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Closed Battle Royale

"Really...?" he smirked.

Half of the Magmators aimed their cannons at the Sandslash. "Think you can handle the heat and get to me before I push this button?"

Pierre and Metro stood quiet for the time being.
Slash jumped across the room, claws bared.

"Ready?" he asked sarcastically, "No? Ok then."

(Gonna be gone this weekend)
At the explosion, Bumpy woke up, confused, but Hanabi managed to comfort him before it stopped. He was shaking, and Hanabi blew a few flames of warning to anyone who would attack her friend.
Itsuki's head dropped to his desk and his paws were on top of it as soon as the Magmortars aimed their cannons at Slash. Getting set on fire was not ideal. He watched Slash leap, thinking, This can't end well.
Fist dropped his chair and ran to the opposite corner of the room. "I'm not afraid of you," he growled quietly, to himself. "I can hurl a Graveler through a wall if I want. I can toss you much easier." The Machop was much out of earshot from even the Magmortars. He began to cough, but soon recovered.
((Is it too late to join, this looks really interesting... Will I need to sign up to some kind of Roleplaying register like the TCoD-WiFi league if so?))

EDIT: Seeing as Grimdour The Desecrater signed up after, I assume it's okay to create a character?

Name: Xyvine
Species: Grovyle
Profile: He has slightly longer leaves on the arms than an average Grovyle.
Bio: He is a shy, timid character, and although he isn't afraid to fight, he would just preffer not to.

Name: Lunar
Species: Espeon
Profile: When he evolved from a Shiny Eevee, his colours never changed.
Bio: He was shiny from birth, but he felt that this singled him out and that he wasn't normal. He used to sit at the back of the class until Xyvine pulled him out of his antisocial shell.


The pair were sat at the back of the group. Lunar kept a wary eye over the Magmortar incase they tried to attack Xyvine, as he feared that Xyvine may not survive a fire-type attack from the Magmortar. Xyvine's attention was focused purely upon the brawling Pokémon, already squabbling amoungst each other.

"Simpletons." The dark Espeon spoke telepathically to Xyvine. Trying to keep the illusion of invisibility, the Grovyle merely nodded slowly so as to remain undetected by their classmates.

((They are classmates right? I remember watching Battle Royale and they were all from the same class... So, hopefully that's the same in this case.))
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Name: Horus
Species: Blaziken
Profile: Normal, with a tattoo of an 8-pointed compass on his right arm and a belt full of tools including a pack of splints (read; pokenip). Often seen with a lit bunch on his beak.
Bio: Lazy, arrogant with not a care in the world. His laid-back, decadent nature hides his intelligence; once working as a freelance "techie" until his most recent client got arrested. Horus will do anything for the right price.


Ignoring all the chaos around him, Horus looked out on the barred windows while playing with his fresh splint. "Bolted bars, reinforced, shatterproof. Guess I'll be here awhile."

Finally snapping out of his trance, Horus heard the small cry from the Machop from the other side of the room. Lighting the splint with his claws, the Blaziken called out; his rasp, tired voice echoed like a Zubat cry. "Ten splints says you can't."
Carnage and Sling laughed when the Arcanine did the demonstration.

"Do you actually think you'd be able to kill us with those puny things?" Carnage asked disbelievingly.

"Most of us are more powerful than you can imagine; those wouldn't be able to kill us," Sling said.
Scissors looked down blandly at the pieces of clay, which had failed to penetrate her armor. She yawned obviously, and gave Scorpio a small kick, saying, "Wake up." He yawned too, and stood up to his full height.
Lunar and Xyvine looked from Pokémon to Pokémon, surveying their opposition. Their eyes were immediately drawn to a tall, tattooed Blaziken. Xyvine shuddered with fear.
"Keep under control." Lunar hissed at him silently. "I don't like the looks of him either, but we can't draw attention to ourselves."
"I'm sorry," the Grovyle replied, "but I can't help it. His fire burns so fiercely. Just looking at him makes me fear for my life."

Xyvine was rigid with fear already, and the class hadn't even been released out onto the island yet. Xyvine's eyes were now racing from Magmortar to Magmortar, his heart rate constantly increasing in speed and volume. Lunar gave Xyvine a gentle bite to try and pull him back to his senses, to no avail. Xyvine was stuck in a fearful trance, and was dragging Lunar into it with him.

Snapping to his senses, Lunar's eyes opened wide.
"Hey, look, another Espeon. Xyvine look." Xyvine slowly came to his senses.
"Do you think it's safe to talk to them?" Xyvine said, warily.
"Of course it is..." Lunar said, as reassuringly as possible. In truth, Lunar was just as frightened of the other Espeon and Umbreon as Xyvine was, but the pair got up and started walking in their general direction after attempting to make eye-contact with Fantasy.
Without anything having to be said three Magmortars jumped in front of the Arcanine and used Protect. Three more slide behind him and followed and launched Flamethrower.

