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Open Arkra Guardians

Soel rested her head on a pillow of the bed, falling asleep. Valor gently stroked her with his nose. He lay down next to her, yawning and closing his eyes.
Corison giggled and settled himself on the other half of the bed. "Looks like we're leaving tomorrow."
Aria quickly turned around and entered her room. It was nicely furnished. The gray and brown colors were a bit dull, but at least they weren't an eye-hurting bright red.
Aria understood Lexi's question. She had asked, "What's this room?"
"We're staying here," Aria answered. She plopped down on the plain white bed while Lexi found a soft place to sleep on the dull floor.
Serkan followed the group, Amrit in tow. They came upon the hallway of rooms. He picked one on the left side, the 4th one. He made sure to thank Simon before opening the door and heading inside. He took out a Poke ball and opened it. Energy leapt out which formed into a Torkoal. "Please don't leave me in there for that long.", Puff said.
"You're too slow.", Serkan said, "And don't be like Konrad, now. At least he's just too big to let out a lot of the time."
"Where are we?", Puff asked.
"Where we're staying for the night.", Serkan said as he sat down on the bed. Amrit went right back to meditating. Serkan then thought about this grand undertaking. Soon, he laid down and slept, presuming Puff also slept.
Halan sits in the window, looking out at the scenery.

"So...there's one bed in here"

Ming shrugs, un-cliping to pokeballs from her belt.

"So? We've slept together before back home"

Halan sighs, looking at the door to the hallway.

"True as that may be...they might think it's wrong"

Ming chuckles, releaseing two pokemon in the room.

"Let them think what they want, Halan. Now, welcome out you two"

A blue swan yawns, streching out his fluffy cloud wings.

~Ming...how long was I in there?~

"About...four..five hours, Aslen"

The Altaria sighs, cleaning his fluff. The other figure sits on the floor, it's long scaled tail wagging a bit on the floor. The huge aligator looks at Ming cutely.

=Ming...Are we going to have a adventure tomarrow?=

Ming nods, smiling down at Shui.

"Yes my dear, we are"
Kate quietly followed the group, rocking Ryan softly. The boy was almost asleep now, it was best to keep him that way, he had quite a temper. She slipped into a room noone else had picked and settled on the bed. She looked down at her child.

"Baby baby... I wonder if I should have brought you along... But your daddy is so hopeless with you and you're so young... You need mommy."

She sighed, placing the sleeping baby on the single bed.

She pulled three Pokeballs from the Diaper bag slung over she shoulder and released the Pokemon they contained. A large blue dragon with orange wings, a pink cow, and a green dinosaur with a flower around her neck materialized in a flash of red light.

"Where's Fang?" She asked them. They shrugged.

Fang, meanwhile, had followed Ming, and was sitting next to the door of her room.

Ming spins around, ready to attack the intruder when she sees that it was Fang. He lets out a sigh, placing a hand on her heart.

"Geez..almost gave me a heart attack, Fang..."
"Eon." Fang purred, gracefully walking towards Ming. He looked up at her and smiled, his large blue eyes gleaming. He was a small creature, his fur a few shades lighter than normal.

"Glace?" He cooed, nuzzling against her leg.
Ming chuckles, picking him up in her arms. She pets him a bit as she walks over to the window.

"Fang Fang Fang...what do you want my dear?"

((You know they speak, we understand them, right?))
((yeah, doesn't mean he's saying anything. People make little noises that don't mean anything too.))

Fang snuggled into her arms, cooing gently. His tail swished a bit as he settled into a more comfortable position.

"Kisses?" He purred, looking up at her.
Ming chuckles, nuzzing the little pup.

"Certianly, my dear Fang"

She kisses the top of his head, then ruffles his fur playfully. Shui and Aslen laugh a bit, then continue to chat with each other. Halan smiles warmly at the scene before him, loving this peaceful moment.

Mila thanked Arkra and the other people, then rushed off to find a room, which she did. She put on some pajamas that she had packed, and crawled into the bed, with three of the four Eeveelutions curled up beside her. New Moon was mainly noctournal, however, and was creeping about the building in the dark.
Summer ran to the meeting place, Caligo floating by her side.

"You know how to break from your Pokeball, why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"I'm truly sorry, but I thought you were resting."

She entered the meeting building and rushed for the right room. No one.

"Great! Just what I needed!" Summer was angry. But she wasn't angry often, so she tried to bury it and look for a solution.

"Please, believe me when I say I'm sorry." Caligo was really sorry, anyone would notice.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way." Think positive. That's the secret.
((Yikes, I missed a lot))

Kailani made his way to one of the last rooms in the hallway. He entered it, and was surprised to see his Garchomp there.

"Oh, there you are. Typical of you to end up not where I am but where I'm going to be."

His Garchomp said nothing; he merely shrugged.

'This entire thing is messed up. Working with all of these more or less strangers... it's unnaceptable!"

