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Open Arkra Guardians

Halan covers his ears when the noise begun, his fangs bared.

"What, in the name of all that is holy, is that?!"

Ming drops to her knees and covers Fang's ears, growling herself.

"I don't know. Shui! Aslen! Back into your poke'balls!"

The two returned to their poke'balls quickly, escaping the noise. Ming looks up at Halan, holding his ball. Halan shakes his head.

"Fine then. I'm going to check it out"

Ming leaves the room, leaving Fang with Halan. She sees the door and other pokemon going towards and away from the room. She walks to the door and opens it, a glare in her eyes. She snaps her fingers and a wisp of smoke starts to curl around her. Once the smoke cleared, her she sttod with a huge Arbok coiled around her body. She enters the room and screams.


The imaginary snake hisses, shwoing off it's massive fangs that drip with vemon. It was then that she saw that all of them were asleep.


Ming walks around back to her room.

((I can make illusions))
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"Oh, finally that noise stopped!"

"Yes, some people should have more respect for others."

"Let's see what stopped it." Summer ran to the supposed source of the noise, meeting an Umbreon that seemed very satisfied. In a room, a Mightyena, a Loudred, an Yanma, a Prinplup and a boy were all asleep.

"I'd bet it was that Umbreon." Summer said.

"I'd be a fool if I didn't agree with you." Caligo replied.

Day Two - The Journey Begins

The morning had come. And with it the sun rose, splattering its yellow and orange rays across the sky. It was like a fine painting.

Arkra was still asleep, with Arivivie at the foot of her bed. Simon crept quietly into her room. It was his job to awaken her again. His soft hand began to shake gently. "Arkra... Arkra... it's time to go. We must wake the others...."

The girl groaned, this time she was geniunely asleep.

"Come on... come on..." He tried to shake her more forcefully. But to no avail. Arivivie stared at him with her yellow eyes, she was already awake.

"Help me get her up." The Mightyena began to lick Arkra's face, the girl groaned even more.

"What is going on...? Ugh..."

"Wake up, Arkra... it's time..."

Arkra sighed. "Already...?"
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A faint voice... Who was it?

It was getting stronger...

"Wake up, Dent..."

Dent groaned.

"Wake up!" Someone shouted into his ear.

Dent groaned again and opened his eyes. His vision was unclear without his glasses, he could only see a blurry blue and beige creature above him. "Gnnn... Where's mah glasses?"

"You're finally awake!" The creature disappeared from sight, and came back with something in it's hands.

"Ahh... my glasses." Dent put his glasses on, before him was a smiling Typhlosion.

"Finally!" Typhoon said and laughed. "I must've stood here in five mintues trying to wake you up!"

"Where's my clothes?" He looked over the edge of the bed. On the floor was a bundle of clothes. "Don't look!" Typhoon turned away as Dent stood up and dressed himself in his usual clothes. "There."

"I'm hungry..." Typhoon said. "I bet the other's are too. Lets go eat!"

"Yeah, okay. I'm just going to let them out." Dent threw four pokéballs into the air. Out of the came a red silouette of the pokémon that was inside it.

Magnet, Fist, Tele (who was, fortunatly for Dent, not meditating) and Sandstorm.

"ZZZZZ!" "Mach-Amp!" "Kazam!" "Traaa!"

"Are you hungry?" Dent asked the little Trapinch.

"You bet I am!" The Trapinch smiled. Magnet seemed to want to shock it.

Dent smiled, and Typhoon chuckled. It always made them happy to see a happy child.
((Oh. I'm stupid))

"WAKE UP!!!" Said The Loudred

"Ugh" Groaned Josh. He put one of his hands up in the air and it started to glow. The Loudred started to make some odd movements and seemed to walked backwords and fell asleep.

"Oh wait it's time to go to Petelburg woods!" Said josh before throwing of the covers and putting his pokemon back in thier pokeballs. Josh changed into his normal clothes and walked out of the room and to the conference room and took a seat in one of the chairs

((Btw that was Josh reversing time on the Loudred))
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Mila was nudged gently. She groggily opened her eyes, turning over to find Jewel gently rubbing her face against Mila's. "Wake up," she whispered, jumping over the side to join Watt, Tsunami, and New Moon, the latter of which seemed to be particularly proud of himself. She got dressed, as the four Eeveelutions looked away respectively, and took a couple of donuts out of her bag, along with some Pokemon food (which she made herself from natural ingredients, mainly berries) and pouring some into four small bowls, putting one in front of each of her Pokemon, who ate it heartily. After they ate, she cleaned up, licking the leftover powdered sugar off her donuts, and the small group went to the conference room, which was where they assumed they would meet the others to begin on their journey.
"Yes, already." Simon looked at Arkra gravely. Her face was ruddy and her pillow seemed to be covered in wet stains. He could tell she had been crying. "Get dressed. We're all meeting in the conference room for breakfast and a final briefing." The man went into the hallway and announced this loudly, so that all the Arkra Guardians could hear him.

She slowly pulled on her clothing, gasping and trying to hold it now. Today was really it, the last day. Arivivie watched her sadly, it dismayed her that her good friend Arkra was so distressed. When she was finished, she looked at her laboratory room for a long time. Just staring, remembering the good times... and the bad...

