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Open Arkra Guardians

"We're late! We're late! We're late! We're late!" A Typhlosion ran on all fours towards an open door in the hallway.

"Hurry up, Dent!"

"Calm down." The guy beside the Typhlosion panted, it was obvious he had been running for some time now. "It's not like they're going to leave without us!"

"Who knows? Maybe they will." However, Dent knew his partner was just joking, he knew they wouldn't have left a guardian of Arkra, and Typhoon knew too.

"Humph. I'm glad the door is open, or I'd might tear the hinge off." Dent said, and walked through the door to the meeting room. He didn't have full control over his powers, and he could destroy a door without meaning it.

"Are we late?" Typhoon said, and laid down beside his trainer, who sat dowen on a chair away from the others.
Kailani regarded the one who threatened to break his spine. "My, my, such temper," he said, "You're going to have to control that. Otherwise you mgiht find yourself-" he negated that one's gravity- "Floating away."
Valor jumped up onto Corison's lap and curled up. "Eh-ve!"
"Oh, okay." Corison gently stroked the Eevee's fur, while Soel was looking around the room. The Ralts appeared to be very curious about things, but when she got too far Corison would pull her back to the safety of the chair. Soel didn't appear to care.
Aria shook the man's hand politely. "Hello. Nice to meet you too, sir!" Lexi stood close to Aria, ready to defend her Trainer by any means necessary. To show that there was no need to fight, Aria rubbed her cat-like Pokemon's mane softly. This made Lexi lie down and purr, so Aria rubbed her Luxray's belly instead.
((Don't forget me! I wasn't gone that long!))

Matt casually walked to the meeting, hands in his pockets. Flutter was flying next to him; she was refusing to get back into her Poke Ball.

"Shouldn't you be hurrying up?" Flutter asked. Matt shook his head and continued walking. Flutter sighed. Had Matt been still vibrant and all, he'd be racing towards the building for the new adventure. "Come on Matt! Aren't you excited?"

"Not in the least. This entire thing is ridiculous," Matt answered. Flutter was getting on his nerves. For the entire walk, she had been bugging him like this. Flutter was feeling the same way, instead because Matt wasn't opening up to her.

"Well fine," Flutter said dramatically, "if that's the way you want it, to have all those emotions built up inside you and not releasing them to a dear friend, then be that way." She returned herself to her Poke Ball. Matt rolled his eyes. Flutter was always a drama queen.

In a few more minutes, Matt had arrived at the building. He opened the door and walked inside.

"Just so you all know," he said quickly, "I think the entire notion of this is ridiculous and just a pathetic excuse to get a few more trainers into the world. There's no way that a girl like her," Matt gestured to Arkra, "could possibly have the fate of the world resting on her shoulders." Matt sat down.
"But there is," Aria replied. Lexi stood up and emphasized her Trainer's retort. "Luxray!"
"After all," Aria continued, "Things aren't always what they outwardly seem.
"Um..." Corison was wordless. Valor yawned and fell asleep. Meanwhile, Soel touched Lexi's fur and hid back behind the leg of Corison's chair. Finding that it wasn't dangerous, the Ralts went up and gently ran her hand across Lexi's back. "Now that's what I was going to say," said Corison. "Be careful. Soel here is very curious."
"Well, alright. I thank you.", Serkan said as he shook the man's hand. He then took a seat at the table, Amrit sat and meditated beside. Another trainer, a boy, walked in in disbelief. Serkan replied, "Well, unfortunately for you, we're all pretty sure it is true."
Amrit added, "Seeing is believing."
"Well, we'll see.", Serkan replied.
Jewel nodded as Arkra asked to pet her, her big eyes blinking slowly. Meanwhile, New Moon's rings only glowed brighter as he drifted off the ground and floated around, dreamlike. He gave a murderous glare (almost like a Mean Look) and kicked out, his legs meeting with the nearby wall and him being propelled forward several inches. Tsunami flicked her tail in amusement.
As the one whose Gravity Kailani had negated rocketed forward, kailani increased that one's gravity so that he'd suddenly hit the ground.. He then altered hsi density to that of An Aggron's armor, jsut in case his first move didn't work
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New Moon crashed into the ground and got up again, although slowly, and swayed a bit on his feet, dazed from the crash. Watt couldn't stand to see anyone this hurt, even New Moon, and rushed over to help. However, there was little he could do, so he sat down, looking unsure of himself, torn between assisting New Moon and attacking Kailani.
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(No... I simply increased his gravity so that he'd suddenly crash into the floor.

I'll edit my post, then)
"Baku?" Typhoon leaped over to the Umbreon. "You all right?" He said, standing on all fours and looking into New Moons face. "Why did ya do that?"

Dent started to get bored. This whole thing is strange. I mean, suddenly, some scientists ask me if I want to do some kind of test, then the next second they ask me to guard a little child so that she can die and give her life to Atnura. Huh. Always when Dent got bored, he transformed into a random Pokémon. So what Pokémon this time? Girafarig, Torkoal, Combusken? No, Chatot! Chatot is a funny pokémon!

Blue feathers started growing out of Dent's arm, his head turned all black and a music note emerged from the top of his head, his feet turned all yellowy and his toes became sharper. "Squawk!" Although, some good things came out from the gene of Arkra. I have superhuman strength and the ability to turn into any pokémon besides legendaries. That's awesome, I think. The Chatot Dent smiled a strange bird smile, and jumped on his tiny feet to where Typhoon stood. "Wazzup?"

((Btw, Typhlosions actually says "Baku" or "Bakufun" I have proof!))
Josh walked through an opened door and saw a group of people. He walked towards Matt

"Hello my name is Josh! What's your name?!" Said Josh standing right in Matt's face

Link for youtube vid. After the Typhlosion have beaten the Hitmonlee you'll probably hear him :] ))
((But it never said "phoon." Oh, well, I heard it say Baka, Baku, Kyesh, and a bunch of other things.))
((XD Hitmonlee's voice cracks me up. It's like they told the actor to try and sound like a little kid! Oh, what ever have they done to the anime these days?))

Another guardian showed up and greeted the skeptical one, introducing himself as Josh. Another one transformed himself into... a Chatot. Well I don't see how we can't get this done, already seen a lot of different abilities., Serkan thought.
The screech of a Staraptor preceded Fiara into the meeting room. Her footsteps echoed through the narrow hall and she ran down it, Fennot flying not far behind, and Dykria running beside her. As she burst into the meeting room, she halted as quickly as she could and stood there, panting. Dykria looked around the room nervously for any possible threats to Fiara. Now that his master hand no family, he was doubly protective of her. With a resounding screech, Fennot flew into the room. The staraptor, with its seemingly neverending energy, immediately began flying around the ceiling of the room in circles. Fiara smiled, then noticed how nervous Dykria was. She knelt down and placed one hand on his head. She looked around. "How late am I, exactly?" she asked.
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