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Open Arkra Guardians

Arylett Charnoa

Barely existent.
In ancient times, there was said to be a very powerful human named Atnura. Atnura was a very unique human, she had special powers which were said to be unrivaled by anyone, including humans or Pokemon. Some called her a goddess.

Legend has it that she and Arceus created the universe together. And the two of them kept it in balance. Arceus created the Pokemon and Atnura created the humans. The two of them gave their creations life and sustain their life. And their creations lived together, alongside each other.

...Until now. Recently, there has been a large string of human deaths, caused by an illness called Arrestment. When someone is afflicted with Arrestment, their body slowly begins to degenerate, little by little a paralysis spreads throughout them until they are unable to move completely. And they eventually die of asphyxiation or cardiac arrest, due to them being unable to get oxygen into their bodies.

Scientists have been baffled by this strange phenomina. They have worked hard to devise a cure and have failed. But there is one thing they know: Arrestment is not contagious, it cannot spread. It simply appears randomly in individuals.

According to the myth of Atnura, it was predicted that one day the Pokemon Darkrai would slay the goddess. Without the goddess, humans would merely just stop moving, all the life within them would merely disappear.

It seemed that there was no hope in the world, human populations were decreasing steadily....

Until one girl was born, a most interesting girl named Arkra in the scientist's eyes. She displayed bizarre powers, powers which she seemed to have little control over. The scientists kept a watchful eye on her and it seemed as if she had an immunity to Arrestment. Not once did a sign of it afflict her. Hope was restored again, if this girl was immune, then maybe that could figure out what made her immune.

The scientists tried everything to make a vaccine. They tried inserting the girl's genes into people to see if they were immune, but to no avail. However, these people seemed to gain a small portion of her mysterious powers.

They were running out of options... According to the myth, a mysterious girl would be born, one who held a fraction of Atnura's powers. This girl was supposed to be Atnura's reincarnate. To restore Atnura's life, the girl would have to find the five Atnurain Shrines, mystical temples whose existance is rumored not to exist. Supposedly, there was a temple in each region. (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh) With each temple she went to, she would slowly gain the full powers of the goddess. And the fifth temple would be Atnura's final resting place, located in the Realm of Beginning. However, the girl's mission would come at a price. In the Realm of Beginning, she would have to sacrifice her life to become Atnura.

With nowhere else to turn, the scientists reluctantly agreed that the myth was their final shot. According to legend, the Shrines would only show themselves to those who had strong connections to the goddess. In the ancient texts, they found a map to four of the shrines. And so, they sent her on a mission. A mission to find the five shrines.

However, when Darkrai got word of this, it was furious. It wanted to take Atnura's place as a god. Using the great power it took from Atnura when it killed her, it corrupted and turned a few of the Legendary Pokemon of each region to its side and stationed a Legendary Pokemon at each shrine, alone with some minions.

The scientists learned of Darkrai's intent and knew it would be too difficult for her alone, so they sent the others who they had spliced with her genes, the ones who held part of her power, to protect and defend her.

You play as one of these people who must protect and defend Arkra, they're called the Arkra Guardians. Arkra Guardians must use their powers and their Pokemon (because Arkra Guardians are also Pokemon trainers) to defend her. I play Arkra, yeah. And also, I play all the Legendary Pokemon we will be encountering.

You could also play a wild good Pokémon who thinks that Arkra's intentions are noble and wants to join her. Can be any Pokémon minus Legendaries.

Or you could play as one of Darkrai's minions. Can be any Pokémon you want minus Legendaries. These guys are pursuing Arkra and her gang.


- No Atnura Godmodding, of course. Typical RP rules apply, yadda yadda, so on and so forth.

- If you are going to be away, please tell me. Either in the RP, by PM, or visitor message.

- Cursing is allowed. Also, violence is allowed, as long as you don't go into too much detail.

- Do know that you must have at least decent spelling and grammar.

