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Open Arkra Guardians

Basically, yeah. Sorry, I should've put something like that in the first post. D: ;;Goes to edit;; Just say that your Pokemon are really powerful or something if you think they're at a high level.

So sorry about the confusion. Ack, I really need to get more sleep.
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As I said before, this looks interesting. As does making up a definition for the word Charcill

Name: Kailani

Age: 19

Gender: Male

History: During the first twelve years of his life, Kailani was journeying the land of Sinnoh with his Gible. All that changed when he was caught in a Landslide, and was near-fatally injured. When he recovered form that incident, some two years later, he continued to journey across the region, but had now changed; he was no longer as social as he used to be. He also was less trusting of people, though that was because he had Arka's genes "spliced" involuntarily.

Personality: As mentioned above, Kailani is silent, cold, and untrusting of others, as well as antisocial. Due to that, he finds journeying with all of these others rather "Unsettling"

Appearance:Kailani wears a long, black cloak; the hood of said cloak keeping most of his face hidden. His eyes are a dark grey, and he is very pale

Powers: He can increase/decrease Gravity of other beings, though not himself. He is also capable of controlling his density; he can make himself intagible, or give his body the hardness of Titantium. However, he must use the latter sparingly, otherwise it will go on autopilot, making him change his density at unexpected and/or unwanted times

Pokemon: Garchomp (Obviously, this is the Gible he started out with)

Other: Anything else? Have any questions?

Name: Summer

Age: 16

Gender: Female

History: She started her journey when she was 14. After an year and a half travelling through Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh, she returned home before going to Johto. While on her journey, she saw a lot of people dying with the Arrestment and took all measures to prevent the contamination.

Personality: She is happy and likes to have fun. She is very naive, romantic and worried about the others.

Appearance: Here, but with light brown hair. No, not the guy.

Powers: She can "trade" her good feelings with the bad feelings of others, and the other way around.

Pokemon: arcaninePyro (M)
gardevoirLady (F)
dusknoirCaligo (M)
FloatzelNatare (M)

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) :
Pyro is very loyal and proud. He would die in place of Summer and would thank her for letting him do it.

Lady is arrogant on the outside to hide her sensitive and shy inside. Only Summer has passed this barrier.

Caligo is friendly and wise, but doesn't like noise or confusion, because it would "disrupt my eternal focus and the screams of the dead would drive me insane".

Natare loves swimming and had a hard time controling this frenzy. He can, however, be distracted easily from this obsession.

Other: Besides the shrine, what is Charcill?
Name: Eric

Age: 12

Gender: Male

History: Eric's father was very rich, being the owner of the Celadon City Department Store. He is used to getting everything he wants,



Powers: He can clone himself. However, the longer he does this the weaker he gets, so he can't do it that much.


Meowth/Meowth (M)

Jiggs/Jigglypuff (F)

Sir Gluttington (nickname Chubby)/Munchlax (M)


Bozo/Mime Jr (M)

Watt/Ampharos (F)

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) :

Meowth: Eric's first Pokemon. He got him a few weeks after he was born, and they share a very close bond. Meowth is very friendly, and refuses to go anywhere without Eric.

Jiggs: Bought for him on a holiday in Hoenn, Jiggs was very untrusting of Eric and attacked him when he got close. Jiggs has warmed up to him some, but still doesn't like new faces.

Sir Gluttington: Bought on a holiday in Sinnoh, Sir Gluttington immediately raided the pantry and fridge. He'll become friends with anyone- as long as they give him food.

Peanut: The most hyper of the gang, Peanut will be entertained for hours with a paperclip and a piece of string. When left unattended, she'll break things and and ruin houses, so you have to be careful. She was found raiding their tent on a trip to Sinnoh on a diffrent holiday, and did not leave, so Eric kept her.

Bozo: The only Pokemon Eric has actually caught, Bozo is the newest of the gang and is shy around others. He hates going in his Pokeball, and generally being alone, so he usually hangs out in Eric's backpack.

Watt: While on a holiday in Johto, Eric visited a Mareep farm. A small one did not run up to him, but stayed in a corner. Eric went over to it and started to pet it, and she warmed up to him. When they had to leave, the Mareep didn't want to, so the owner let her come with. She has evolved by now, and is still smaller than most Ampharos. Eric's second Pokemon.

