ASB Quests
Though there are all sorts of adventures to be had in the course of normal ASB battles--grand tournaments, city-leveling metronome battles, fights atop giant levitating pizzas--some trainers want more. They may be treasure-seekers, thrill-seekers, or just ambitious people looking to make their mark on the world and test their skills by seeking out and challenging the world's most powerful pokémon. ASB quests offer trainers the opportunity to venture far beyond civilization in search of challenging battles and treasures that can only be found in the outer wilds.
Most quest battles require that you complete a certain number of rounds of non-quest battles in order to challenge them. For example, the "Scorching Savanna" quest has battles that require five rounds to challenge. These can be fulfilled with rounds from any normal ASB battle or tournament match; simply link to each round you're using to fill the requirement when you make your challenge. The battle DOES NOT need to be complete for you to use its rounds to fulfill a quest battle's requirements. For example, if you're in a battle that has gone for five rounds, but your opponent still has two pokémon remaining, you can use these five rounds to qualify for a quest battle immediately, rather than waiting for the battle to be concluded. You can also mix and match rounds from multiple battles if you require: one round from a battle that ended by DQ immediately after and four rounds from an ongoing match work perfectly fine. Once you've used a round to qualify for a quest battle, you can't use it to qualify for another one later, and you can only be in one quest battle at a time. Quest battles also don't use up a normal battle slot.
Each quest consists of one or more battles, usually against especially powerful or even legendary opponents. You can challenge a particular battle as many times as you like, taking the full prize each time, as long as you meet the battle requirements. Non-round requirements for battles only need to be fulfilled once. For example, if you complete the battle against Keldeo in Skyfire Lake once, you can challenge it again once you have ten more rounds to put towards it, without needing to complete a battle against another one of Cobalion, Terrakion, or Virizion.
Many quest battles give the option of either battling a single opponent or battling several at once. If you choose a multi-battle option, then if you win the battle, you win the prizes for all opponents defeated combined. However, the requirements for multi-battles are also the requirements for all the opponents that participate combined. For example, if you want to try a double battle against Charizard and Blaziken in Scorching Savanna, you need to use ten rounds of ordinary battling. If you win, though, you'll get $30 and your choice of two Charcoals, two Fire Stones, or one of each.
Want to team up with someone else to take on a quest? Totally fine, as long as the quest offers a doubles-or-higher mode. The number of players should be equal to the number of opponents challenged, and each player must meet the requirements for their chosen opponent. At the end of the battle, if successful, each player can choose to receive the prize for any of the opponents defeated. For example, if two people battle Mega Sceptile and Mega Venusaur in Skycrown Selva, they can both choose to receive a Venusaurite if they'd like.
Once you challenge a quest battle, as long as you meet the requirements, your battle will begin as soon as a referee and someone to control your opponent can be found. Make sure your active squad's ready!
The list of currently-available quests is below. More will become available as time goes on.
Available Quests
Skycrown Selva
Skycrown Selva
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 35%
Battle Style: Switch
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, Chills 3/pokémon, Direct Healing 1/pokémon
The thick jungles of central Asber are largely unexplored, reaching as they do up into its jagged, impassable central mountain range. Deep in the forest grows a massive Ceiba tree, its roots alone rising higher than an adult human, its crown lost high overhead and its scarred trunk dotted with epiphytes and the tendrils of a huge strangler fig. The forest here has a peaceful air about it--one that can soon seem cloying and sinister when visitors find themselves constantly in danger of nodding off, alone and unprotected in the middle of the jungle.
The forest floor is dim, most light filtered away by the multi-layered canopy above, and there isn't much open room for fighting. The Ceiba overhead seems to always be in bloom, the ground around it littered with fallen pink petals. This is a place of great power, and one that's supposedly the home of terrifyingly strong grass-type pokémon.
Notes: Grassy terrain is always in effect, and the terrain cannot be changed. Weather has no effect in this arena.
Available Battles
Basic Challenge
2vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Venusaur (F) <Chlorophyll> @ Leaf Stone [8 EXP]
Prize: $15 and your choice of Leaf Stone or Miracle Seed
Requirements: 5 rounds

Sceptile (M) <Unburden> @ Miracle Seed [8 EXP]
Prize: $15 and your choice of Leaf Stone or Miracle Seed
Requirements: 5 rounds
Advanced Challenge
1vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Venusaur (F) <Chlorophyll> @ Venusaurite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Venusaurite
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Venusaur

