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Open Arkra Guardians

Corison looked at Josh. "Wow. You can teleport? I wish I could do that. Basically, I can, but it goes something like this..." He levitated higher and sat in the air next to Josh. "That." He laughed a bit. "I look like a helicopter, don't I? Hello, everyone."
Heh. Everyone's being such show-offs with their power. Why do so now, when we're going on a great journey where there will be plenty of opprotunities to reveal what each of us are capable of?

Still, not like it matters. THis journey's suicide, one way or another.
Aria was amused by everyone in the room. "I can only do mental things," she said. "Like read minds and sense aura."
Arkra looked at them enviously. Why did they get all the cool powers...? What could she do? Pfft. Turn invisible and have some involuntary premonitions of the future. And she was the one who was Atnura herself at one point! She used to be a goddess and that was all she could do? The girl sighed as she reappeared back in sight.

"Hmph..." Noah continued to glare at them with scrutiny. None of them were fit to protect Arkra in his mind, no matter how many powers they had.

"Noah..." She touched the table with her hand. Suddenly she felt something, a jolt inside of her body. The scene of the Arkra Guardians and the scientists in the conference room was beginning to fade away and was replaced... Her eyes had changed to a yellow-ish colour.


"Go... go... Find them!" A deep low voice croaked.

Pokemon were overrunning the building, they were searching for something... They were knocking over every single table, every chair, everything. There were bodies... the bodies of men and woman in white lab coats strewn every few miles...

The swarm of Pokemon went into the conference room and overturned the very table that she and the others were sitting at right at that very moment.

"Nothing... absolutely nothing! Grrr..." The unusual voice croaked again.


And the scene began to fade back into the conference room and the Arkra Guardians. She blinked. It took her a few seconds to realize what that premonition had meant. All of her Pokemon looked at her with concern, as did Alan and Simon...

"Did you have a premonition?" Said Alan sharply, his friendly tone suddenly faded.

Arkra nodded, looking very gravely at them.
"What? What's happening?" Said Josh turning to Akra as his large smile fadded away.

"Are we in danger? Added Josh.
Aria intercepted the conversation. "How should I know? I have no idea what's going to happen. All I know is that it doesn't look good."
As people began introducing themselves, Charcill fled to his Pokeball, while Fennot continued calmly flying about the room. Until, that is, when the man, Alan, began acting differently. Along with everyone else. Fennot knew, from much experience, that when someone made Dykria that edgy (Dykira was always edgy around strangers, but he had been slightly more hostile to Alan) there was something to worry about. When Alan's tone suddenly changed, Fennot flew down immediately to rest on Fiara's head. Lash, however, not at all caring about the others there enough to bother with their names, simply continued calmly eating the food set out on the table, ignoring them all. Dykria, however, became increasingly nervous. Fiara lifted Charcill's pokeball gently and the Pokemon fled to it, and slipped the ball back into its slot on her belt, and smiled. She glanced at Lash. "You've eaten enough." Lash sighed, but agreed to return to her Pokeball as others began worrying about what had happened when Arkra's eyes had changed color. Dykria was the only member of the small party containing Fiara and her Pokemon that had actually been paying attention to the introductions. He edged closer to Fiara gradually, and jumped every time something made a sound.
"I saw something... terrible..." Was all Arkra could say. All of her Pokemon looked at her in extreme concern.

"What... what did you see...?" Viale said cautiously.

"Death... destruction... this place... it was destroyed. They were looking for us... a bunch of Pokemon... and I heard a voice. D-darkrai..."

Alan got up so quickly that he nearly knocked over his chair. He looked immensely tense. "That must mean... they're coming... they're coming after you. You guys need to go. NOW!" Arkra looked startled. "Didn't you hear me?! All of you, get up, get up! Go! And run as fast as you can!" She stood up, watching Alan in confusion. Simon also looked rather disoriented.

"Alan... her premonitions don't always come true..."

"We can't risk it.... we can't! Now go, Arkra, all of you go!"

"Simon..." She looked at him, her brown eyes were watery. Arkra was at the point of tears.... She would be leaving him...

"Arkra... it's okay... I know how brave you are... We'll always be friends... I'll see you... later." And the two hugged briefly. Arkra had to hold in the tears... She would never see Simon again..