- You are allowed to post a minimum of at least two sentences. No one-liners, please. I mean, your posts don't have to be immensely long, but they at least can't be composed of only one sentence.

- It's like Anime-style battling. Your Pokemon can know more than four moves and levels don't really matter.

- To signify that you have read the rules, put "charcill" in your post. Applications without this word will not be accepted, obviously.

- You can play as many characters as you want, as long as you can handle it.

- The RP is already in progress. So anyone who wants to sign up afterwards and play a Human Arkra Guardian can have characters who join the party who have had Arkra's genes injected in them, but weren't choosen by the scientists to be an original Arkra Guardian.

The Atnurain Shrines:

1.) The Valight Shrine - This one is the Hoenn shrine and the closest. It is said to be deeply buried in the depths of a mystical invisibile lake in the Petalburg Woods. Guarded by Kyogre. Minions include a few Milotic, Relicanth, Huntail, and Gorebyss.

2.) The Flarrai Shrine - The Johto shrine. Located in Cianwood City, in the light house there is supposedly an extra unseen floor built into its design. This floor is supposed to be above the signal light itself. Guarded by Lugia. Minions include a few Xatu, Noctowl, and Crobat.

3.) The Charcill Shrine - The Kanto shrine. Located, like the light house, on an extra invisible floor very low into the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnebar Island. Guarded by Mewtwo. Minions include some Muk, Ditto, and Weezing.

4.) The Mourmedy Shrine - The Sinnoh shrine. Located deep within Mount Coronet, deeper than humans have ever dared explore. The hardest one to reach, because it requires the person trying to get into the temple to solve a special puzzle or else they'll lose all memory of having been there. Guarded by Dialga. Minions include some Garchomp and Bronzong.

5.) The Atnura Shrine - The last shrine. Located in Atnura's final resting place, in the Realm of Beginning. It holds Atnura's grave. After Arkra goes to the Mourmedy shrine, a portal to the Realm of Beginning will open. However, the shrine is very hard to get through, as it is a maze. Guarded by a corrupted Arceus and Darkrai. Minions include Uxie, Mespirit and Azelf.

Human Application




History: To help you with this one, I'll ask you a question. What did your character do before joining the Arkra Guardians?



Powers: The powers they got from Arkra's genes. Think like superpowers. (examples: flight, super strength, mind reading, etc.) You may have only two powers. Also note that all Arkra Guardians have the ability to communicate with and understand Pokemon, due to Atnura's strong bond to Arceus.

Pokemon: Please note that the lineup of your Pokemon may change. In the RP, you may capture new Pokemon and add them to your party.

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) :

Other: Anything else? Have any questions?


Pokémon Application


Species: What Pokémon are they?

Age: Just use general terms. Like child, adolescent, adult, etc.




Appearance: Special features and whatnot.

Alignment: One of Darkrai's minions or a Pokémon who wants to join the Arkra Guardians?

Other: Anything else?


My Application:

Name: Arkra

Age: 16

Gender: Female

History: Arkra's life has always been quite stressful. Having been constantly hounded and sheltered by scientists, she hasn't lived very happily. Always they have told her, she is the new hope! But she just wanted to live a quiet life. They've never left her alone and now they make her go on some suicide mission just to save the human race? Hmph!

She wanted to be a Pokemon trainer in Littleroot town and was even given a starter. But she was not allowed to leave the boundaries past Oldale town. However, she still managed to capture and train a few common Pokemon that lurked in the grasses near her hometown.

Personality: She is a very shy and timid individual, who cowers at any sort of attention. The fact that she's some sort of savior of the human race makes her feel somewhat good, but is also a pain. Nobody ever seems to leave her alone and that's all she wants, to shrink into the corner and never be seen by anyone again.

Arkra thinks about it all the time, the fact that she'll have to die, and tries to forget. Even if she wants to drop out of the mission, she knows she can't, for she would feel too guilty and responsible for letting the human race die out. Every day, she fills her minds with denial and illusions, with false hope, and that is how she is able to keep going on the mission.

