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Open Arkra Guardians

"I dont think you're too late! Squawk!" Dent squawked, then began flying over his Tyåhlosions head. When Dent was bored, he could do almost anything to make him not-so-bored. "I just came! Squawk!" He transformed into a Staraptor and flew up to the other Staraptor. "Greetings! Squawk! My name is Dent, pleased to meet you!"
Arkra began to stroke the Espeon absentmindedly. Alan could see that most of the Guardians were assembled and went to the door, greeting and shaking each one's hands with his goofy grin.

He looked at the last one to enter, Fiara. "Oh, we were just about to begin!"

Whilst Alan was off shaking hands and greeting, Arkra was looking at the one who had questioned the fact that she could save the world. Simon was also looking at him, silently. Though she felt a bit insulted that he doubted her abilities, she wanted him to be right. For it not to be true. But it was something that Alan believed was very true and Alan made up the rules.

"Okay... I think that's about everyone... Now, let me tell you what you are to do." Simon rolled his wheelchair off and came back into the room with some maps and other assorted items. He put them down on the table. Alan looked at all the Arkra Guardians very seriously, it was the first time he had had that expression since Arkra had seen him today.

The scientist grabbed a nearby map. "Here is a map of the Hoenn region." He said very calmly. "On this marked spot is where you're to be going." He pointed to a large red dot on the map. "It is where the shrine of Valight is rumored to be. In the Petalburg Woods, in a rumored mystical lake." Alan looked grave. "However, getting there is not the difficult part. The difficult part will be fighting off all the hostile Pokemon within."

"We do not know what lies deep inside, but we do know that in the Petalburg Woods there have been strangely powerful Pokemon showing up lately. We have detected a large mass of energy somewhere within the forest..."

"But we will assist you as much as we can in getting to each and every shrine. We have compiled a map of each region which pinpoint what we believe is the near-exact spot of each shrine. The shrines are The Valight Shrine, the Flarrai Shrine, The Charcill Shrine, the Mourmedy Shrine, and the Atnura Shrine. The only one's location we have been unable to find is the Atnura Shrine. But according to the ancient texts we have found, it will appear to the reincarnation of Atnura when the time is right. We only hope that this is true."

"I know we don't have a lot to go on." Simon added. "But we've tried every possible thing, believe me. I really wish Arkra didn't have to do this... but it's all that can be done. And I wish that you guys did not have to do this... But you are connected to her, her genes have given you a strong bond with her. You are the ones who must protect her. We thank you for your cooperation."

"Well, I'm pretty sure that's everything. Any questions?" Alan looked at the Arkra Guardians with hope in his eyes. They, they were the key to the future. He admired them so much, admired Arkra herself so much. They were heroes!
"I have a question:" Kailani said. "If Arkra's genes are in us, wouldn't that means that when she sacrifices her life, we go down with her? Wouldn't that mean that if she dies at all, we'll die to? Perhaps I am wrong, but if so, then I will begin to question my involvement in this."
Ming watches the man in the wheelchair silently, sensing that he wished them all luck and for some reason amired them. She smiles a bit despite the situation at hand.

"We're not much of a key if a live must be lost, Mr. Simon"

She then looks at the maps silently, lowering her sunglasses.

"And before you ask...which I know you will, I'm a mind reader"

She looks up at the man and winks at him.
Alan turned to look at Kailani. "I don't think that's the case. If Arkra's genes didn't give you an immunity to Arrestment, then I would think you wouln't die. Arkra's the one who's combining with Atnura, not you. Admittedly, we're not completely sure what'll happen to Arkra or to you. It is our theory that she'll die, but we don't really know... All the ancient texts said was that she would 'make the ultimate sacrifice to become Atnura...'"

Simon smiled at Ming. "Ah, I see..."
At Dent's greeting, Fennot stopped circling around the ceiling and began flapping his wings to stay in about the same place. Fennot gave Dent a confused look. "Greetings. But...you were a Chatot a minute ago. Are you a Ditto? I am Fennot, by the way."

Fiara listened as Dent announced that she wasn't too late, then as Alan came around shaking hands, she continued to just watch. When he reached Fiara, however, Dykria snarled at him, then growled until he had just kept walking. Something about the man he hadn't liked. He was sure he didn't want him messing with Fiara. After Alan passed, Fiara hugged Dykria momentarily. Something about Alan had had her somewhat unnerved. Then, Fiara returned to just having her hand on Dykria's head. When he began to talk of the shrines, Fiara had to hold Dykria down. "What's wrong? she asked him quietly when the talk was over. Dykria simply answered that the man was 'wrong'. Fiara wasn't sure what that meant.