And the girl got up, with her Pokemon following her, and began to walk out of the building. She never looked back.
Startled, Corison dropped to the floor. "Come on!" he shouted, and Valor leaped up onto his shoulder. Soel teleported alongside him. Corison saw Soel waiting for him ouside the building.
Kailani didn't bolt for the door. He didn't even break into a fast walk.

How fast could the enemy be?

He walked to the exit of the building and was hardly surprised to see his Garchomp standng there, waiting for him.

"How very typical."
"Wha'?" Dent and Typhoon stopped laughing. "Out? Now?" Dent looked startled, but nonetheless he ran out of the door as fast as he could. Dashing past him -on all four- were Typhoon. "You're too slow! Transform!" "No! I've been transforming too much and I'm already feeling weaker than this morning!" Dent said as tried to keep up with Typhoon.

"You could transform into a Rattata and jump onto my back!" Typhoon suggested, and in the next second, where Dent previously was, a Rattata now ran. Typhoon stopped, and Dent leaped onto his back. "Hold tight, now!" Typhoon sped up. "Don't worry. I've done this before!"

They raced outside and stopped, waiting for the others to come.
Serkan turned and ran, jogged, actually, at the words. Konrad stomped off after him, Amrit and Puff following. He asked nobody in particular, "Why am I worried that they're just going to be out there instead?", a genuine worry on his part.
Ming raises up from her chair, looking at Halan with a bit of a smirk.

"Ball or running?"

Halan sighs, getting up from where he sat.

"Better in the ball. Won't get the way"

She nods, returning Halan into his ball. She then looks up at everyone, a eerie calm overcasting her. She then follows the ones that are already leaving, glancing over her shoulder at times.

"How far until we are sure we are save?"
"I don't know." Said Arkra, looking extremely harried and concerned at Ming. "You guys... you have to go back in your balls..."

"Okay." Arivivie and Viale agreed no problem and she returned the two of them back inside in a flash of crimson light. But Noah wasn't having any of that.

"No! I'm not leaving you at the protection of these wimps." Arkra sighed, looking at the Grovyle in exasperation. She knew there was no use arguing with him.

"Fine..." She sighed, walking further and further away from the laboratory. The girl tried to remember, tried to look for something in her vision which indicated what time they had come. "They... they were here at around..." She thought for a moment, about the colour of the sky... "It looked like sunset..." The girl looked up, the sky was begining to turn a orangish, reddish colour... Just like in the vision.
Mila got up and followed immediately, Watt running full-speed. Jewel was not far behind, only not teleporting because she couldn't. New Moon and Tsunami were quite a bit behind, not being built for speed, New Moon ahead by a hair. Watt turned around.
"Hurry up! Are you tired or something?"
New Moon was about to retort when he was cut off by Tsunami. "We can't run, you idiot. Just keep your nose out of our buisness."
"Do you want to go in your balls?" asked Mila sympathetically.
"NO!" they shouted in unison.

(They hate it in there :3 And this is the first hint that maybe New Moon and Tsunami might start something sometime in)
"What!!? Darkrai!!? Lets go!" Exclaimed Josh vanashing.

Josh reapeared ahead of the group

"Hurry!!" He shouted
Noah could hear something... something in the distance... "Arkra." He looked to her very seriously. "Someone is coming... I can feel it. We need to get away from here as quickly as possible!"

"But..." She looked back at the laboratory briefly, it was such a fast departure, not even a chance to say goodbye. Goodbye to her memories... goodbye to her childhood... goodbye to her life...

"Come on!" The Grovyle grabbed Arkra by the wrist and dragged her away. Together, they ran as quickly as they could from her hometown. They ran in the grasses, past it all, and into Oldale Town... Not looking back once as they went...
"Hey! Don't go too fast!"
Soel looked up at Corison. The Ralts smiled and tapped him, teleporting Corison, Valor and herself closer to Oldale town.
"You know, a Pokemon like you really can be useful," said Corison.
Soel made a happy noise, and Valor grinned at Corison. "Looks like we'll be able to go places more easily," said the Eevee happily as the trio ran into Oldale.
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