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Open Arkra Guardians

Arkra looked at him coldly.

"Easy Arkra.... easy... Don't... lose it..." Simon looked at her uneasily. He walked over to the girl and lead her over to her chair. Simon knew how much of a temper she had. She allowed herself to be led back to her chair and still glared at Kailani, her heart beating like mad. The angry was radiating off of her intensely.

Alan cut in, trying to diffuse the incident. "Well, if that's all..." He put the maps away and other supplies in Arkra's bag. "Outside, there is a plane... It will take you to the outside of the Petalburg Woods."

"Um sir... there is no plane..." Simon cut in nervously. Alan looked at him, baffled.

"What do you mean...?"

"Last night... we found all the planes destroyed... We don't know what did it..."

"Darkrai." Alan said simply. He knew it was that Pokemon, there wasn't anyone else who would do such a thing. It had already tried to sabotage the mission once by entering Arkra's dreams and making her have nightmares. Alan shuddered, they had a hell of a time trying to get her out of that. "Dammit! What are we going to do now...?"

"I think they'll have to make the trip on foot." Simon looked at them apologetically.
Fiara raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, it's getting late. We should set out tomorrow, I think. The Petalburg woods will be impossible to navigate in the dark. Dykria?" At the sound of his name, Dykria walked over to stand next to Fiara.
"Yes, that's a good idea. You will all need rest for tommorow." The scientist looked at them all. "You can sleep here for the night, we have plenty of spare rooms." Alan looked at Fiara and her Houndoom suspiciously... they seemed to suspect something... He would have to keep a close eye on them...
Dykria growled when he mentioned sleeping there. He didn't want anyone but Fiara to know what was wrong. Fiara shook her head. "My Pokemon and I will sleep outside, thank you. I don't want Dykria to be uncomfortable." she said.
"Hmmm... I could fly there. At least for a short distance, or I'd be to weak to transform anymore..." Dent said, and transformed into a Chatot again. "And if I'm going to fly... you," He pointed at Typhoon with his wing. "Will have to be inside your Pokéball! I'll never be able to carry you all the way to Petalburg woods!"

Typhoon stared at his partner. "No way! I'm never going back into that... that thing again!" Typhoon hadn't been inside his pokéball since when Dent first got him as a Cyndaquil. "I'd rather run!" Dent shrugged "Then you'll have to get teleported." He let out his Alakazam, Tele, who seemed annoyed.

"You just interupted me in the middle of my meditating!" The Alakazam shot a finger at Dent. "What do you want?!" She was in a really bad mood, even to be her. "I-I just wanted to take you out of your pokéball so that you could meet all these... nice people..." Dent said, slightly nervous. "Humph." Hi my name is Tele, I am Dent's Alakazam and I'm going back into my Pokéball now. She teletold everyone in the room, then directed to her master. If you please? Dent sighed and took her into her Pokéball again. "Sorry about that, she isn't normally like that y'kno" He shrugged then put Tele's Pokeéball into his pocket again.
((Don't expect me to post for a bit, okay? I gotta read two pages and that usually takes a long time.

EDIT: I'm done.))

Corison sat in the chair watching the scene, and listened intently to the scientists. "I'm willing to make the journey. Anything to save this cursed world is fine with me.
"...That's an oxymoron, isn't it? Saving a world I don't like? Hm.... sometimes I can really confuse myself."
"Vee!" squealed Valor, but her fur started bristling. The Eevee bared her teeth and looked up at the Staraptor. "That's a predator..." she growled. "Staraptor eat Eevee."
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Aria nodded. "I'm coming with you, Arkra."
Lexi stood on three paws while holding one up, almost above her head. "Ray!"
Fiara stared at the Eevee for a moment. Suddenly, she laughed. Dykria grumbled that this was a serious situation. "Fennot won't eat you! Actually, Fennot, you tell the Eevee." Fennot groaned. "Must I?" she asked. Fiara nodded, a burning temper flared in her eyes. Fennot sighed. "I promise I won't eat you."
"Noble words.", Amrit said to Serkan.
"What do you mean? I'm a noble rogue.", Serkan replied confidently, "Anyway, do show us to these lodgings, if you will.", he added.
She nodded to all of them, still feeling her anger at Kailani boiling. Alan looked at Fiara, he was still suspicious. There was something odd about her and her Pokemon. Surely they didn't know...? No, of course not.

"If you want to sleep outside, then very well." He noted in the back of his mind to have one of the guards watch her. "Now, Simon will show the rest of you to your rooms."

Simon nodded and wheeled out of room, motioning for them to follow him. Arkra walked alongside him.

"So, what do you think...?" Simon asked.

"I think I hate that one guy... He really... just ARGH!"

"Calm down... calm down... some people are like that. You should just be thankful he decided to come."