Sceptile (M) <Unburden> @ Sceptilite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Sceptilite
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Sceptile
1vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Venusaur (F) <Chlorophyll> @ Venusaurite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Venusaurite
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Venusaur

Sceptile (M) <Unburden> @ Sceptilite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Sceptilite
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Sceptile
Stormbound Sea
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 35%
Battle Style: Switch
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, Chills 3/pokémon, Direct Healing 1/pokémon
Near the southern tip of Asber lies a rocky jut of coastline that's seen more shipwrecks than anywhere else in the region. A combination of clashing ocean currents, unique topography, and the actions of local pokémon mean the area is gripped by near-constant storms, making it even more dangerous than it would be otherwise. Jagged cliffs and hidden reefs make navigating this area as inhospitable towards surfing trainers as it is large ships.
You'll need to bring a pokémon capable of calming wind and waves if you hope to venture out to this particular corner of Asber, but if you do, you have a shot at finding one of the region's most powerful water-types, those who maintain the constant storm system. There's no chance of getting one of them to submit to capture, but if it's a fight you're looking for, they're sure to deliver.
Notes: Rain dance is always in effect, and the weather cannot be changed. Abilities that negate weather effects, like Air Lock and Cloud Nine, also have no effect here. Accommodation for land-bound pokémon is limited to a few rain-slicked boulders that jut out of the waves, and if a non-aquatic pokémon falls into the ocean, they will be trapped and damaged in a manner identical to a (non-STAB) whirlpool attack and unable to climb back out of the water until the whirlpool releases them.
Available Battles
Basic Challenge
2vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Blastoise (F) <Rain Dish> @ Water Stone [8 EXP]
Prize: $15 and your choice of Water Stone or Mystic Water
Requirement: 5 rounds

Swampert (M) <Damp> @ Mystic Water [8 EXP]
Prize: $15 and your choice of Water Stone or Mystic Water
Requirement: 5 rounds
Advanced Challenge
1vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Blastoise (F) <Rain Dish> @ Blastoisite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Blastoisite
Requirement: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Blastoise

Swampert (M) <Damp> @ Swampertite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Swampertite
Requirement: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Swampert
1vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Blastoise (F) <Rain Dish> @ Blastoisite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Blastoisite
Requirement: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Blastoise

Swampert (M) <Damp> @ Swampertite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Swampertite
Requirement: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Swampert
Scorching Savanna
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 35%
Battle Style: Switch
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Chills 3/pokémon, Direct Healing 1/pokémon
Scorching Savanna isn't as remote as many other quest locales; you don't need to scale mountains, plumb caves, or even rely on a flying pokémon to get you there. Instead, reaching it means braving the punishing heat and constant sun over miles and miles of empty terrain, mercifully flat but almost entirely without landmark.
It would be difficult to tell you'd even arrived at the place, in fact, if not for the tall hump of rock, rising up out of the desert like it was dropped there aeons ago by an absent-minded god. The lonely ridge has been smoothed by centuries of wind and a very little rain, so it looks almost like an oversized dune frozen in stone. The porous rock is pocked with caves and crannies, and these are rumored to be inhabited by certain incredibly powerful fire-type pokémon, ones that actually thrive in the desert's intense heat and sunlight and which are canny enough to find enough food and water to survive in this barren place.
Walk up to the base of the rock and call out a challenge, but be sure you're prepared; there's no chance one of these pokémon will turn down the opportunity to fight, and they come out swinging every time.
Notes: Sunny day is always in effect, and the weather cannot be changed. Abilities that negate weather effects, like Air Lock and Cloud Nine, also have no effect here. There are no external water sources available for attacks that require them; these attacks will fail.
Available Battles
Basic Challenge - 2vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Charizard (F) <Solar Power> @ Fire Stone [8 EXP]
Prize: $15 and your choice of Fire Stone or Charcoal
Requirements: 5 rounds

Blaziken (M) <Speed Boost> @ Charcoal [8 EXP]
Prize: $15 and your choice of Fire Stone or Charcoal
Requirements: 5 rounds
Advanced Challenge
1vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Charizard (F) <Solar Power> @ Charizardite Y [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and your choice of Charizardite X or Charizardite Y
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Charizard