And I've got no other choice but to do it, he thought, After what happenned earlier

((I'm saying right here that For most of today, All of tomarrow, and most of the day after that I'll be gone because of vacation))
((Uhh. I had to read three pages. That was annoying))

Josh walked in the hallway and saw the only room left and entered it. He saw the room was a bit drab. Josh decided he would let out his pokemon to keep him company for a while. He took three pokeballs from his belt and threw them up into the air. Out of the pokeballs red light came out. Out of of the red light three pokemon apeared, A blue penguin, a large dragonfly and a bear-like pokemon.

"Hey lets annoy the other people!" Said Josh knoking on the wall

The pokemon shook their head in unison. The loudred started to yell loudly, the Yanma sent sonic vibrations to another room and the Prinplup started to stamp.
Aria covered her ears, since she was right next to the room where the noise was coming. Lexi used her X-ray vision and told Aria what she saw. "A Trainer and his Pokemon are creating such a cacophony!" she yelled above it. Then she fainted for a reason that Aria couldn't find out.
((By the way, Yanmega, she fainted because of the sonic vibrations.))
((Three pages??? You had to read only three pages??? Try four and a half pages!))

When most of the other idiots had left, Matt turned to the scientist.

"Personally, I think that this is a load of crap," he said angrilly, "This entire thing seems as if you've been smoking too much marijuana and decided it might be fun to make up a completely ridiculous story about how the world is going to end if we don't bring a freak to these shrines. Come on, a mystical shrine in Petalburg Woods? Hostile Pokemon? The entire thing sounds like a story for retarded three year olds. The only reason I'm agreeing to go on is to laugh at how ridiculously untrue this entire load of s*** is." With that Matt walked outside.

He walked quite far away from everyone else, before sitting down and leaning against a tree. He sent out his Pokemon. Arctic, much like herself, was lying on the ground, presumably asleep.

"You all heard what's going on, right?" Matt asked. They all nodded in agreement, except Arctic, who groaned. "So what do you think of all that crap?"

"I think it's true!" Skipper said eagerly. "After all, we have all the evidence we need to say that it's true! The arrestment and everything! It seems like it could be fun!"

"Of course you'd believe it," Carnage said, taking the words right out of Matt's mouth. "You're the youngest one here. You'd easily believe anything the scientist would say. I agree with you, Matt. I think the entire thing is just a scam-"

"Then why would he be sending us on a quest like this?" Flutter interjected. "He's a well-respected man and wouldn't do anything to harm his reputation like that. I think it is true."

"You think everything is true," Arrow retorted. "Someone could tell you that Genghis Khan has returned in the form of a Chinese fighting fish and is leading a war against everyone on the planet and you'd believe it. This entire idea is complete bull."

"Life is too short to care about silly nonsense like the world ending," Deprimido said in a very depressing tone. There was a pause, before Shizo spoke up.

"I agree with Arrow - this is complete bull," he said happily.

"What do you think Loner?" Flutter asked. Loner rolled her eyes.

"I think it's a stupid idea," Loner said quietly.

"I think it's true," Arctic said to everyone's astonishment. Everyone thought she was asleep. "What? Like Skipper said, the evidence is all here. The entire prophecy with Arceus, Darkrai, and Atnura completely relates with what is going on now. I find no reason why, even if it isn't true, we can't go along and see exactly what's happening. Although it is possible that this thing with Arkra saving the world could be completely false, I think something is going on. It would be a shame not to go along with it."
(Your absense is acknowledged, Exo-Raikou.)

Arkra could heard the cacophony. It had interupted her from her tears.

"What is that...?!" The girl yelled over the terrible, irksome sound

"Would you like me to check?!" Arivivie bellowed back.

"Yeah! GO CHECK!" She screamed even louder, trying to make her voice go over the ear-splitting racket. It was beginning to irritate her immensely.

"Okay." Arkra opened the door a smidge and let her Mightyena out. The Pokemon ran across the hallway, looking for the source of the loud and awful noise. She walked to the door that seemed to be making the noise and tipped it open with her snout, peeking inside.

She saw that a Loudred and a Yanma seemed to be the source of the sound. Since Arivivie's ears were much more sensitive than Arkra's, she couldn't get too close to it. It was terrible torture. But she had to get them to stop.

"HEY, COULD YOU PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN?!" She tried to yell over the sounds.
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New Moon's ears suddenly started vibrating from the loud voices. His ears were greatly disturbed, to the point where they even hurt, and his rings and eyes glowed. He located the source of the noise, a Yanma and a Loudred, and attempted to yell at them to shut the hell up, but to no avail. He managed to use a Yawn on them all from the crack under the door, and trotted away, his tail held high and his eyes having a satisfied gleam in them. His work here was done.
"What? I can't hear you!" Said Josh

Josh saw the pokemon yawn. He then yawned for himself. Josh stopped knocking on the wall and jumped on the bed and quickly fell asleep. The yanma yawned and stopped buzzing and fell to the floor sleeping. The Prinplup and Loudred yawned and also fell asleep. The horrible, ear splitting noise stopped
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