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ArtMo/DraMo 2009


Also <3 this Paint.NET thing ahaha~ Expect something either every day or every two days depending on how often I can get on.

Prolly gonna be color, but shading uhhh. How do you do tha-*sniper'd*

Expect shitty fanarts! and MORRRE [/rainbow]
it's the first of December here in Australia, so I guess I'll post up my first picture! I'll be posting previews to my images so it saves space and hopefully doesn't kill people with slow connections/internet/whatever it's called :)


Click here for full picture.

EDIT: um, I just noticed I'm not on the participating list. Can I still post my art here?
^ Of course. Kai's just lazy.

As for Sunrai, I like the colour pencil usage. I'm awful with colours on paper and I usually just shade with a 2B pencil, but you're pretty good with them. The anatomy is a little odd in the transition from body to legs (I think the legs should be facing a little more to the left).
Also, unless it's a very stiff jacket, the bottom left part should droop down

Anyways, I got today's art done already.
Tomoe Yura
I've had this lying around for a while so I thought I might as well colour it. It's about a month or so old, so there are anatomy flaws here and there, but meh :P
For today's art I drew something very predictable:


Click here for full picture.

EDIT: um, I just noticed I'm not on the participating list. Can I still post my art here?
I agree with pretty much all Ice said, plus that the shading could use some work, but I do like it!

Anyways, I got today's art done already.
Tomoe Yura
I've had this lying around for a while so I thought I might as well colour it. It's about a month or so old, so there are anatomy flaws here and there, but meh :P
Except for the fact that the head looks really big and the arms are bent weird, I think the overall result looks good. Looks kind of like it was done in Flash, was it?
Ugh, I'm having some troubles with my brother. I should still have one up by tonight though.
Hey look! Crap!

This is one of those things where I can't decide whether I like or hate it. I haven't exactly got how I'd like to draw faces down yet, so this dude's face is like my old cartoon style and realism had fugly children. D: I really had to push myself to not procrastinate on this and finish it today. More comments on the actual piece; I'm probably going to do little journally things on all of these because apparently you're cool if you journal in your sketchbook. In any case, it's a light sketch in pencil with ballpoint pen and watercolors.
Dec. 1's picture.

Not really looking for crits on anything. Although there will be a few for tech assignments I'll be doing for this also that I'll definitely want crits for, but I'll tell you when I post those.
Mostly I'm doing this for fun and to start really drawing again after about a month and a half of being too busy to do anything but tablet artwork on my own time.

Day one! Random old dragon. Wanted to practice dragons a bit...

I can't post the really good picture I drew today though since the person It was drawn for as a Christmas present would see. QQ.
Thanks for the crits Vlad and Ice :)

December 2nd's picture- Bianca from Spyro: Year of the Dragon. I used a simple style here, the lineart looks terrible though :(

Click preview for full picture!
I drew my kitten wearing little shoes/mittens.
Unfortunately my scanner is inaccessible right now so I'll have to scan all my pictures in a group later on! You'll just have to take my word for it for now.
Ughhh this took me much longer to get done than I was expecting. I'd love to comment on all your drawings but I really don't have the time to right now ;-; (Although I will say that I like the rainbow dress, Zora o3o)

Anyways, here's December 2nd's drawing
@2nd Day Yeah!

I don't even know what's going on in this picture, honestly. I was listening to Okami's OST and then I just started to scribble a random snowy landscape with footprints in the snow. Originally I was going to have Amaterasu stepping through the snow, but the angle was too tricky so I was boring and just stuck her tail in there, with a bit of flame from the reflector. And then it was too boring so I added an ink streak. In grassy land, if you paint a streak on the ground, flowers will come out, so... (this doesn't work in snow though derp)
Hurr durr inspiration. You are questionable.

I'll critique some stuff after dinner, since I've got this assignment to do (which technically preceeds random scribbles in terms of importance but eh).
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