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Open Arkra Guardians

(Yep, it's fine~)

Noah continued to to glare suspiciously at the two Pokémon. For what purpose were they looking for them? What if... what if it was a trap...?

"And why are you searching for the Arkra Guardians?" His yellow eyes surveyed them with scrutiny...


"He's always... always bossing me around." Muttered the disgruntled Arkra to herself, picking out a few items and putting them in her shopping basket.

And she was right. She was the leader, the real leader of the Arkra Guardians! They were named after her, dammit! ARKRA Guardians, not NOAH Guardians. Geez. More and more, she grumbled after her breath.

A rather mysterious looking man in a black cloak seemed to have noticed her. He looked almost like a silouette, his features blurred and hidden by this long flowing ebony cloak. It seemed to be made of darkness itself, pitch black...

...Who was that creepy guy?

She watched him from the corner of her eyes, observing his odd movements. He seemed to move in a bizarre way, almost as if he was floating across the ground... Was he watching her?

Pretending that she hadn't noticed, she continued to pick out items very cautiously, nervous under his gaze...

He seemed to be following her.
Lexi growled, more threateningly.
"We are the Arkra Guardians!" Aria said quickly, not knowing what the Pokemon would do next.
"We would like to join them," said the Pinsir. "It seems that we might... need more...."

A gentle wind sighed through the area. The Spiritomb's cackling expression was still fixed on the group. "Variety..." it whispered eerily.
"And for what purpose do you want to join...?" Still, he was suspicious... this whole thing reeked of a trap. Out of anywhere, an army of Pokémon could've ambushed them. Or perhaps they were spies, spies who wanted to join the group for Darkrai...


Arkra went to the checkout.

She could still feel the shadowed man's eyes on her, relentless, restless things staring. He had a rather errie prescence...

The checkout woman was not there.

Arkra began to panic, feeling a cool parilyzing feel grabbing ahold of her. What was happening... to her body...? She couldn't move it.

Then suddenly, the entire store was encased in darkness. She could see absolutely nothing within this deep thick blackness, it hung over her like a curtain. A heavy, unliftable curtain.

Arkra tied to scream, but found even that her vocal cords were restricted. She couldn't breathe...

The man's voice hissed in the darkness...

Death... sweet death shall take ahold of you...
"We would like to accompany you on your quest... we know no details except that. And we will introduce ourselves if you want us to. Believe what you want, but we may be a vital part of the team...." Spiritomb said all this.
'Oh boy, mroe distractions," kailani said to nobody in particular.

"Go help someone else; we've got mroe than enough."

He looked at Kailani, intrigued. Noah was begining to like this Arkra Guardian... They seemed to think much alike.

The Grovyle began to think about these two new Pokémon even more skeptically.

What if they were spies? Spies from Darkrai sent to infiltrate the group? No... He couldn't take that chance.

"And how do I know... how do I know you're worthy of the Arkra Guardians...? Your motives seem a bit... suspicious to me."


It continued to restrain her throat... the odd creeping darkness. And the voice... that familiar unhuman voice...

Atnura... it is no use...

I'm not Atnura! She tried to scream, but it was no use. Arkra began to cough violently, gasping for precious oxygen. But nothing was coming.

Yes... yes you are. You have an identical aura...
"You don't expect Pokemon like us to be all nice do you? Just think......." Spiritomb fell silent after that.
"You must understand... nobody can be trusted. Many Pokémon oppose Arkra, you see... Many would love to see her death. It would mean the death of all humans. And... and we Pokémon would become dominant. It is not just you, it is all Pokémon with which I am skeptical towards." The Grovyle still was thinking about pleading with Arkra to give up this foolish mission as he said this...


Arkra was taking an awfully long time, wasn't she...?

Maybe... maybe it wasn't so wise for him to have left her alone.

"One of you... one of you go and check on Arkra." He had to stay here and watch these suspicious characters. Noah didn't trust the others to watch them appropriately.
"We wish to see Arkra. You may come too." The Pinsir said this with a glare, while Spiritomb's eyes and mouth seemed to widen as if wanting to swallow something.
"Let me go too." Summer went back on her feet and entered the market, followed by Pyro. Inside, a figure with a dark cape was attacking Arkra((sorry for the lack of description)).

Upon seeing the leader, Summer focused and used her power on Arkra. The next second she saw only dark, and some force was taking the oxygen out of her body. Pyro caught her when she fell and started gasping for air.
Lexi, emitting electricity like an angry Pikachu (she was an angry Luxray, of course), leaped onto the stranger, electrocuting him and clawing him.
((I can still join, right?

Human Application

Name: Mew Desmale

Age: 15

Gender: Male

History: Before joining the Arkra Guardians, Mew was your average person. He didn't due much in the way of training, although he did work on researching Pokemon in his spare time. He also likes charcill, whatever that is.

Personality: Quiet, shy, these are some words to describe him. He doesn't feel like he fits in with others, thus is why e shys away. He barely talks, unless he has something to say. Overall, he's your average teen.

Appearance: Mew has black hair with pink streaks died into them. He wears a pink, woolen hat with clouds on it, with a matching jacket. Underneath this jacket a pink shirt can be seen. Blue jeas with a pink stripe down the leg complete his outfit.

Powers: Can fly and pause time for a limited amount of time.

Pokemon: Grabber/Male/Aipom

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) :

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(Accepted~ Come in whenever strikes your fancy.)

The cloaked figure danced around the electrical attack, almost as if he was...


His grasp on Arkra had lessened. She sighed and breathed in some oxygen. The darkness had ceased. Now she could see perfectly clear. And... she could move. But Summer... Summer seemed to be looking terrible.

"Grrr... don't interfere!"

He gathered up energy within his dark claw-like hands... pure darkness... and blasted it at the Luxray and at Summer.


"What is taking them so long...?" Noah wondered anxiously, looking at the Pinsir and Spiritomb. "What... what is going on in there?"
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"I do not know what you are talking about," said the Spiritomb calmly. "But being my type, I can check for you."

The Pinsir nudged them as if to punish them (the spirits).
Lexi yowled in pain as she was thrown off. But she would not give up. The cat kept defending Aria with all her might, threatening to send out another Spark.
Pyro let Summer fall on the ground and took the attack. He was tossed against a nearby wall, but managed to attack with a Fire Spin that trapped the figure. He took the momentary pause to grab Natare's Pokeball in his mouth and release him, so that he could take care of Summer while Pyro would fight.
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