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Black & White

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Looks like I might be getting White then. :B

They both look pretty nice, really, but Zekrom looks slightly awesomer. It has a Slowbro tail and everything on the left side of its body is way huger than on the right.
Problem is they are both almost definitely going to be Dragon/something type, and I am getting considerably bored of Dragon-type legendaries. :l
I looked at some more pictures of Reshiram and I like it a bit better already. I was previously looking at a horizontally-flipped version of it on serebii which made it look significantly worse than on the official page. Still, while its design is passable for just any old pokemon, it is sort of embarassing that this thing will be on the game's cover. :\

Problem is they are both almost definitely going to be Dragon/something type, and I am getting considerably bored of Dragon-type legendaries. :l
Zekrom is a possibility (it looks a bit like Charizard in the face region) but there is really nothing draconian about Reshiram. It looks more like... a canine/goose hybrid. :\
Problem is they are both almost definitely going to be Dragon/something type, and I am getting considerably bored of Dragon-type legendaries. :l

This. I hope they at least have some sort of unique type combination.

That said, I do rather like their designs. Neither one really "wowed" me to the point where I know which version I want, though.
You know, Reshiram and Zekrom both look like a bunch of different Pokemon stuck together.
1 Zoroark head
1 Glameow neck, highly coiled
2 Lugia wings
1 Magmortar arm, attached as tail
Zangoose fur
Personally I love Reshiram much, much more than Zekrom. I never liked Paklia, and my first look at it just generated the words, "Oh, black Palkia." And it's too robotic for my tastes. Reshiram, on the other hand, has this graceful air to it, and we all know how much I'm biased towards graceful Pokemon. :v

The arms are rather awkward, though, I'll give you that.
Zekrom is a possibility (it looks a bit like Charizard in the face region) but there is really nothing draconian about Reshiram. It looks more like... a canine/goose hybrid. :\

Oh yeah, you have a point. It has a sort of wolfy face. The wings and big feet claws just threw me somewhat. :p Well, I'm fine with one being a wolfswan or something, as long as the other four dozen legends are something less overdone as well.
I like Reshiram too. Brings to mind an odd blend between a swan and a sort of... fox. Zekrom's cool, but Reshiram is more suave and gracefullike. Appearance-wise, anyway.
Well, as much as I like Reshiram, they still look kind of pallette swapped to me. Let's hope the Obligatory Trio doesn't end up like the Psychic Fairy Trio.
Has anyone else wondered why the Non-Japanese things were revealed at the same time as the non-japanese ones? Maybe this means a more collaberative effort between the Japanese and the other side of it? Unless this happened in previous generations, but I'm pretty sure the English names came AFTER the Japanese names.
You don't know for certain that Reshiram will be in black and Zekrom in white. It's probably just reversed in the photo for contrast.

I'm picking the giant horny kangaroo.
HEY GUYS. Check Serebii. There's a link to new footage of Hiun City, and it's kinda cool.

Anyways, more thoughts on the legendaries now that I have more time to post. I agree that Reshiram is the less cool looking of the two, but I still think it has a pretty neat design. It actually seems like a creative legendary, as does Zekrom. Zekrom just looks overall very badass.
Might be getting White now. I'll name it MechaDragon. =)

But I do like Black's too. I would name it FurDragon.


City footage is kinda neat, but the camera changes feel a little abrupt.
White thing on black background, black thing on white background. Not that hard.

which is what I said like four pages ago but nobody listens to me fff

1 Zoroark head
1 Glameow neck, highly coiled
2 Lugia wings
1 Magmortar arm, attached as tail
Zangoose fur

the hell? those wings look nothing like lugia's. o.o

also wow a pokemon that looks like other pokemon :O do you mean to tell me that zorua is just vulpix with one tail and different colours, and that seviper is just arbok with fangs?! and hey, spoink's tail is the same as glameow's! and wow, pikachu looks almost exactly the same as plusle & minun!

because you know, there aren't any animals in real life that look like each other or anything. 8D
It's offiicial, I'm getting white. Though I'm not ssing how Zekrom reminds you of Palkia, seeing more of a black, mechanical Charizard myself. ...But that might just be me.
Reshiram is more sleek, like a bird while Zekrom is sturdy and as you have said, bears a resemblance to Palkia. I must say, these Pokemon take a long time to draw. Also, how did Nintendo in America release the Pokemon at the same time as Japan?

You know, Reshiram and Zekrom both look like a bunch of different Pokemon stuck together.
1 Zoroark head
1 Glameow neck, highly coiled
2 Lugia wings
1 Magmortar arm, attached as tail
Zangoose fur



RESHIRAM - Lucario/Suicune head, Steelix neck, Ho-Oh wings, Magmortar arm AND Darkrai head for tail and Zangoose fur.

ZEKROM - Full bodied Palkia.
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