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Bin Laden- Dead


Uh, I didn't do it.
I just heard the news that the US has killed Bin Laden and the US has the body. Anyone else heard more? All I know is that that Obama is going to be taking over tv soon.
Well, given that 47000ish other people have been killed or wounded in the attempt, it's ... about time?
I'm watching Obama talk about it right now. He was killed in a firefight, shot at least once in the head. I say the fucker deserved it after causing my country so much... so much... well, after the devastation he inflicted on the United States of America. But my question is, will it just fuel the fire between the US and Al-Quida? (may have spelled that wrong).
While bin Laden did found al-Qaeda
And it was him who gave us "right" of
Bombing all Afghanistan
His name now seems forgotten, and
Though his body has been found,
Our forces will stay on the ground.
We've spent so long over there
That I'm not sure anyone cares
About Osama. Though I wonder,
This body we'll put six feet under:
Will we know for sure we're right?
Or will rumors circulate at night
That he now lives in some small flat
Where Bigfoot and Elvis are at
Alongside Tupac and Ambrose Bierce?
No doubt resistance will be fierce
To news of such a death.
I wait to hear the rumors' breadth.
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I find it somewhat difficult to applaud the death of a human being, but that's interesting.
No matter what happens in Iraq from here on out, this is a huge turning point.

As someone who has grown up hardly remembering the world before 9/11, I can't help but be rather optimistic about this. I'm definitely hoping this has brought the US closer to leaving Iraq, so we can finally start focusing on other things.
Great news :D As Gaga said, "what a historical moment in the fight against hatred."

Exactly. Katy Perry also posted on Twitter about it. I find it surprisingly pleasant that even celebrities are joining the patriotism wave we're sure to see.

While this does NOT mark the end of fighting in a literal sense, it's a symbolic end to the war for many Americans. I am truly proud of our country right now.


I find it somewhat difficult to applaud the death of a human being, but that's interesting.

While I see your logic, I can easily applaud the death of a human being. Remember, I was the one who's pro-death penalty and such?
I find it somewhat difficult to applaud the death of a human being, but that's interesting.

This. Exactly this. He's a pretty terrible guy and all, but a human life is a human life. Oh well, it's over and done with now.
...Okay, fine, I understand that Bin Laden was dangerous.

However, it is still a loss of human life :p Well...the deed's been done.

I'm not really going to say what Lili did, I hate this country and don't feel patriotic at all, no offense to anyone who is.

Ugh, the news' glorifying it is annoying me so much, to be frank...shut up, Obama.

What if it's a lie? There've been rumors that Bin Laden had died of some sort of terminal illness.

He was shot in the head during the firefight by US Navy SEALS. And the US has the body. That's hard to fake. I am glad this motherfucker is dead. I remember seeing those towers fall when I was in fifth grade, now ten years later the man responsible has payed with his life. It's a hollow victory, but a victory. I don't care that he was a living being. He was a symbol, not just a person. I know that sounds horrible but it's the truth. I've lost a lot of friends to this so called war. What I am worried about it that it happened in Pakistan. And I would rather Obama keep talking so we can know what the hell happened.

Also the US State Department is issuing a warning American's outside the US in fear of "anti-American violence". Also a world-wide caution.

Currently people are crowding the White House and Ground Zero with US flags and celebrating with chants of "USA" and "Hey, Hey, Goodbye", and the "Star Spangled Banner".
I applaud the brave men who went in and fought for my country. I have many sad faces over how people are reacting. I seriously don't think that it's right to get this excited over the death of a person, no matter how bad that person was. All the news can talk about is the celebration and relief that everyone is feeling, but I can't help to feel sick every time they show those shots of the White House where everyone is celebrating madly.

Maybe it's because all I can think about is how and when Al-Qaeda is going to retaliate. :/
Well people are getting annoying. I just heard a rendition of "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" start down the hallway...
...shut up, Obama.

Hey, at least he can pronounce Pakistan correctly :P

Welp, this... really doesn't affect current events all that much. Bin Laden hasn't led Al-Qaeda since forever.

Wonder what the Tea Partiers are thinking about this...
I'm scared now...

This is the exact objective of terrorism...

Wonder what the Tea Partiers are thinking about this...

Um... I sympathize with Tea Party ideals (reduced government spending, opposition to taxation, reduction of the national debt and federal budget deficit) -- though not necessarily with the party itself, primarily due to the religious right pretty much taking over it.

I mean, of course it's a human life, but it's a human life that was directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Now we could get into a lengthy philosophical discussion about whether he deserved to die, be imprisoned, etc., but that doesn't change the fact that he's dead. If he would have been captured, it probably would have went down similarly to Sadaam, anyway.

Life is for the alive, my dear
So let's keep living it, really living it!
Interesting tidbit. Hitler died May 1st as well.
30th of April, actually.

I was pretty surprised when I heard about this, and it was sort of a blast from the past because I hadn't heard/thought about this guy for a long time. I understand why people are rejoycing and I don't condemn it at all but it was a little unsettling to turn on the television and see huge crowds taking to the streets to celebrate someone's death.

The thing is that now I'm just going to be waiting for Al Qaeda's retaliation, because there will be one and it will be massive and terrible. So I just hope someone catches it in time.
Maybe it's because all I can think about is how and when Al-Qaeda is going to retaliate. :/

...this didn't occur to me at all :/

I'm scared now...

The thing is that now I'm just going to be waiting for Al Qaeda's retaliation, because there will be one and it will be massive and terrible. So I just hope someone catches it in time.

Actually, I think that things might have been solved right now. Do you honestly think people were blowing themselves up because they wanted to? Basically, you and your family would all be tortured to death if you directly disobeyed the leader, or at least that's the way I heard things. With Bin Laden gone, there is no one to enforce the uh... "rules". Or plan attacks as well as he did.

And because Biden didn't say it, THIS IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL.
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