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Ask AK

I have never heard a song by Tokio Hotel, but once I read an article in the paper about them that said "Move over, Jonas Brothers!" I was all "yes I hate the jo-bros can they please move over thank you", so I started to read the article. But it used the word "tweens" too much. So I stopped reading it.

Tweens: Possibly the worst word ever.
Which is worse: Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montanna?

Also, does listening to (old, as in 2+ decades ago) pop music make you the source of all evil? D:
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AK, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Koori is still fucking annoying?
AK, when will we stop dancing around our feelings, and finally admit our love for each other?

> Look at post number. ;D
If I had three muffins, and ate four of them...

Why do I still have seven left?

I could answer that one. xD

Anyway, what I meant by "Is sad happy for deep people", I meant, like uh...

You know when you're sad, but you can still be happy about something? Like...

"My cat has just died, but I'm still happy because of the memories we have together ;;" etc...?
Alright. Ultimate question.

David Tennant, me, and Vladimir Putin's LJ.

Who would you marry, shag or throw off a cliff?

plz don't cliff me
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