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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'Magic...' EeveeSkitty said speaking her thoughts out, 'If I can use White Magic and some other magic if I have Lavender here...I can use my White Magic to use Teleport! and if that fails I can get Lavender to use Chocobo Teleport! YES!'

Princess Eve raised her hands in the air and concentrated everything on her spell, a bright glowing light formed in Eve's hands finally bursting out surrounding Eve, Kinova and Lavender in a cloak of light. Then the spakling light shattered and showered them with sparkly fairy dust like powder. Eve looked around, they were still in Arylett's throne room, the spell hadn't worked.

'That's OK' said Eve, lets try Chocobo magic which is using my power and my chocobo's power together to teleport, it's twice as powerful!'

Once again Eve raised her hands in the air concentrating on her spell but this time she could feel Lavender's power inside her as well. The light surrounded them again but more bright and powerful. When the light shattered still they stayed in HRA's throne room.

'OK, lets fly' said Eve, feeling sad her plan hadn't worked even if the thing had almost definitly put spells to prevent teleporting to it's lair.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"OK, let's go." King Phillip was tired of this senseless time wasting. He wanted to go, and not sit and talk about how to get there.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'OK ok,' Eve said. Eve hopped on Lavender and shouted 'Anyone else want a ride because Lavender can carry unlimited people!'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"I may later." He said, using his magic to encompass himself ad lift himself up in the air.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'I'll wait a bit until others reply to me, does anyone want to get a ride on Lavender?' Princess Eve told the group again.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((We were in Cas' room, not the Throne Room))

The Thing was utterly confused. This... Horrid Arylett seemed almost as powerful as him. He didn't show any signs of this, though, instead just staring at the Queen.

Then she called him something.

'Stupid boy.'

That did it. Memories... many years ago... the city, castle, the books, the crowds...

Shaking his head angrily, he moved towards Arylett.

"I am not stupid," he hissed.


"It's fine, thanks, Eve, Spektra can fly me."

The beetle did a single somersault in the air, clicked its wings twice and suddenly grew, and kept growing, until it was large enough for Cas to sit on itsback - which, of course, is what he did.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

(Oh, forgot that part :D)

'OK then, I'm leaving now' Princess Eve told everyone. She hopped onto Lavender's back and took hold of some of Lavender's soft Lavender coloured feathers and told Lavender to take off.

Lavender obeyed, flapping her wings as they soared away from the room and then up up up.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

After pulling back the deep red curtains on the wall and opening the floor-to-ceiling window behind to allow Eve and her Chocobo out, Cas got back onto Spektra.

"You two, go and get some Curly-Tails and I'll see you in a minute."

He made a chirping sound and, mimicking him, Spektra clattered out of the window. Cas chirped again, deeper and slower this time, and the beetle descended towards the stables.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Lavender soared around with Princess Eve on her back. Eve didn't feel scared at all, she was normally scared of heights but she trusted Lavender and her own magic. For a while Eve was busy flying around happily to remember what she was meant to do. She asked Lavender who told her. Eve didn't know where to start looking for Arylett. She decided to look all over the mountains surrounding the castle first and then move outwards slowly.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Malbarad began to come round.
"Princess...Why are you here?" he asked groggily
"To find you Mal. Your Key was singing."
"Ah, and where did everyone else go?"
"They were rushing out of here to go somewhere else when I came in. Now, mu horse is outside. Take the saddle off and leave it, and then go back to Pheboraedd. I'll go and find the people in charge here."
"Listen, Princess, something came out of the wall and took the Queen of Arlyettopia. That what the fuss is about"
"Thanks," said Raeneudd, pulling the ranger to his feet, "now go." Malbarad walked out of the room, scooping up his bow on the way out. Raeneudd watched him leave, and then cast a spell which showed the spirit of a man she had seen leaving the room repeat his route. She followed it, and came to a door, which she knocked on heavily.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova nodded as Cas on that strange insect of his, along with Eve and her Chocobo, soared out the window. She gestured at the King to follow her, grabbed Cas's key from a sideboard and raced up the steps back into the adviser's room. She unlocked the door that Cas had closed earlier and hurried downstairs, heading for the castle gardens.

She ran most of the way across the gardens, until she stopped, panting, at the enormous barn where the Curly-Tailed Birds slept at night. After a muddled appeal to the Birdkeeper, he unlocked the door and allowed her to choose a bird. "I, uh, just need a couple for some... work on the Kinovahats." she told him, figuring it was probably best to be discreet about this. He shrugged, and she helped herself to her favourite Bird, a large female, and took a male for the King. Trying to look inconspicious, she led the two Birds outside, led them around the side of the barn to get out of the keeper's sight, and climbed onto the female. They took off, Kinova string around for Cas - she spotted him some way ahead, and asked the Bird to follow.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Lucas ran out of the castle and saw Princess Eve and the rest fly away. "Crap! Wait a second..."
He fixed up a milkshake, powdering in a bunch of packets. He drank it down, and shot off the ground in the direction of where they were going. "Trailing Milkshake. I wonder what I can't do with these things..."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Raenudd found, yet again, that no-one was around. Still, she might be able to find something helpful in this place.
She first had to get through the door - not a hard task - and then she began to look through the books, searching for anything on the Golden Shards.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Princess Eve soared around. Suddenly she saw a glint below so swooped down to find it was only a watch. She had been stupid, Golden shards weren't the only things that shined. She gained height again but this time a little closer to the ground searching for just one piece of the shards or of any hiding place the Thing might have.

Princess Eve saw a dark cave and shot down into it slowing down as they got nearer. Inside it was nothing but darkness, the ceiling was quite high however so they flew carefully through it.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Um, ES, no offence but the cave is on the other side of the world. I doubt it'd be that quick to get there.))
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip was not ready to go yet. He used his magic to teleport to Ionia and grab a few things. He grabbed a magic ring from his closet and put it on, and then went to get the golden shard in Ionia. He put it in a storage device in the ring and set off for the cave, which he could track because he had all of the members of the Royal Arylettopian Court tagged with a magical censor, which allowed him to find them anywhere they were, on earth or beyond.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Queen smirked underneath the darkness.

"You sound offended... Oh dear... you silly boy... you don't like that, do you?" Her cruel voice rang out mockingly.

The tendrils of darkness surrounding her danced about, tantilizingly, as if daring the Horrid Thing to make a move. Her black eyes kept glaring straight ahead. How could she ever resist this? Such... such power! She certainly didn't want to let it go now. As Horrid Arylett... she felt free. Free from it all, free and powerful! Ahaha! Ahaha!

...And yet... something was bothering her.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Do not call me stupid!" he roared, and lashed out with a huge hand, swiping Arylett's face with his large claws, enraged to the point that he felt he would explode. "How dare you?"


When Cas noticed that Kinova and the others were following, he chirp three times in quick succession to make Spektra speed up. The beetle flew, looking like a rainbow streaking across the sky, after Eve and Lavender.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Malbarad had returned to Pheboraedd, and given his report. Meanwhile, Raenuedd had found a few books which seemed to contain helpful information, and she scooped them up and set off outside of the castle. In truth she wanted to finish up this task and so be free to find out what had happened to Timcyduch.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip was bothered. He felt a strange power emanating from his ring, it was the Arylett Status Checker. She was in trouble. Something was VERY wrong with her. He increased his speed. He was going to break the sound barrier.
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