Other: Eric's family is rich, explaining all those holidays and bought Pokemon. Charcill?
Name: Dent

Age: 16

Gender: Male

History: Dent lived in Cherrygrove in Johto with his parents. However, his mum died of Arrestment, and his father disappeared, no one knows why or how. That's also when he decided to travel to Hoenn, and was chosen to get some of the genes of Arkra. So now he travels with Arkra and the others. 'Nuff said.

Personality: Dent personality is varying. Sometimes he can be happy and social, and sometimes silent and shy. Mostly the latter. He is pretty emotional, and can get overprotective of his pokémon and for Arkra.

Appearance: Dent is about 5" 8', and can stretch quite high. He has brownish eyes and pale skin. His hair is also brown and unkempt after his journey to Hoenn, quite spiky too. Dent has quite long fingers, and it may look like they can break if when he tries to carry something heavy, but they are actually very strong.

Dent has a grey, thick shirt with pockets where he keeps potions and berries and other stuff. He has black trousers, also with pockets, and metallic, orange glasses which he uses since he is near-sighted on his left eye, and when he takes them off, his vision becomes unclear, but only on his left eye. He has black gloves which he likes to use in terrains that are rocky or muddy.

Powers: Is as strong as a Machamp, that's also why he has a Machamp. Is turning into any pokémon except legendaries allowed? If so, Dent can turn into pokémon but is not as powerful as they are, and he can only be one in a short period of time or he'll get to weak and faint or collapse.


Typhoon [M] - Dent's most trusted and powerful partner who is never in his pokéball. Dent got Typhoon of Professor Elm in New Bark Town when Typhoon still was a Cyndaquil, Typhoon's name was Eruption at that time, but Dent changed his name to Typhoon when he became a Typhlosion. Typhoon is very protective of his owner, and could risk his life saving him from something or just to make him satisfied or glad. He likes to be with others, which is why he is never in his pokéball, even in the most dangerous situations, he would rather stand at Dent's side.

Tele [F] - The second pokémon Dent catched. Dent was actually quite lucky to catch Tele, since Tele, as an Abra, was just about to teleport when Dent threw a Pokéball at her, and caught her. Because Abra's normally teleports and can only teleport, Dent named the caught Abra, Tele. Tele meditates most of the time to strengthen her psychical powers, but is always there for Dent. Just like Typhoon, Tele would risk her life for her owner, who she loves.

Magnet [Prefers to be called female] - Caught as a Magnemite, Dent considered Magnet quite useless and wimpy, and didn't train Magnet much. Magnet is Dent's weakest Pokémon, and had no self confidence until Dent caught a Trapinch, Magnet was a Magneton then. Magnet saw that Dent seemed to like the Trapinch alot, and that made Magnet jelious and angry, so Magnet did her best to train and soon anough, she evolved again. Now Magnet gets more attention from Dent than when she was a Magneton, which pleases her. But she still traines hard and in secret to become Dents strongest Pokémon. Magnet is quite unsure about things and has not much self-confidence. Magnets best friend is Fist the Machamp and rivals Sandstorm, the Trapinch.

Fist [M] - Fist was caught as a Machop in Hoenn. Fist was pretty much ignored by Dent since he consumed a lot of Dents time by training with him, but since Dent got his super-human power, he has trained with Dent to strengthen both their powers. Fist got his name because he loves to use his hands in training, like punching. Fist is Magnet's best friends and understands him mostly, since he too got ignored when he was a Machop and Machoke. Fist has daily training with Dent, all the trainings being different. Sometimes they could punch and kick, then another time crush rocks and break trees. His favorite type of training is punching though, and he is best at that.

Sandstorm [F] - Sandstorm is the Pokémon that Dent caught last, and is Dent's second weakest Pokémon after Magnet. Sandstorm is loved and cuddled with by Dent, since she is considered the cutest pokémon on earth (for Dent). She hates Magnet and rivals her in the battle for Dent's attention.

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) : I merge these ^^,

Other: I think Charcill goes here >:3

*Pant, Pant* I think I've never written a form this long before *Pant, Pant*
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You're all accepted! (And yes Bakuphoon, turning into any Pokemon is allowed.)

EDIT: We will start when about two or three more people join. After that, signups are CLOSED.
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Name: Ming-Yue Ryuu

Age: 25

Gender: Female

History: Ming was an ordinary farm girl. She and her sister ran a farm, filled with many different farm pokemon. She used to live in a remote area in Johto with her family, but sadly her house burned down and her family died in the flames. She was then taken in by her friend's family, whom became like a sister to her. After they grew up enough, they moved out and started a farm.