The girl took one last glance and left the room forever.

Arkra went into the conference room with Arivivie. There were only a few people there. Arkra noticed Alan to be one of them. It seemed most of the Arkra Guardians were still sleeping.
((It's ok... Argh! Stupid short post!))

Josh looked up and saw two people in the room.

"Good morning! And how are you guys today!?" Said Josh in a annoying tone. "Tired I'm guessing?"
Serkan sat as the sun rose. He was used to waking up early, as the life of a semi-criminal had pressed into him. Amrit... Serkan couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake. Puff blew smoke rings as he slept, but slowly woke up and lifted his head. "Good morning.", Serkan said.
Puff sleepily replied, "Good... morning... Already?"
"Good morning.", Amrit replied, though his eyes were firmly shut and he was lost in thought.
"Well, I suppose we should go out and see if anyone else has gotten up.", Serkan said as he telekinetically pulled his clothing towards him and got dressed, "Hopefully Konrad can come out can stretch his legs today."
The three of them walked out into the hall, and towards the conference room. Josh was there. Serkan told him, "I, for one, aren't terribly tired.", and then he walked past and asked, "So, we set out today? For the Petalburg Woods, I presume?"
((Yeah, I was in there too :P))

"I'm good," said Mila to Josh's question. "And yes, that's what I assumed," she added to Serkan.
"We better get to the meeting room now." Dent said and started to walk towards the door. "I should return you guys, or the place might get a little too filled up." He retured Magnet, Fist and Tele, but not Sandstorm, she was so small, it didn't matter.

"Mornin'..." Dent said as he arrived at the meeting room, Typhoon following him, Sandstorm on his shoulder. "Traaapinch! I'm hungry!" She opened her big mouth as a chick would do to it's mother when it was hungry. "Yeah, yeah I know that." Dent replied. "Take this Oran berry." He threw a blue, round berry in the air, and Sandstorm snapped it while it was falling. "Yum. More! More!" Dent sighed, and threw another Oran berry, but this time into the Trapinch's mouth.
"~Good morning~" Flutter said in a sing-songy voice, waking Matt up. He shot a glare at her. "What? Today we're going to Petalburg Woods! I'm excited!"

"And I care why?" Matt asked. "I've been there hundreds of times."

"Well you're forgetting that I was born there before you captured me!" Flutter said happily. "I might be able to see my family again!"

"Don't they hate me and Matt?" Carnage asked.

"Uh...yes," Flutter answered. Matt and Carnage stared at her. "Hey - you guys captured me! What would you expect?"

"Them to be grateful," Matt mumbled. Carnage chuckled. Flutter glared, then sighed.

"Well get me out of my Poke Ball when we get there," she answered, returning to her Poke Ball. Matt returned his other Pokemon before they woke up, and walked to the building.

When he arrived, he saw that many others were there. "Good morning freaky girl, naive idiots and pathetic scientist."
Arkra was relatively unphased by his comment. She was so used to it, that it didn't even bother her. Her thoughts were vague and still half-asleep, intermixed with worry about the mission's beginning. Once it began, there was no backing out. She looked at him with tired empty eyes, sighed, and silently brushed him off.

On the conference table, Alan was putting plates of food. "Good morning! Did you all get a good night's sleep?" He said, perkily, also choosing to ignore the comment.
Fiara woke up to Dykria licking her face. With a laugh, she sat up. Then, she looked up at the sky. It was later than she had hoped for. She sighed. Her clothes, which she had decided not to change out of because she was sleeping outside, were soaked with dew. Dykria looked tired. "Did you stay up all night?" Fiara asked him. He replied, "Yes. You weren't going to. I had to fight off the guards." The last comment he was clearly bragging. Fiara laughed and patted him on the head. "FENNOT!! COME ON!!" she yelled loudly. Fennot soared down from where he was flying to land on Fiara's head. Fiara then stood, rolled up the blanket she had been sleeping on, and put it away with the rest of her things.Then, she Fennot, and Dykria (the rest of her Pokemon were in their Pokeballs) went into the meeting room. Fiara sat down quietly, Fennot flew around the room, swooping down to grab some meat off of the table every few minutes. And Dykria sat next to Fiara, growling ferociously at anyone who approached her. And Fiara began to eat slowly.
Dent transformed into a blue pokémon with a big read mouth. "EXCUSE ME?" Said Dent as an Exploud. "NAIVE IDIOTS?" He continued. "PATHETIC SCIENTISTS? AND... FREAKY GIRL?!" His loud voice made the floor rumble. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS GIRL IS DOING?" He pointed at Arkra, "SHE IS SACRIFICING HERSELF FOR US!! DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" He raged at Matt. He weren't that angry, it was just his Exploud voice which made him sound enraged. "AND I AM GOING TO HELP HER! SO DO NOT CALL ME A NAIVE IDIOT! IT PROVES THAT YOU ARE ONE YOURSELF!" He transformed to human again, Typhoon was trying to calm down. Surely, if he was a fire pokémon, or if he transformed to one, smoke would be coming from the top of his head. Sandstorm whimpered, and fled into her pokéball.
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