Appearance: Despite being the reincarnation of a goddness, Arkra's apperience really isn't that special. She wears glasses, has black-ish eyes, and has curly dark brown hair. Her outfit is composed of a red long sleeved collared shirt and white jeans with sandals.

Powers: Arkra has the ability to turn invisible (the only good thing about having the powers, she reckons) and also to get premonitions of the future. However, she doesn't have much control over them.


Noah/Grovyle (M)

Arivivie/Mightyena (F)

Viale/Beautifly (M)

Pokemon Personalites: (Optional)

Noah is very protective of Arkra and disapproves of her mission. He tells her that she should just let all the humans die, because then she could live with him and the other Pokemon, since she is immune to Arrestment. He is her starter Pokemon.

Arivivie was the first Pokemon Arkra captured on her own. The two are close and Arivivie is caring and passive towards Arkra, she is the most supporting Pokemon of her mission and only wants her trainer to do what she feels is right.

Viale is very modest and thankful of Arkra, because she helped him evolve into a Beautifly. He doesn't speak much, but is very wise and patient and good at giving her advice.

Other: Charcill is not a real word, it's a word I made up.

Arkra - Arylett Dawnsborough
Aria - Darksong
Josh - Yanmega
Mila - shadow_lugia
Corison - Cryptica
Existence/Spiritomb - Cryptica
Sar/Pinsir - Cryptica
Serkan - link008
Matt - Blaziking 175
Kailani - Exo Raikou
Summer - Arcanine
Eric - Ambipom
Dent - Bakuphoon
Ming-Yue Ryuu - moon-panther
Kathryn Davidson - Full Metal Cookies
Mew Desmale - Jason-Kun
Fiara - *~insert name here~*
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Name: Aria

Age: 14

Gender: Female

History: Aria was born in Sandgem town in the Sinnoh region. There, she caught her first Pokemon, a Shinx, and moved on to collect more. However, she decided to stick with one for the moment. Then, she heard about the Arrestment and Arkra.

Personality: Aria is short-tempered, but otherwise friendly. It's easy to annoy her. She also is interested in the Charcill Shrine and the way it's set up.

Appearance: Aria is tall, about five feet six inches, with long black hair that goes down to her waist. Her hair is straight. She usually likes wearing a plain purple shirt and pink sweatpants.

Powers: She can, um... read minds and sense aura, like a Lucario.


Lexi, Luxray, Female

Pokemon Personalities: Lexi is enthusiastic and has a battle-hungry attitude. She will do anything for her Trainer. Lexi is the physical sweeper of the team of one.

Other: Nope.
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Name: Josh

Age: 17

Gender: Male

History: Josh was born in the Hoenn region. Before Josh joined the Arkra Guardians he used to run a pokemart in Robusto city. He then heard about heard about the Arrestment and Arkra and decided that he would get involved

Personality: Josh is very loud and annoying. He tries to annoy people on purpose to get them irritated. Josh gets a kick out of it if they get upset. He also will talk a lot for no reason on random subjects. Josh hates it if anyone annoys him. He will get irritable and upset himself.

Appearance: Josh has spikey brown hair with yellow streaks. He wears long blue jeens with large brown boots. Josh has a green T-shirt with a large blue J on it. He is tall and thin

Powers: Josh has the ability to manipulate time. Josh can also teleport but he dosn't have much control over it.


Prinplup (F)

Yanma (M)

Loudred (F)