Personality: Calm and at times silent. She is a nice person to get along with once you get past her tough shell that she's made herself to protect her from strangers. She loves pokemon to a point of being commited to a psych ward and seems to get along with them better than people. She is very intellegent, helping her figure out almost any puzzle that she comes by.

Appearance: Long Black hair tied back into two ponies. She is tall and thin, with deep purple eyes and silver earrings with red stones at the end. She wears a black muscle shirt and dark blue jeans, a silver pocket watch clipped to her belt loop. She wears a deep navy blue trench coat and a pair of sunglasses, as well as a silver necklace hanging from her neck with a crecent moon pendent.

Powers: Mind reading, and Illusion making ((She can create Illusions of anything she can think of))

Shui (m) Feraligatr
Aslen (m) Altaria
Halan (m) Lucario

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) :

Shui is what you call a lover of everything rather that a fighter. If it was up to him, no one would have to fight at all and everyone would be at peace. He is a sweet, caring, loveable gater one would ever know. He doesn't eat meat, he eats plants.

Aslen is calm and calulatintg. He is vey intelligent and he uses that to help out his comrades in a pinch. He is very loyal and polite as well as obedient. He would rather sit in a tree and stare at the sky fondly, liseaning to Ming read a book to him.

Halan is noble to a fault. He is wise for his years and caring for others. He cares very much for Ming and would protect her in a flash if she is in danger. He was once a hate filled Riolu that hated all humans when he was stolen from his parents and abused by the humans that took him. Not long after he was put through that hell, his father's trainer appeared and rescued him. Over time he grw to trust humans again, then when he was unlikely to attack a human, he was given to Ming.

Other: Charcill, and now for my question. FMC is going to join as my sister, is that ok?
:D hai.
SO here I go

Name: Kathryn Davidson

Age: 27

Gender: Female

History: Kate has lived on a farm in Johto her entire life, raised around Pokemon. She recived Sage, her Meganium, at the age of 6, but never really leaving for an adventure. She left home at 19 with her younger adopted sister to set up their own farm with money her granparents had left her. She started training her Pokemon more than before to protect the Farm Pokemon.

She married a man they had hired to tend for their Pokemon after daiting him for two years. She recently gave birth to a son, Ryan, who she carries with her.

Personality: Kate is the motherly type, she loves to care for others. But that doesn't stop her from beating the crud out of anything that gets in her way. She is brave in the face of danger, pushing others to be their very best with her encouragement. Her son is her life, so she will defend him with everything she has, flying into a tempest (literaly) if he were to be harmed.

She sees the good in everyone almost immediately, doing her best to bring that out. If someone looses her trust, they would have to work very, very hard to get it back.

Appearance: Kate is a short woman, and a tad overweight. She has long black hair and grey eyes, with tanned skin from her father's side. She usualy wears overalls over a long-sleeved flannel shirt, with a baby sling so that Ryan is nestled safely against her chest. She usualy carries a cheerful expression.

Weather Manipulation, Healing by Touch.

Pokemon & Pokemon Personalities:

[Suoh] Salamence (male)

Suoh is brave and valiant, with a thirst for honourable battles. He lothes underhanded battle tactics, and will do all in his power to strike down those that cheat. Kate got him from her sister after she came back from a vacation to Hoenn.

[Sage] Meganium (Female)

Sage is the Team Mother, caring for her teammates if they're hurt. She's more of a supporter than a fighter. She was Kate's first Pokemon.

[Fang] Glaceon (Male)
Snow Cloak

Fang is spunky, the youngest of the team. Kate got him from a friend of hers who ran an Eevee farm. He was the smallest of his litter, and no-one would take him, but she did, and she took care of him.

[Bessie] Miltank (Female)

Bessie is the strongest Miltank from Kate's farm, so she was brought along. She is incredably strong, able to lift large boulders and toss them with relitive ease. She was the first Miltank Kate bought to start her farm.

Other: pssst wtf does "charcill" mean? x3

Sorta miniform-thing for Ryan x3:

Age: 6 Months
Gender: Male
Appearance: Small, squishy and pink with black hair and gold eyes.

:D! You're in! I like your character, by the way, a mother... that sounds very interesting. As soon as *insert name here* does their form, I'm starting the RP up.

