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Black & White

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In that case we're also Fire Tail, Ice Tail, Electric Tail, Grass Tail, Normal Tail, Dark Tail, Psychic Tail, Rock Tail, Ground Tail, Bug Tail, Flying Tail, Fighting Tail, and Ghost Tail. :/

well, most Dragon, Steel, Poison and Water types have large tails, yet dragon types don't have a move that utilizes that. And normal types already have a move like that. (tail whip). Only other type that might be included could be Fire.
Waitwaitwait. "Most" poison-types have large tails? Uh, not really. That's not true for steel or water, either, and more non-steel-types learn iron tail than steel-types, iirc. Only two lines currently even learn poison tail anyway, and poison tail is really about stinging/slashing, not slamming things with it--scorpion-like. (I still don't understand why ekans and arbok even get it... was leaving it seviper-exclusive, or at least teaching it to skorupi/drapion, really that hard?)

If pokabu's evos really are fighting, well, that's irritating, though at least the stat distribution should be different enough to keep it from "replacing" blaziken/infernape like what happened last gen, the same way sceptile and meganium play entirely differently.
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So now that Nintendo's revealed not to be doing new evos this generation...

I swear I did the same thing back in... two days ago before they admitted doing this.

Coincidence? You decide.
How many Pokémon out of all the new ones does this make now? :O

649 Pokemon, if Pokebeach, Serebii and Pokexperto are to be trusted, or 157 new ones this gen. That includes extremely weak hints to unrevealed Pokemon, such as the dark/fighting, dark/dragon Pokemon, etc.
I like it.

Also, half the people with "OCD" you're referring to don't actually have OCD and should get over it; in fact, I doubt most people with OCD would care about this in particular! Just saying.
649 Pokemon, if Pokebeach, Serebii and Pokexperto are to be trusted, or 157 new ones this gen. That includes extremely weak hints to unrevealed Pokemon, such as the dark/fighting, dark/dragon Pokemon, etc.
Actually, I was referring to how many of the 156 (157?) Pokémon have been revealed now. :sweatdrop:
Pokabu's evolutions will be fire/fighting? No... no! I wanted fire/dark so much. Maybe it will change to fire/dark for the last evo. It probably won't. I guess I won't be choosing Pokabu.

Everything else though, is great. Tabunne is weird and so is monmen, but the puppy is so awesome!
I'm liking all of the Pokemon's designs so far. Especially Mebukijika's winter form. The puppy's very cute as well: I'm naming him Pie-Face for sure. I'm also very fond of Desukan; looks epic. Mr. Afro-Bull is super. I've always wanted an afro Pokemon! And the mushroom is just...ahaha.

September 18th is so close...but of course, I won't be watching any walkthroughs. Keep it a suprise~ <3
I like it.

Also, half the people with "OCD" you're referring to don't actually have OCD and should get over it; in fact, I doubt most people with OCD would care about this in particular! Just saying.

I've been diagnosed with OCD by several psychiatric professionals and the number the new Pokemon came out to is the last thing on my mind.

And also goddamn. I see people complaining about this all over the place. Fan Dumb much?
I personally like everything that's been revealed so far.
Afrobull is easily the best one of the bunch though, 'cause come on. AFROBULL.
I'm in love with Mebukijika!! Though I feel kind of uncool for also being a fan of the winter forme (mostly because it is not ugly and I like Shikijika's winter forme best, so it's convenient!) because all of a sudden everybody seems to like it. :T So I'll probably end up sticking with the autumn forme. Unless each individual changes on its own accord with the seasons instead of staying whatever forme you caught it as (like shellos or burmy), in which case I'll be kind of sad.
If I remember correctly, they do change forms depending on the season. I remember that that's the case with Shikijika, but I'm not sure about Mebukijika.

EDIT: Yup. Mebukijika changes forms depending on what season it is. That sucks.
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Well, Mijumaru for me, then. Futachimaru looks so cool XD

Um, I guess Ononoksu is Kibago's evo since they have the same abilities and they're both Dragons types. I was kinda hoping they'd be separate lines, but whatever~
Really enjoying the new cat and dog, and most of the others as well. The new little grass-types looks kinda weird to me, though... I'll get used to em. And the big deer is awesome :D But what's even better is the afro guy with an afro attack!!
Pokabu's evos are... Fire/Fighting?


I declare that every Fire/Fighting Pokemon from now on is a ****ING BLAZIKEN CLONE. DAMN YOU GAMEFREAK!!

Now I'm having a hard time deciding between Tsutaja and Mijimaru. I am definitely getting that Kittimon now. But if it's another Glameow thing and it's exclusive to White and nothing else, I am going to kill someone.

EDIT: Lol, Futachimaru.
Pokabu's evos are... Fire/Fighting?


I declare that every Fire/Fighting Pokemon from now on is a ****ING BLAZIKEN CLONE. DAMN YOU GAMEFREAK!!

Now I'm having a hard time deciding between Tsutaja and Mijimaru. I am definitely getting that Kittimon now. But if it's another Glameow thing and it's exclusive to White and nothing else, I am going to kill someone.

EDIT: Lol, Futachimaru.

Don't worry, Pokabu's evolution aren't confirmed to ha-

I don't think that it's Version Exclusive. *checks Pokebeach* Nope, it's not. :3 And I'd go with Tsutaaja if I were you. I don't know, I like their last evolutions equally.

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Kitty isn't version exclusive? Yay.

And, what's with the strange link in your post? The [x]. Links to a blank page.


Bah, stupid Pokebeach. I guess they took the page down or something. It was a link to the post that WPM made. >_< Either that, or I have no idea how to copy anymore. EDIT: Fixed the link. I derserve a hug. *hugs self*

Derp. That's correct.
Pokabu's evos are... Fire/Fighting?


I declare that every Fire/Fighting Pokemon from now on is a ****ING BLAZIKEN CLONE. DAMN YOU GAMEFREAK!!
I rest my case.
I believe this sums up my opinion on the example of the trope quite nicely.

Similar =/= the same. I mean really.
Maybe Fire/Fighting is just easiest to make starters for!
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