Other: Charcill!
Name: Mila
Age: 14
Gender: Female
History: Mila was not raised by humans, but by Pokemon. Her parents died in a plane accident when she was about four years old, and was found by a group of Eeveelutions, mainly Espeon, who raised her for six years. Around the age of ten she was found, taken, and teached by humans. She has progressed quick and now has the skill level of an average fourteen year-old in most areas, although there are some human concepts she still doesn't understand.
Personality: Mila is a generally thoughtful girl who is honest most of the time. She states her opinion on everything, and is very proud when someone praises her. When upset she punches things, however.
Appearance: Mila has very long brown hair and several circular scars on her skin. She is rather pale and has green eyes, as well.
Powers: Mila has psychic powers, although whether this was due to Arkra's genes or the Espeons' influence at an early age in her life, it is unknown. Plants also seem to grow a bit faster around her, and she can easily sneak up on people.
Pokemon: Jewel Espeon (F) Lv. 35: Jewel is generally happy most of the time, and tries to make Mila feel better when she's upset. She is practical and generally does not lie, although sometimes she twists the truth around a bit to make it sound different than it actually is.
New Moon Umbreon (M) Lv. 35: New Moon is generally the opposite of Jewel. He is mostly grumpy and lies a lot, although he tells the truth if it hurts worse.
Watt Jolteon (M) Lv. 32: Watt has a lot of energy and usually does not stop to think about things. He enjoys the company that a group provides, and becomes very distressed when alone.
Tsunami Vaporeon (F) Lv. 33: Tsunami is calm and quiet. If you didn't know better, you'd say that she just didn't hear you. She thinks a lot and enjoys the feeling that she knows more than others.
Other: That weird word you said to say... what was it again... Charcill?

Yesssssssss this took way shorter than I expected :D Only half an hour
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Name: Corison (rhymes with "horizon")

Age: 15

Gender: Male

History: Corison's original name was Jost (rhymes with "lost"). He lived a tough life, abandoned by his parents, who were too busy to take care of a child. His foster mother was cruel and made Corison do all of the work around the house. Distressed, Corison fled, finding a small place where he could live in peace. He befriended a Ralts there, and he changed his name to Corison, hoping that it would help him forget about his past.

Then, Corison overheard a conversation which stated something about scientists and Atnura. Corison was assigned the mission of protecting Arkra.

Personality: Corison is brave but friendly. His mind is full of logic and understanding. He is very close to his Ralts, Soel.

Appearance: Corison has short black hair the color of the midnight sky. It goes about down to his neck and then curves backward and up slightly. Corison has bright blue eyes. He wears a red-violet shirt and khaki jeans.

Powers: Corison is very strong. He can also levitate/fly (I don't know how that would work, but...).


[Soel] Ralts (F)
[Valor] Eevee (M)

Other: What was that word again...? Charcill.
Name: Serkan

Age: 18

Gender: Male

History: Starting out as a trainer in Hoenn, Serkan began his career not with a starter, but with an egg, and not quite as a trainer, but as a Team Magma member. The egg was given to him by his parents, a simple birthday gift when he turned 10. He was a rogue before joining the Arkra Guardians, a prominent member of Team Magma, though he left to join the Guardians.
Personality: He fancies himself a noble person with noble goals, and always figures the ends justify the means. His past has left him clever, mischievious to a fault, though only to his foes, and never afraid to use force, though he likes a sneaky approach as well. He isn't too trusting of anybody he knows or isn't in Team Magma, but tries to be polite and understanding in any case, and can be quite easy to warm up to. He is always looking forward, and is generally brave and optimistic, though self-preservation sometimes get the better of him. Sometimes he comes off as shady.

Appearance: Of slightly shorter than average height, with short dirty blonde hair that is usually hidden under a baseball cap worn backwards, and green eyes which are always hidden behind aviator sunglasses. His usual outfit is a blue-green tye-dye t-shirt, and khaki pants with lots of pockets.

Powers: pyrokinesis, telekinesis

Puff/Torkoal (M)
Amrit/Medicham (M)
Konrad/Rhydon (M)

Pokemon Personalities:

Puff: Hatched from the egg Serkan's parents gave him, Puff is a gentle being, with no intent to harm unless Serkan is in danger or told to do so, though he might come across as being a bit cowardly, but he's kindhearted as much as he can be, and is nice.

Amrit: Caught as a Meditite during Team Magma's excursion to Mt. Pyre, Amrit is quiet, calm-witted, and a generally helpful. He is open and truthful, never angry, though hardly a talktative one.