Fiara came up with her own question, though. "Why do you think we'll all cooperate?"
Josh frowned hearing the man thinks Akra will die

"She won't die!" Said Josh, actualy being serious
"And what other choice do you have...?" He said, sighing. The Houndoom did not seem to like him, it had tried to snap at him. Arkra had had enough of this.

"If they don't want to cooperate, then I'll go by myself." She said simply, looking at all of them dully. Arkra didn't want to do it... and yet, she did... She knew she would feel the guilt of not doing it for the rest of her life. And who knows how long she would live? She was Atnura's reincarnate, she had special powers. Arkra had the feeling she would live a very long time...

The girl looked at Josh, restraining a smile. "Thank you."

Simon also smiled. "Yes, Arkra... you won't die..."

As Arkra burst out that she was determined, Fiara stood. "Just for that, I'm going with you, for sure." she said. Dykria looked up at his master. That was all he needed to do. He walked over and stood by Arkra. Once again, he snarled again at Alan. He knew there was something wrong with the man. As soon as Dykria left, as if on cue, Fennot landed on Fiara's shoulder. Fiara smiled.
"Cooperate?" Kailani said, in disbelief, "You expect me to cooperate? Why Don't I just run through a spiked wall without using my powers? I might as well get it overwith now than suffer trhough all this."
She could already feel the anxiety building up, all the eyes in the room were on her because of her outburst. Arkra regretted it immediately, feeling immensely abashed. However, upon hearing Kailani's comment, she just couldn't take her it.

Arkra unintentionally phased out of visibility and said: "If you don't do this, you'll die anyway. Really, any other way you'll die." Her voice sounded out from somewhere in the room, being invisible made her feel more confident.
"Oh Really?" Kailani said, "How so? Any other way I see would be not participating in this and keeping my own hide. It sounds cowardly, but better that than a dead fool."
Dykria, despite the fact that she was invisible, knew where Arkra was, because of his great hearing and sense of smell. He continued to stand next to Arkra, snarling and everyone who approached her.

Fiara looked around the room. It seemed she wasn't the only one who was surprised that Arkra had disappeared. But she knew Dykria, and that he was protecting her, so she would be fine.
"The Arrestment will get you. I don't know if you knew this, but, I'm the only one immune." Though they couldn't see it, Arkra was smirking. Invisibility was definately her most useful power.
Oh, and how would traveling with you make it any different?" Kailani shot back. "SHould we fail, we're condemned anyway. Who's to say that what we're doing will help at all?"
"You know what? I've had enough of your attitude." Arkra had gotten up from her chair and had began to walk around quietly, without most of the humans in the room knowing where she was. She knew it was a bold move, she could feel herself getting anxious. But nobody was looking... nobody could see her... it was okay... she was invisible...

She reappeared behind Kailani. "If you don't want to travel with us, then leave."
"Hmmm... quite the choice you've offered me. I can back out here, and not get the privelige of seeing... what dooms will inevitably reach you... or I can come along and get the chance of seeing that. I'll stay," He said at last, "But, at any given time, I think that this is futile, then I back out. No questions asked."
Serkan laid back, and propped his legs up on the table. He said with a sigh, "I signed up for this, I'm going no matter what. It's a noble cause, and if anything, it sounds like fun.", he smirked. He noted Arkra turning invisible and then becoming visible behind Kailani. After they exchanged words, Serkan added, "Now, if this is all, then I'm going to take a nap until we're done here."
"No. I'm not a Ditto!" Dent almost laughed, not noticing the scene underneath him. "I'm a human!" He transformed into a Pidgeot. "With the ability to transform!" He screeched.

"Bakuu! Stop screeching up there!" Typhoon stood up and covered his ears. "Sorry, Typhoon," He landed next to his Typhlosion. "But you know how I am when I'm bored." He transformed back to human again "Come out, Sandstorm." He whispered and took out a pokéball from one of his pockets. Out of it came a red light, and a Trapinch emerged from it. "How you doin'?" Typhoon said, and nudged the little pokémon.

"I'm fine." She simply said, and opened up her gap, as if she were yawning. "I'm tired. Can I go back into my pokéball now?" "Of course." Dent retreated Sandstorm into her pokéball.
"Yeah, it sounds fun!" spoke up Mila suddenly, despite being quiet throughout all this. But New Moon took a while to reply to the Typhlosion's question, and finally muttered, "He was being an annoying brat. What more reason is there in the world?"
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