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This is very true! I am quite tiny!I am mobile doge, and Zapi is Tiny.
If it's a breed descriptor, it doesn't seem... very useful at all; the breeds don't necessarily follow from the descriptors all that intuitively, and even when they do, it doesn't really say a ton about what kind of role the player might have.(Actually, this makes me wonder if our adjectives are supposed to be related to our dog breeds? Because the doge I am is quite famous for being tiny. Based on that and the images I've been using, you can probably guess!)
As for myself, I have learned that Metallica Fanboy is indubitablyyoung,scrappyand hungry.
Zapi, are you a Chihuahua? :o
I am, and as my post earlier said (not clearly though) that I only saw this after the first day phase started. I indeed am a inspector, and I too went for JackPK and found indubitably amused. I don't suppose he's laughing at us? I'm inclined to believe Vp's third theory. I suggest that we have each person sniff a designated person and see if it changes from night to night, so we don't accidentally sniff the same person on the same night. As for my dog, it was the first image I posted.