The group laughed at the poor attempt. "Kid, you're out numbered. Now just sit still like a good boy." The Magmortars moved out of his way so that the class could see him again. "Now, let me tell you why you're here."

He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "You're here on your own fault. The whole lot of you do nothing but terrorize the society that we adults have worked so hard to built! You're all menaces, rejects, monsters! You've been selected to participate in this year's Battle Royale.

"What the hell is that?" Pierre snorted with a slightly amused smile.

"Ah, good question, Pierre. Now give me a moment to explain. To put it shortly, you all will have seventy-two hours to live. See those collars on your neck. They will go off after three days. They will also trigger if you attempt to tamper with them. I of course have control of them with my own collar which is synchronized with my life. If for some reason the collar can't detect my pulse all of your collars will go off as well. So as I said before, don't try anything stupid. We transported you to this remote island while you were unconscious; so running isn't an option."

"Is there a way out of this twisted game?" Metro interrupted.

"Of course there is," Mr. Ken laughed. "If there was no way for any of you to survive the Magmortar would just kill you now. So the only way to survive it is to kill all of your classmates off. If there's more then one person left alive in seventy-two hours, then you all die."

((OOC: if you're wondering about the auto-hit to slash it's acceptable because there's just way too many Magmortars for the entire class combined to handle))
At these words, Scissors launched herself at the two nearest Pokemon.

((If you would like to be one of the two, just post about it))
((OOC: How are you attacking? It's hard to respond when we don't know more than that you've "launched yourself".))

Voyne gulped and tugged at the collar around his neck.

"Well," he said, "that's not very pleasant."

He looked around. All these people - he was going to have to kill them, wasn't he? Not much of a pity, really, and he hadn't had a good fight in a long time. Besides, what wouldn't you do for your own survival these days?

Voyne raised his hand to speak.

"And when exactly do we start killing each other off?"

A noise. He spun around. Someone had already started the fight...
Fantasy had kept her eyes on the Arcanine in front of the class, but she had felt another set of eyes on her. Finally unable to take it anymore, she looked to the side of her and jumped when she saw another Espeon.
"Oh. Hello. Can I help you?"
"Watch out, Fantasy, they might be hostile...Didn't you hear what the Arcanine said?" Raith whispered to her.
"What?" Fantasy asked him. She had been ignoring the Arcanine the entire time they were talking.
"He said we're participating in a battle thing, and the only way to win is to kill off all your classmates."
"Are you for real?" Fantasy stared at the Espeon and Grovyle. She didn't like killing anything.
Itsuki looked up. He heard the Arcanine, didn't bother to catch his name, explain what was going on. Itsuki had little time to ponder how unfufilling this sort of death would be before he was seized upon by a Scizor. He did his best to leap out of the way.
Scissors' wings buzzed angrily as the Leafeon slipped through her pinchers, and she attempted to seize him again, while Scorpio looked on, unsure of himself.
A set of Magmortars caught the Scizor in place, each one holding an appendage.

"Calm down, Scissors." Mr. Ken stated. "We haven't started yet. Voyne, the battle begins as soon as you leave this room. Now, on your way out grab one of these bags. There's food and water in there to last you three days. Also, there's a map and compass in there. Right now we're directly at the center of the island. So use this as best as you can to aid you in this game. Now, let the game begin!"

Pierre and Metro wasted no time in making a mad dash for a bag and immediately out the door.

It was dark outside. The dampness in the ground and the cool air suggested that it had rained recently. Outside of the building there was a three way fork in the road. The left and middle road went around and slightly up a hill that had small bushes and the occasional trees scattered about. To the right the road went downhill and dissapeared into tall grass.

After a couple of takes the couple headed up the middle road to see what they could find. "Shit, this is crazy. I don't need to be killing people just because some asshole told me too." Pierre snarled as he continued to run down the path.

Metro followed right along side with him. Although she was beginning to lose her breath. "Just-- suck your pride for now and run. We can-- wait things out for a while until some of them-- have taken each other out." Pierre nodded in agreement.

A mile down the road they came across a molded wooden shed. They both halted in front of it, panting heavily. "Think-- this is a good place to-- rest?" Pierre asked.

"Yeah," she responded.
Scissors growled threateningly, but settled down a bit. She went outside and resumed chasing the Leafeon. Scorpio stayed behind, saying, "I'll build a camp!"
"Do you think we should?" Fantasy asked Raith.
"It's really the only thing we can do. Come on." Raith responded, and he jumped down and grabbed a bag. Fantasy immediately followed him as he raced out the door.
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