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British Stereotypes

Yo, brits! I have a question!

Why do you still have a queen? I mean, I don't understand why many UKers still feel loyalty to the royal family; it's not something I've ever had experience with.
No one feels loyalty to the Royals, they're just kind of there, leeching tax money. They bring in tourists and fill some people with a retarded sense of nationalism aaaand that's it.

I mean that's what I'm saying based on my personal experience of being Dutch. Except our royal family can beat up your royal family, Britons!
No one cares enought to actively want to throw them out.
I mean most European countries kicked their royals out because they were tyranical leaders but nowadays in countries like Spain, Holland and the UK they have no power at all so they're just sort of there. v:blank:v

Can't say for non-EU countries like Japan though :/
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Yo, brits! I have a question!

Why do you still have a queen? I mean, I don't understand why many UKers still feel loyalty to the royal family; it's not something I've ever had experience with.
We still have a queen because her ancestors had the sense to stay out of politics.

Well, after George III they started keeping out of politics. But since then, they've kept real quiet.

Then why not get rid of them? o_O
Really, if the only thing they do is live off tax money and have a nice life, why is everyone still paying for them?

Who cares? There is a myriad of other problems in Britain today, and the fact that some family of inbreds with little to no power is living in Windsor Castle isn't really such a high priority.

Also, republicans are boring. ):
Yo, brits! I have a question!

Why do you still have a queen? I mean, I don't understand why many UKers still feel loyalty to the royal family; it's not something I've ever had experience with.

The Queen (and by extension the monarchy and the Royal family) have an important symbolic meaning. The Queen is a living representation of Britain. It would be fair to say that she is Britain. She also exists as an important check to Parliament, and Parliament exists as a check to her power. It's a good system. The Queen does still have a fair amount of power, although none of it can actually be used and I think only her power to veto an Act is at all use (and would never be used, ever, unless the public really, really, really didn't want the Act).

She does other stuff, too.

No one feels loyalty to the Royals, they're just kind of there, leeching tax money. They bring in tourists and fill some people with a retarded sense of nationalism aaaand that's it.

I mean that's what I'm saying based on my personal experience of being Dutch. Except our royal family can beat up your royal family, Britons!

They don't get paid taxes. They stopped doing that a few years ago. They do get paid for their official duties, though.

Then why not get rid of them? o_O
Really, if the only thing they do is live off tax money and have a nice life, why is everyone still paying for them?

Why have a nose job when all you've got is a spot? (also see about)

No one cares enought to actively want to throw them out.
I mean most European countries kicked their royals out because they were tyranical leaders but nowadays in countries like Spain, Holland and the UK they have no power at all so they're just sort of there. v:blank:v

Can't say for non-EU countries like Japan though :/

Our royal family was one of the most progressive monarchies in the world during this period. Constitutional monarchy was the best system, really. (still is, imo)

We still have a queen because her ancestors had the sense to stay out of politics.

Well, after George III they started keeping out of politics. But since then, they've kept real quiet.


Who cares? There is a myriad of other problems in Britain today, and the fact that some family of inbreds with little to no power is living in Windsor Castle isn't really such a high priority.

Also, republicans are boring. ):

Republicans suck. :( Plus, the Queen doesn't stay out of politics - she regularly meets with and advises the Prime Minister. Regardless of what anyone thinks, the royals do undergo intense political training. They know how things work and they do have a wealth of experience.

The monarch is expected to keep up with the political happenings in all of her realms - so the queen has to know what's going on in Canada, Australia, the UK, all of the random place she's monarch over... so it's not like she sits there watching TV all day.

She also has to host foreign dignitaries and go on state visits etc. She's basically like a President in most European countries.
If the Queen's like the President then that's a disgrace. What kind of country has passed-on Presidencies instead of proper elections?

And no having some family who's privileged for no reason represent your country isn't the best system, it's old-fashioned and poncy, especially when you have such shining examples as Philip ('make sure you don't stay in china too long, you'll get all slit-eyed' and 'pissometre?') or Harry (fascism owns, pakis pakis pakis) or Charles (who's just sad on every level).
She has less power than your Presidents, though. I'm talking "essentially a figure head with all the power being in the hands of the Prime Minister". At least, that's what I was under the impression that a lot of European Presidents were. Not talking like in France or anything, but a bit further. Like, just some guy who does stuff, idk.

The PM and Parliament have all the power, though. They exist as a check to the monarch, who in turn resists as a check to Parliament.

Phillip is a bit of a special case, really. His official journalist has said that he's not actually racist, it's just that when he was growing up those were the sort of things you just said. He doesn't really think that Chinese people are inferior. And Harry isn't actually a fascist.

I've considered wearing Nazi uniform to parties and I use the word Paki all the time. I don't think Hitler was at all right and nor do I think that anyone who isn't white is inferior to me.

You have a point with Charles.

William and his grandmother the Queen are both fine, though. In recent years the monarchy has gone downhill somewhat, but hopefully Liz will cling on long enough for Charles to die so that the crown passes straight to William. This is the best scenario, really.
It depends on the countries and the Presidents really. Like in France Sarkozy likes to control stuff (unfortunately) and in places like Portugal Cavaco lets the PM (Socrates) do most of the work. I keep forgetting Belgium is a monarchy derp.

We all know old people say racist things because they grew up in racist times, but when you represent your country you could make a bit of an effort to not embarass everyone. He's also made disparging remarks against arabs, Indians, Australian aboriginals and women so er.
And yes, again, even though he isn't a fascist, if you're (un)fortunate enough to be the representative of your country you avoid doing stupid shit. I think nazi uniforms are quite lovely looking and I'd probably wear one to some kind of nerdy history-themed costume party or whatever but just a nazi band around your arm has different connotations. Paki's like nigger or chink and I personally think it's not acceptable but whatever then.

Oh Charles. You silly bastard.

The best scenario is someone gets the crown and abolishes the monarchy :v (or finally hires someone who isn't pure anglosaxon/norman to work in the palace because ughh)
Originally Posted by SonicNintendo
how about the classic "LO Guvnor?"

The posh voices are a total fallacy, seriously. Nobody could sound much more common than I, and probably everyone I know, and most British people whose voice I've heard, do. And I have NEVER seriously used the word "guv'ner". xD
That is why they are called STEREOTYPES
I didn't think stereotypes had to necessarily be untrue. Though they often are.
Stereotypes are half-truths and it shows how much knowledge there is about a certain place or its people.

For example, the Essex = Chavland. It stems from the fact that the Eastern English accent drops most of its vowels and of course, there's the rhyming and all that, which to someone out of the country thinks would be retarded. "Who's lazy enough to drop letters from their words?" "Inbreds, that's who! *egowank*"

And so the Chavland stereotype is born. I've been to Essex and it's just like any other British county. It has a suburban area filled with ponces and a ghetto area filled with junkies.
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