(Charcill - A word that Arylett made up from a mixture of other words. Um, as far as she is concerned, it doesn't mean anything. XD)

Name: Fiara

Age: 14

Gender: Female

History: Fiara grew up in the shadow of her older sister, always being considered less. She forced herself to work harder than her sister every minute of the day, but she was still left in the girl's dust, easily. Then, her sister was seized by the Arrestment. Her parents were devastated. And Fiara tried to get into the limelight while she had the chance, but her parents were soon taken as well. She got the 'vaccine' right after her parents died. And then she figured out how much she had loved her sister.

Personality: Fiara is a fiery girl with burning passion and unending perseverance that often blind her to her true feelings. She loves to scheme and plot, but her plans don't always work out well. But when they do, it's always because every now and then, she gets very, very lucky. This has been happening more often since she was injected with Arkra's genes.

Appearance: Fiara has atraight, brown hair to her shoulderblades that is quite smooth, but refuses to hold any position except down. She is about 5' tall, and her tanned and sun-beaten skin reflects many days in the sun. Her deep brown eyes express the same fire that is in her heart. She wears a yellow T-shirt and jeans, just like her sister used to.

Powers: She can manipulate fire in every way possible, and is extremely lucky. By extremely, that is really what I mean. She hasn't failed a catch since Arkra's genes were injected into her. However, she is only lucky sometimes. Her luck has failed her at the worst of times, and often.


Dykria-Houndoom-Male, her starter. She stole a poke-ball from her father and ran away into the woods for two day to catch him. He is extremely loyal, and would do anything for Fiara.

Fennot-Staraptor-Female, the second Pokemon she caught. Fennot is free-spirited, and refuses to enter her Pokeball for any reason. She can usually be found flying above Fiara.

Lash-Raichu-Female, Lash was Fiara's sister's starter. Fiara's sister entrusted Fiara with the care of her best friend right before she died. Lash is generally quite cold and sarcastic, not caring about the troubles of others. She really only cared for Fiara's sister. However, she is slowly warming up to Fiara.

Charcill-Kirlia-Male, Fiara won Charcill in a bet when the extremely timid Pokemon was a Ralts at a very low level. Charcill is compassionate and very, very shy.

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) : Intertwined with the Pokemon.

Other: None
Accepted! Okay, we'll be starting very soon. As soon as I finish eating my dinner.

EDIT: Now, we're really starting. (Now, please note that sign-ups will be open until Day Two. I still want to give people a chance to join.)

Day One - The Briefing in Littleroot Town

"Arkra... Arkra... wake up..." She could feel a gentle something tapping on her skin. Arkra was already awake, but she was merely pretending to be asleep. Waking up meant facing reality... facing the terrible thing that laid ahead. It was inside of her, like a terrible miasma, that knowledge. The knowledge that her time was limited. To sleep forever... that meant she had all the time in the world...

"Come on, wake up... please..." But she had to stop pretending eventually, because nobody had all the time in the world. The girl opened her dark eyes and looked into the man's face. It was Simon, she had known. They sent Simon for a reason, to guilt her. The bastards were smart, she admitted. Simon... she really did like him... he was a wonderful man... Arkra took off the sheets from her body and sat up. She looked at the scientist in the wheelchair.

"Simon, is it time already...?"

"Yes." He looked very grave. "You're a brave, brave soul."

"Please, let's not talk about it now..."

It would be the last time she would be seeing him. Simon was her favourite of all the scientists, so kind, yet so tragic. The Arrestment had spread to his legs, so he had to be in a wheelchair. She watched him roll himself out of her room and go dressed, then she picked up a bag filled with the most important things.

Arkra took one last sweeping gaze at her room and almost felt the urge to cry... she would never see this place again... never sleep in her bed again... Just don't think about that now.

Saying goodbye to her parents... that was the worst part. She could feel the tears coming again, her throat stiffening. They told her how brave she was, like Simon had. That they would miss her, but she would always be in their hearts. Her mother started crying, her father didn't speak. A final kiss and hug... One final embrace. She still wouldn't cry.

Arkra walked out of her house and observed the doors she had known for so long, the building... everything... Why...? No, don't look back.

She turned her back on it and trudged silently on into the laboratory across from it. Feeling that same poisonous feeling, as if she were an alien, an outsider... nobody could ever understand... The scientists greeted her and took her to the briefing room.

"The Arkra Guardians should be here soon..."
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