"I know..." Arkra replied. "But that still doesn't stop me from wanting to give him a good kick somewhere..."
Valor calmed down, but his fur was still up a bit. "Fine," he said. "Okay." But I'm keeping an eye on you.

Soel hopped up onto Corison's lap, looking into his eyes. "I know, Soel. This is dangerous. But it's for the sake of everyone. For you and me. For the world."
Ming couldn't help but chuckle at the scene before her. She pushes her sunglasses back up her nose and starts to follow the wheelchair man silently. Halan sighs and looks over at Kate, telling her to follow before going after Ming.

"Ming...are you sure we should be doing this?"

"Yes...we must do this. If we want to fix what is broken, we must do this"

Halan nods, then looks over at the poor girl with the horrible fate.

"So young..yet, she is to die for this..."

Ming chuckles a bit, looking over her shoulder at him.

"Not true. It is said she must be the tribute, doesn't mean she will die."

Before he chould ask, Ming turns her attention back to the hall before her, a small smile on her face.
"Lets go." Typhoon waved Dent with him as he started to follow Simon and Arkra into the hallway. "Where are we going to sleep? Is it far from here?" Dent asked when he had reached them. "I sure am tired..."
Arkra and Simon laughed at Arkra's comment. She smiled sadly, she knew that it was probably the last time the two of them would laugh like this together. He was the one... she would miss the most... She thought of what to say to him tommorow, on the last day they would see each other.

"It's not far from here now, just down this hallway..." Simon replied to Dent. "Ah, right here!" It was a large, spacious white hallway with many doors on each side. "Pick any room you'd like."
Aria followed all the others, Lexi bounding behind her, saying "lux" each time she landed from a jump. When they reached a room with many doors, Aria picked one randomly and stood in front of it. It was the third from the right.
Ming looked at the doors in the hall and picks one at random to stay in. She opens the door to see a bed. She sighs, walking into the room.

"This is my room for the night. If anyone but my sister and my pokemon come in here, you will face a fate worse than death"
Soel made a happy noise and skipped down the hall, with Valor following closely behind her. The Eevee rolled his eyes. "Soel, you're so happy."
"I know!" she said, not appearing to pay attention. A door in front of her glowed slightly and appeared to spontaneously open. The Ralts looked in, stepping into the room. "This one!"
"Alright," said Corison. He walked casually in, gazing around. "This one seems good. ...Not that it's much different from the others, anyway."
"Yay!" shouted Soel, lifting herself onto the bed (if there's one there) and laying down on it. "This is so soft."
Valor leaped up onto it and shuffled his paws. "Really? My fur is softer than this." He touched his nose to Soel's chest.
"Well... there's your room Arkra..." Simon pointed at the very final door at the very end of the hallway. Aaah, her room in the laboratory. It was like a second home to her, all the times she had spent in there... She couldn't think about the past right now though... Arkra knew she couldn't think about that now. She had to look to the future...

"Well, um... Goodnight Simon. Goodnight everyone. See you tommorow." Arkra said awkwardly.

"Yes, goodnight to you all. Have sweet dreams..."

She walked into her room without another word and locked the door.
"Oh, thanks." Dent picked a room with the number 13 on the door and walked inside, Typhoon followed. "This is nice." Dent wasn't superstitious, and didn't care that the room he had was the 13th to the right. He closed the door and turned on the lights so that he could see more of the room.

There was two separated beds, so that both him and Typhoon could sleep, between the beds was a small table with a lamp on. There was another room, Dent walked into it to find out that it was the bathroom. The walls was covered with black and white tiles, there was a toilet, a sink and a big oval mirror above it. He walked back out a leaped into the bed closest to the window. "I'll take this one!" "Why do you always have to take the bed closest to the window! This time I want it!" Typhoon growled annoyed. "That's because you're too late to take it! You could have taken it while I was in the bathroom! But you can have it anyway, I don't want to get into a fight with you. He jumped from the bed he stood on to the other bed. "I'll have this one then." He said grumpily.

Typhoon looked pleased as he sat down on his bed.
She sat down on her bed and sighed.

Then she took out her Pokeball. Arivivie materialized in a flash of crimson light.

"I just... I don't know if I can take this... anymore..." Arkra sighed, finally letting all the sadness she had been holding inside.

"Arkra... please..." The Mightyena put her muzzle on Arkra's knees. "It'll all be all right."

"Will it really? Will it REALLY? Because you know what? I'm going to be dead!" The first tears came out of her eyes, she began to gasp and sigh. "I can't do this... I just can't... it's too much... why are they asking so much of... sniff... me...?" More tears spilled down her face. "I'm... just a person... a normal person like them... I don't deserve this... maybe I should just run away... let them all die... I'll still live..."

"You know you don't mean that." Arivivie said patiently.

Arkra broke down and stuck her face in her pillow, she began to sob furiously. She sobbed for Simon, for her parents, for her home, for all the people and places she would never see again.
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