Blaziken (M) <Speed Boost> @ Blazikinite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Blazikinite
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Blaziken
1vs1 Single or 2vs2 Double
Opponents (Choose One or Both)

Charizard (F) <Solar Power> @ Charizardite Y [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and your choice of Charizardite X or Charizardite Y
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Charizard

Blaziken (M) <Speed Boost> @ Blazikinite [8 EXP]
Prize: $25 and Blazikinite
Requirements: 10 rounds and completion of the basic challenge against Blaziken
Pledge Grove
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 35%
Battle Style: Switch
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Chills 3/pokémon, Direct Healing 1/pokémon
This quiet forest clearing north of Floccsey Town is dominated by a large boulder cracked and gouged by powerful pokémon attacks. This is where the Guardians of Unova are said to train, the three (plus one) musketeers that defend pokémon against human abuses.
Aside from the prominent boulder, the grove consists of a flat, scuffed open field dotted here and there with large rocks and a couple of small ponds of water. It's a simple battlefield for old-fashioned battle training, where pokémon pit themselves against one another in physical contests until their attacks are capable of scarring stone.
The musketeers refuse to even show themselves before any trainer they deem unworthy, much less accept a challenge from one. As duelists concerned with honor and fairness, they refuse to fight outside of single combat. If you think you have what it takes, stand before the grove's sword-scarred boulder and look up: at the crest of the rock a legend will appear.
Notes: The musketeers believe in honorable single combat and can't abide trickery. Attacks that cause attraction, confusion, or that would trigger a mental herb (taunt etc.) automatically fail.
Available Battles
Basic Challenge - 1vs1 Single or 3vs3 Rotation
Opponents (Choose One or All)

Cobalion (X) <Justified> @ Muscle Band [8 EXP]
Signature Attribute: Legendary Aura
Effects: This pokémon begins battle with 120% health and energy. This pokémon deals 1% more damage with all attacks and takes 1% less damage from all attacks after all other modifiers are applied.
Prize: $20 and Muscle Band
Requirements: 15 rounds

Terrakion (X) <Justified> @ Rocky Helmet [8 EXP]
Signature Attribute: Legendary Aura
Effects: This pokémon begins battle with 120% health and energy. This pokémon deals 1% more damage with all attacks and takes 1% less damage from all attacks after all other modifiers are applied.
Prize: $20 and Rocky Helmet
Requirements: 15 rounds

Virizion (X) <Justified> @ Expert Belt [8 EXP]
Signature Attribute: Legendary Aura
Effects: This pokémon begins battle with 120% health and energy. This pokémon deals 1% more damage with all attacks and takes 1% less damage from all attacks after all other modifiers are applied.
Prize: $20 and Expert Belt
Requirements: 15 rounds
Skyfire Lake
Legend has it that the mountains west of Driftveil are home to a mystical highland lake, the flooded caldera of an ancient volcano that is inaccessible except by air. The sheltered crater is a haven for a dense grove of high-altitude pines, birds, and small animals who live entirely apart from the wider world. The great lake filling the center of the crater is said to reflect Unova's dazzling northern lights and is renowned as a place of rest and meditation, the perfect retreat for anyone interested in serious, solitary training or study.
Though the youngest of Unova's legendary musketeers frequently visits his friends in Pledge Grove, rumor has it that he will accept challenges only in his caldera home. If you wish to battle the lake's guardian, arrive at dusk and stand at the water's edge. If it deems you worthy, Keldeo will appear to test your strength when the lake reflects the sunset's brilliant, fiery colors.
Notes: The first time Keldeo uses sacred sword, the power of the arena will cause it to transform into its resolute form. While in resolute form, Keldeo gains the ability to hit ghosts with fighting and normal attacks, identical to the Scrappy ability, immunity to confusion, and the ability to walk or run on water.
Available Battles
Basic Challenge - 1vs1 Single

Keldeo (X) <Justified> @ Life Orb [8 EXP]
Signature Attribute: Mythic Legendary Aura
Effects: This pokémon begins battle with 120% health and energy. This pokémon deals 2% more damage with all attacks and takes 1% less damage from all attacks after all other modifiers are applied.
Prizes: $25, Rare Candy, Life Orb
Requirements: 15 rounds and completion of "Pledge Grove" against any opponent
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