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Black & White

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I would say that they are likely, but no, they have not officially been confirmed yet. The only official mention of the final stages that exists to date is what the art team said in the Pokémon Peer interview mentioned a few days back. Also note that, if they are real, they may not look exactly the way they did in the earlier images (note color changes, the differences between chaobuu and futachimaru's poses/designs). They might not even be as sinfully ugly as everyone keeps saying they are (based on blurry images, no less)! Gasp!
...I actually think the final Grass evo is pretty cool. D: (Assuming the final evolution images are real, granted.) Final Water evolution's sorta cute, too, though the Fire one I honestly think is pretty damn ugly. :c I'm definitely gonna get Tsutaja when Black and White come out in the US, though; I guess I just really like the design, for one thing, and FFFFF GRASS/DRAGON POKEMON?!?! DO WANT. ;w; Am I alone in thinking this? D:
...I actually think the final Grass evo is pretty cool. D: (Assuming the final evolution images are real, granted.) Final Water evolution's sorta cute, too, though the Fire one I honestly think is pretty damn ugly. :c I'm definitely gonna get Tsutaja when Black and White come out in the US, though; I guess I just really like the design, for one thing, and FFFFF GRASS/DRAGON POKEMON?!?! DO WANT. ;w; Am I alone in thinking this? D:

No you are not. I am awestruck by a part dragon-type starter, and the final evo of tsutaja is awesome.

However, i'm all for dragons, so maybe you are the only NORMAL person who thinks this.
...I actually think the final Grass evo is pretty cool. D: (Assuming the final evolution images are real, granted.) Final Water evolution's sorta cute, too, though the Fire one I honestly think is pretty damn ugly. :c I'm definitely gonna get Tsutaja when Black and White come out in the US, though; I guess I just really like the design, for one thing, and FFFFF GRASS/DRAGON POKEMON?!?! DO WANT. ;w; Am I alone in thinking this? D:

You are not alone. Tsutaaja's last evolution is Grass/Dragon, and it looks epic.

So I must say...


And agreed with Pokabu's last evolution. What happened to cutie-piggy? ;~;
Well, I don't count myself among you "normal" people, however I do agree that the grass/dragon snake thing is win.

On a lighter note, who else is going to name their buffro Bobobo-bo-bobobo (sp?) (after cutting it down to fit the limit)? Because I totally never watched that show since the idea frightened me but what else can you possibly call it, right?

Probly reiterating this, but seriously? is there some fire/fighting-type combination obsession in japan? three in a row now.

the whole three gym leaders for sanyou city is a nice touch. very similar to the "rival takes advantageous type" concept. love the badge for that gym, too.
My reasoning behind this is that the first gym leader is usually Rock type, and upon evolution, these starters learn a fighting move upon evolution.

Basically, it makes the game easier.

and in FR/LG, charmander learned metal claw. In Johto,the first gym leader isn't rock type.
Fire/steel. Fire/ground. It's possible to do that without using fighting again. (And /grass and /water, but those are harder to make plausible and are covered by the other starters anyway.)
Uh, well, Pokebeach says the thing is pure Grass. That kinda sucks, since I was hoping for Grass/Dragon or even Grass/Poison. :( Oh well, Smuglord is still one of the greatest 5th gen Pokemon, up there with Smugleaf and Buffro.

EDIT: The first Gym is Water type if you use Pignition. So the Fighting thing doesn't even factor in until you reach Aloe, who uses Normal types.
Quite honestly, I'm disappointed with the first gym's setup. I had hoped they'd take advantage of the new three-on-three battles by making you face all three new monkeys at once. But no, they made it all lame and give you only one. What better way to have introduced three-ways than the first gym? What a waste of potential. :(
Quite honestly, I'm disappointed with the first gym's setup. I had hoped they'd take advantage of the new three-on-three battles by making you face all three new monkeys at once. But no, they made it all lame and give you only one. What better way to have introduced three-ways than the first gym? What a waste of potential. :(
I disagree. If they had three vs three gym battles by the first gym, they would have forced you to capture at least three Pokemon and train them by that point.

I do hope that they have a gym that shows 3vs3, but I'm very glad that its not the first gym.
I like how many new type combinations are being added in this generation. There weren't that many in D/P, if I remember correctly. But so far we've got
-Flying (Pure)

...This is all assuming that Pokexperto is correct, but I'm a believer in them now all things considered. And I desperately want the candle Pokemon and ice cream Pokemon. :D

Guys. Its happening. The games are beginning to ship. By this time tomorrow, we might be getting overloaded with Black and White info.

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