyes are white with slight light purple in them, like if he was blind. His tail is more jagged and sharper, so is the blade on his head.
I will probably make a sprite of him later.

Other: Bloodclaw isn't on any team, but would like to join the good side, even though he was a diseased.

Not accepted. Sorry, but if you want to be on the good side, make it so that you aren't diseased. If you want to be evil, make it so that you are diseased. As it is, it wouldn't quite work with the role-play.
Seriqan called to his underlings after ranting for a while longer. "Let us go! There will be time enough to talk after we have defeated those weak fools!" He took to the air and flew ahead of his team. They knew where to go. They would follow him, or face the consequences.
Erindor sensed the dark team was coming. "Be ready," He said to his team-members.

(BTW, Dark Tyranitar, my thread is more popular. You asked, here's the answer. :grin:)
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