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Best albums of 2011

Vipera Magnifica

Aquatic Artiste
It's about time to look back at the best albums of this year... my personal favorites include:

Steven Wilson - Grace for Drowning


This album is nothing less than perfect. Grace for Drowning is arguably the best album that Porcupine Tree frontman Steven Wilson has ever recorded.

Devin Townsend Project - Deconstruction


Devin Townsend never fails to impress with his over-the-top wall of prog metal skill. And with guest musicians including Mikael Akerfeldt, Ihsahn, and Joe Duplantier among others, this is one hell of an album.

Opeth - Heritage


While many Opeth fans disliked Opeth's departure from their metal sound on this album, I love Mikael Akerfeldt's diversity. I will admit, though it barely compares to Still Life and Blackwater Park, it still is a fantastic album.

Other honorable mentions include:
Dream Theater - A Dramatic Turn of Events
Stratovarius - Elysium
Blackfield - Welcome to my DNA

Honorable mentions DO NOT include:
Metallica - Lulu
Tonight Alive - What are you so scared of?

The Original 7ven - Condensate

Those two off the top of my head
I still really enjoy Born This Way.

Also, Torches by Foster the People and Ceremonials by Florence and the Machine. Both equally amazing. I think Ceremonials may win out purely for being totally mind-blowingly epic.
Out of curiosity, am I the only person who genuinely loves Lulu?

And not in the pretentious way that people tend to praise anything Lou Reed ever touched, either.
Also, Torches by Foster the People and Ceremonials by Florence and the Machine. Both equally amazing. I think Ceremonials may win out purely for being totally mind-blowingly epic.

Oh noes, I don't like Foster the People or that Florence person!

And I have just remembered Professor Green's album.
Unexpect - In a Flesh Aquarium.
I'm assuming you meant to type Fables of the Sleepless Empire. I'd also consider that my album of the year; it really came out of nowhere from a band that's been consistently mediocre in the past.

Adele's 21 would easily be in second place, and Tori Amos' Night of Hunters isn't far behind. But damn, Fables of the Sleepless Empire is so good.
Dātura;552872 said:
I'm assuming you meant to type Fables of the Sleepless Empire. I'd also consider that my album of the year; it really came out of nowhere from a band that's been consistently mediocre in the past.

Adele's 21 would easily be in second place, and Tori Amos' Night of Hunters isn't far behind. But damn, Fables of the Sleepless Empire is so good.

Yeah Fables sorry. Must have been drunk when I typed that.
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