Konrad: Konrad was caught in the Safari Zone as a Rhyhorn. He is loud, abrasive, but respectful, to a fault. He is always full of spirit, and respectful of those stronger than him, and not one to give up. However, out-of-battle, he is grumpy, prone to yelling, and overall quick-to-anger. In battle, he is hardly a calm and collected figure, going straight at the enemy no matter what.

Yay! You made it! *cough*Charcill*cough*

Name: Matt

Age: 15

Gender: Male

History: Matt was born in Fortree City and always wanted to become a Pokemon Trainer. He leaped at the opportunity to become one. He collected the first six badges in Hoenn before his parents were killed by the Arrestment. After his parents died, Matt decided to end his Pokemon journey, too depressed to continue. He opened up an unofficial gym in Route 120 to earn money. He had his genes spliced with Arkra's ((That sounds odd)) when he heard it may prevent him from getting the arrestment.

Personality: Matt, before his parents died, was a talkative, hot-headed young trainer, but when they died he became very quiet and became secluded from everyone except his Pokemon. He tends to be very timid.

Appearance: Matt has short black hair, covered by a cowboy hat, always wears jeans, an oxford shirt and a trenchcoat. He is somewhat muscular and is quite tall.

Powers: Matt has the ability to fly and has the ability to understand and talk to any Pokemon.

Pokemon: All except Loner and Skipper are at high levels.
VictreebelCarnage/Victreebel (M)
ButterfreeFlutter/Butterfree (F)
WalreinArctic/Walrein (F)
DodrioShizo/Dodrio (M)
ShelgonLoner/Shelgon (F)
SurskitSkipper/Surskit (M)

Pokemon Personalites (Optional) :
Carnage - Carnage was Matt's first Pokemon. Carnage has been trying to bring Matt out of his state of depression ever sense he got into it, since Carnage remembers what Matt was like before his parents died. Carnage otherwise has excellent leadership amoung the other Pokemon in the team.

Flutter - Flutter is a very kind, soft-spoken Pokemon. She loves to give advice and tends to meddle in others' lives. She has a very likable personality.

Arctic - Arctic is very lazy and rarely comes out of her Poke Ball. Even when she does, she usually sleeps unless she's battling. Although it is not shown, she does have a caring and kind heart.

Shizo - Shizo is one of Matt's favorite Pokemon on his team mainly because of the fact that the three heads of Shizo are always arguing. One of the heads is smart and extremely arrogant, another is manically depressed, and the last one is kind and caring. Names have been given to each head. Depressed - Deprimido, Arrogant - Arrow, and the normal one is called Shizo.

Loner - Loner has a personality much like Matt's. Although she can speak, she always keeps to herself. She rarely speaks. Flutter, much like herself, always is interfering, trying to get Loner to come out of her shell (no pun intended).

Skipper - Skipper is the newest addition to Matt's team and is in training. He is very enthusiastic and energetic, and is perky to a point of complete annoyance at times. He has a crush on Flutter.

Other: [blank][/blank]

Almost an hour to type this. Please appreciate it. And of course, when I began typing this, no one had posted. Now there have been ten posts. @_@
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Hey hey hey... what's with all the super-high levels? Don't you think we should be a bit more reasonable? Or should I edit my Pokemon a bit?
Hmm... the levels are a bit high... All right, enforcing a new rule. No levels can go above 35. (That is, if you choose to put levels in your post. You don't really have to.)

EDIT: Disregard this. Argh, I'm so wishy washy. See new rule regarding levels in first post.
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:/ Sorry, I just thought that the scientists would say OH HEY LET'S GET ALL THE GOOD TRAINERS SO THAT ARKRA GETS PROPER PROTECTION!!!!!

(^that was not meant in a mean or sarcastic way)
Unless it was the first two gyms from three different regions xD

So, you mean, this is like Anime-Style Battling, where the Pokemon don't just have four-move movesets?
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