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Open An Influx of Evil

"What's the point in waiting?" Delilah asked roughly. "They're obviously going to attack us, and we know that now, so what are we waiting around for? Let's gather up everyone and go fight! I'd much rather do that then sit around here and wait for them to kill me. I don't know about you."
"I also don't see the point in arguing." Zane said, while he got up. "We're arguing, so we're distracted. If we're distracted, we're easy prey. And for myself I want to kill them, not to get killed by them. If it is as you say, Marcus," Zane continued, now looking to the Mightyena, "I'm with you, but please, make that strategy quick."
Bloodclaw got so distracted by Erindor's talking and the sense of the destruction and blood that would come that he forgot about his mind barrier, and it slip for a moment. But he soon regained it.
I hope that Espeon pest over there didn't sense that...
Seriqan growled. "We can't give them time to prepare for our attack! Onward!"

He rushed into the other camp, knowing that the others would be following close behind.
Erindor sensed another mind that he had missed before. Suddenly, he sensed that the Dark team was going to attack. "No time for plans, get ready to fight!" He yelled.
Bloodclaw knew that the Espeon had sensed him, so he let his mind barrier down, he would be too busy fighting anyways.

Bloodclaw sensed disaster... The diseased are coming... better be prepared...
Seriqan burst out of the trees (Yes, it's in a forest) and flew at Erindor in a blur. He began to dive-bomb Erindor, tearing at Erindor's eyes with his claws.
Bloodclaw wanted to, and he had to. He jumped out of the bush and teared at Seriqan with anger. He hit him in the face and his wing.
Angrily, Seriqan turned and saw one of the diseased attacking him. Furious with anger, he leaped on Bloodclaw and began attacking him any way possible. Seriqan was not fighting to beat Bloodclaw, he was fighting to kill.
Bloodclaw was hit by Seriqan's attacks and fell on the ground. He got up, leaped onto the Pidgeots back and bit it's neck as hard as he could.
Now very annoyed about Bloodclaw, Seriqan flipped over so that Bloodclaw was under him, then began driving with all his force towards the ground, attempting to crush Bloodclaw.
Bloodclaw noticed Seriqan over him, and jumped away before he could land. He growled.
I might die in this fight, but at least I'll get to hurt that pesky Pidgeot.
(OOC: Erindor, please refrain from having your character automatically know what is going to happen. Yes, I know Espeons have psychic abilities, but that doesn't mean they can read the minds of everybody and know exactly what the others are planning to do. It's a bit too much to have it be realistic.)
Seriqan realized that Bloodclaw despised him, and knew that he would be seriously injured if he kept up the battle. Besides, he thought, I didn't come here to fight another diseased Pokémon. I came here to fight the non-diseased. With that in mind, he flew at Erindor again in a rage.
(Meh. Okay.)

Erindor got hit by Seriqan, too focused on the other members of his team to have predicted the move. He lashed out with his claws and teeth, hoping that the physical attacks would work.
Bloodclaw attacked Erindor with a slash. Ignoring the fact that they could help him recover and find Goldmane.
Goldmane... How I miss you... I will find you one day. He charged at Seriqan.
Erindor saw the Shadow Balls coming for him. He used Protect, and the shadow balls bounced off harmlessly. A few continued after the protect wore off, however, and Erindor was hit.
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