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British Stereotypes


i thought the french had a general dislike for britain? or maybe it's just the old french people who're like that.

god fucking damn Tony Blair and his fucking New Labour shit. ruined the party for everyone. ):

nah, the French <3 coming here to work because their unemployment rate is shit. It's hovering somewhere around 8.9%, closer to 20% for young people and for young people living in the worst ghettos it's like 40%.

tres sad.

to be fair labour's always been pretty shit. fucking labour. >:( (seriously the only reason they ever got into power was because of a pact with the Liberals. THEY REGRET THAT ONE NOW DON'T THEY)
he's better than jean marie le pen (idk how to spell his last name, i assume it is that) and le front national.

how funny is it that jmlp's daughter is now leading the party FUCK YEAH DEMOCRACY
that might be true! but it still is better.

(jmlp would have fucked france up so much. i mena more than sarkozy's doing. also, what the FUCK has sarkozy been doing about laicite. idiot man)
yeaaaah but lepen would never have won whereas sarko did )))):

and sarozy hasn't been doing anything about anything because he's too busy wearing heels and banging carla bruni
I heard she didn't want to bang him any more :( (which is totally understandable)

aaaalso it was between sarkozy and jmlp so France did get the least of two evils
Right, stereotypes.

I don't think there's any more regional ones than Welsh = Sheep, England = Crap(according to everyone else), Scotland = Highland Vikings, and Irish = Christian drunks. Wait, I know a few more. Glasgow is a backwards place, Northern Irish hates the Republic Irish, and the Welsh think the English are pompous gits who don't even know Wales exist. Oh, and Essex = Chavland.

Anyway, regionals aside, the Queen is German, chavs from the north are full of heroin, chavs from the west are full of weed and are pussies, chavs from the Greater London are full of knives, and chavs from the east are posers.

In wales, there's the stereotypical Valleys accent. Here's a good approximation of the Valleys, along with a few others.
if jmpl had gotten anywhere near the final round i would have killed myself and made my corpse kill half the french population somehow because ewww
if jmpl had gotten anywhere near the final round i would have killed myself and made my corpse kill half the french population somehow because ewww

well I mean to be fair France is a pretty dire place

people-wise anyway. if I could kill the people but keep the rest of it it'd be aces.
But do they really talk like this, wot wot, old chap? Cheerio, mate.

Because that would be epic.

Oh if you could only hear how far from posh I sound.

Basik'ly me aksn't sownds qui' a lo' li' this, wi' the droppin' o' thuh Ts and aww thuh uvva stuff wo' ruff peepuw do wen they tork. And just about everyone I know sounds similar.

(Though I can put on a bally good posh voice =D)
well I mean to be fair France is a pretty dire place

people-wise anyway. if I could kill the people but keep the rest of it it'd be aces.
i don't know, i do think most people in paris are awful but i'm pretty sure it's like that in any capital city. capital cities attract assholes.
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