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Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5 (INNOCENT VICTORY)

Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 1

The day dawned. At the headcount, nobody was there. It turned out that the Mafia had not selected a victim.

Nobody died. You have 48 hours.

Also, ONE OF YOU DID NOT SEND YOUR NIGHT ACTION. There is a "three-strikes-you're-out" rule for characters with nightly actions, which means that if you do not submit your night action on any three nights of the game (which I just lost), you will be disqualified from this game.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 1

...this is odd. There's no kill, and apparently there's been some inactivity.

Are they related, or...?
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 1

Could you tell us if the no kill was due to a mafia-no action or a healer got lucky.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 1

Er, I think we won't be able to know whether lack of death came from inaction or healer block (or alien activation), as that could give us clues. That being said, since we're all still alive, there's three mafia, one possible activated alien, one variable, and eight of the rest of us. Odds are rather poor for a random lynch, especially since we may have an activated alien. I'm abstaining, unless someone does something suspicious. (Yes, I realize my actions could be qualified as suspicious, but really, what do we have to go on?)
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 1

omfg first abstain lynch her now!!

Agreed. But I will wait on abstaining.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 1

I agree. We have no leads, and there was nobody killed. So I am going to Abstain for now until further notice.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 1

Nobody could come to a decision, so they left it as it was.

Nobody died. The night phase has begun. You have 48 hours.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

The next day, everyone awakened to... a full count at rollcall.

Nobody died. 48 hours.

One of you with a nightly action did not send it in.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

Well, because we know that one of the night actions wasn't sent in, it could have been that the mafia didn't send in their action. However, the person who didn't send in might not have been one the kill ing roles, so that still leaves the posibility that we had an alien activation, though it could have just been a lucky heal.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

Fascinating night, that. No kills, no lynch, no kills again. What are the odds, unless the Mafia don's away? Feh. I'd like to lynch someone, but so far, everyone (including myself) has been rather "meh, abstain," with nothing more suspicious. I guess...lynch an inactive? I mean, if the hunch on the don being inactive is correct, than someone who has not posted would be more likely to be the don (this is assuming we don't have lucky healers/activated alien).
Non-posters: Barubu, moon-panther, Nemec, Grass King
Non-viewers: Nemec

Well, that's where my vote's going!
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

*wonders over* ....Huh. So I didn't post in this yet. How odd...I usually do...

Sorry about not being so active, I just haven't been feeling all that well at the time. I'll try to be more active and /try/ to be more useful, but as one could tell I have nothing to go on for what is happening so....
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

D: This is very hard to get leads for. Yeah, I have none. Might go with Nemec if they don't show up soon.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

I see no reason why we shouldn't vote for someone who isn't contributing. If they don't even bother to read the discussion, then they're just dead weight. I'm voting Nemec.
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