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Open Arkra Guardians

Arivivie flinched at the yelling, as did Arkra. She thought that it was very nice of him to do that, but also felt a bit embarassed. And also, a bit deaf.

"Let him say what he wants to say." She mumbled apathetically. Arkra at that point looked away and sat at a chair which had a plate of buttered toast on it. "Thank you Alan."

"No problem, I know that's what you like!" Alan smiled. Arkra still wanted to hate him, but she just couldn't. There was something about Alan, just bizarre. She wondered if anyone else shared her sentiments...
"Come on! Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Corison slowly opened his eyes and saw Soel poking him. Her mouth wasn't moving. "So, you talked to me telekinetically?"
The Ralts nodded and hopped off the bed, where Valor was looking up at Corison. "It's time to go.
"I must have overslept," muttered Corison and changed into his normal clothes. He walked casually out to the meeting room. "What's going on?" He saw plates of food on a table. Corison sat down on a chair. He took a large piece of food off of his plate and handed it down to Soel, who shared it with Valor. Corison ate the rest of the food on his plate. "So today's first stop is Petalburg Woods, I take it."
Aria's eyes flew open when she felt something on her chest. Lexi had been pushing her awake. Aria laughed and rolled out of bed. Lexi followed Aria out into the main room. Aria took a plate from the table and handed a piece of fried egg to Lexi, who seemed to enjoy it. She ate the rest of it herself before taking a section of her toast and eating it.
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"FOOD?! PETELBURG!? I CANT HEAR ANYTHING!" Yelled Josh, sticking his finger in his ear.

Josh tuned aroud and saw some food he then walked over to it. He saw his favorite dish, scrambled eggs. He got a plate and put some eggs on it and sat down again. Josh ate them in less than a minute
Serkan laughed at the yelling, Amrit scowled, and Puff was taken aback, and it looked like he was about to cry. "Well if the boy wants to be cynical about our noble undertaking, let him.", Serkan commented. Still, nobody here seemed too trustworthy to Serkan, except Arkra, and maybe others he hadn't really met yet. Even that Alan person seemed a bit too welcoming. Serkan was a career criminal, he figured he'd put off a shadier aura. He sat down to a plate of breakfast. A rather big one, too, with eggs, bacon, hash browns, pancakes, and even a bit of fruit and a slice of toast. Serkan handed some of the fruit to Amrit, who was back to meditating against the wall, and placed the slab of toast in front of Puff, who immediately burnt it, then ate it. Serkan dug in. This much food wasn't often available at Team Magma.
((It's fun to be the annoying pessimist! :D))

"What you all aren't realizing," Matt said, pushing away his food, "is that you're all being scammed to think that this entire fairy tale is true. I'm just tagging along to see your faces when you realize that it's all false."
Corison looked up. "You can believe what you want. I think that if it's to save the world, almost anything must be tried." He finished eating a pancake that was on his plate and took a bite of an egg.
Aria said, "I agree with both of you. We're not sure this is true, and it might not work.
"But it's the only chance we've got."
Mila clapped at the food being placed before her. "Oh my God!" she yelled. "Pancakes! How did you people know I like them with blueberry syrup?" She picked up a fork and knife and chowed down, occasionally offering bits to her Pokemon.
"Summer... Summer! Wake up!" Her head appeared from the middle of the blankets. She was lucky to find a scientist that told her the whole situation. Pyro was by her side, roaring on her ears.

"I heard it. Good morning you too." She went to the bathroom, washed and got dressed, and went to the meeting room, where some people were already eating. "Good morning everyone!" She happily said. Pyro looked around the room, observant. When it came to Summer, he didn't trust anyone.

Summer picked some food and let Pyro and the others eat it. She took her plate to the table and ate there, along with Lady.
After Aria finally finished her meal, she almost fell asleep again. Luckily Lexi was there to nudge her awake. Aria pet her Luxray softly, and Lexi purred softly so that only her Trainer could hear. "When are we leaving?" Aria asked.
Corison finished eating breakfast and hopped out of his chair. Valor went back up to his chair and appeared to sit down.
"What are you doing that for?"
The Eevee used the chair to leap up onto Corison's shoulder. "That," he said.
Soel walked up next to Corison.
"Wake up!"

Ming grunts, rolling over in the bed she was given. She pulls the covers of her head and continues to sleep.

"You wanna play that way? Fine, but don't say I didn't try to be nice"

Halan pulls the covers off of Ming and smacks her upside the head. Ming grunts and rolls onto her back, looking up at him.


"Get up. You slept in"

Ming sighs, sliding out of bed and gets dressed. She then clips on her belt with Aslen and Shui safely inside.

"I'll let them out once we get to the food"

She leaves the room and follows the smell of food. Once she reach there, she sits at the table and starts making up four plates of food. Once she finsihed that, she gave on to Halan, then releases Shui and Aslen.

"Here is your food. Enjoy"
(Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I forgot about this. D: I've been rping a lot in the RSP and just sort of busy. But don't worry, you guys, I won't let this die!)

Arkra was quiet. She and Arivivie ate their breakfast in silence. There would always be doubters. And even if she herself doubted the mission a slight bit, what else could she do? There was no denying that she was immune to the Arrestment, the scientists had done countless tests to make sure. And wasn't that a bit strange...?

Simon crept into the room and also went to join them for breakfast. He saw that Arkra looked unusually dour. And that was understandable. She was going on a mission... a mission that would probably kill her... And it upset Simon himself. He loved Arkra, loved her like his own child. He was the only scientist she really trusted....

"All right!" Alan spoke. "Has everyone finished their breakfast...?"
"I've finished," Corison announced.
"Eee!" said Valor.
Soel was silent. She burst out in a quiet laugh when she realised what was going on.
"Soel's always quiet," said Corison. "Anyway, I think my squad has finished. What about everyone else?" He asked, looking at everyone around the table.
((Okay, I've read all that I've missed while I was gone, so I'm going to take a wild stab, as the saying goes, and hope my post works out. Kailani's garchomp, i noticved is one pokemon whose personality's yet to be established...

Oh, and Blazking175, your guy's not the only "Annoying pessimist" around here...))

Kailani awoke to find his garchomp avidly standing by his side.

"How long have you been in that position?" he asked.

"Oh, not too long," His Garchomp said, "About a half hour... forty minutes... usual time..."

"Not so," Kailani retorted, "I know you... trying to set me off like that... two minutes at best."

That shut the Garchomp up.

"Hold down the fort until I get back," Kailani said, putting on his cloak and wlaking out of the room.

He then made his way toward the breakfast room just in time to hear someone say something about everyone finishing breakfast. "Finished?" He said to nobody in particular, "I haven't even started?"
"Simon... I thought I told you to get everyone out of bed!" Alan spoke, waggling his finger playfully at him. Simon looked down at the floor in shame.

"I'm sorry sir, I thought I had woken them all up."

"Ah... we all make mistakes!" Alan looked at Kailani kindly. "My apologies... Please, eat your breakfast..." He put down a plate by an empty chair. "I got a little overeager..."

Arkra continued to look down at her plate, poking the toast on it with her fork. She wasn't eating...
Summer finished her breakfast quickly. Lady had already finished and went to her Pokeball. Summer approached the girl she thought was Arkra. She seemed so sad, Summer had to try. She sat on a chair beside her. "Hi, you must be Arkra."
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