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British Stereotypes

how about the classic "LO Guvnor?"

The posh voices are a total fallacy, seriously. Nobody could sound much more common than I, and probably everyone I know, and most British people whose voice I've heard, do. And I have NEVER seriously used the word "guv'ner". xD
The posh voices are a total fallacy, seriously. Nobody could sound much more common than I, and probably everyone I know, and most British people whose voice I've heard, do. And I have NEVER seriously used the word "guv'ner". xD
It's called a cockney accent, Mike. Posh is like Prince Charles, Cockney is like chav except more british. XD
what you couldn't read before you were five


haha, i remember being in year 1, and in the space of a few weeks i pretty much finished every reading book that my teacher had to offer. when my mum asked whether i could maybe read some of the year above's books, she was just like "nah"

that school sucked ass. glad i left it. ¬_¬

No, pretty much all of the EU is our Mexico.
nah. france and germany and all the awesome countries don't want anything to do with us. it's only the weird former soviet states that immigrate here.

but aside from that, the analogy holds strong. a large, eager population willing to work for beans comes over to another country and does all the work that everybody forgot about before a bunch of foreigners started doing it for them.

and yet suddenly they're all shocked and outraged and they DEMAND that they can start emptying dustbins and working in old peoples' homes, even though a few years back everyone would have been too snobby to even *think* of lowering themselves to that level.

i generally get quite angry about immigration. just not in the same way that most people do.

Nnnnno they don't! They're better than yours, Welsh boy.
inb4 Margaret Mountford

clearly. go do something about it >:(
oooh i could make such a tasteless joke right now but i won't because i'm feeling PC today
It's called a cockney accent, Mike. Posh is like Prince Charles, Cockney is like chav except more british. XD

Oh, Cockney! I thought that was a reference to the stereotypical posh British voice xD Bally daft of me, wot.

Needed moar rhyming slang, and no mistake
England has Oxford and Cambridge plus a bazillion other epic unis so ENGLAND > SCOTLAND for that, Tailsy :(
oh my god JJHF is spreading over here

also I have NEVER heard anyone say "guvnor" but I have heard people, my dad included, use "guv"
it's probably just Londoners who use it :v
Another one we have over here is: young brits are drunken hooligans that somehow grow up to be passive-aggressive suit-wearing conservatives.
Because it's pretty much what happens to the Brits in our school :o(
England has Oxford and Cambridge plus a bazillion other epic unis so ENGLAND > SCOTLAND for that, Tailsy :(
oh my god JJHF is spreading over here

I wasn't aware people wanted to go to stuffy unis full of overachieving snotty arsehole bastards :3c Besides we can go to pretty awesome unis (sup St Andrews/Edinburgh/Glasgow) without needing to pay for tuition which means SCOTLAND > ENGLAND for that, Jolty |D

EDIT: VPLJ: That is exactly what happens.
haha, i remember being in year 1, and in the space of a few weeks i pretty much finished every reading book that my teacher had to offer. when my mum asked whether i could maybe read some of the year above's books, she was just like "nah"

that school sucked ass. glad i left it. ¬_¬

nah. france and germany and all the awesome countries don't want anything to do with us. it's only the weird former soviet states that immigrate here.

but aside from that, the analogy holds strong. a large, eager population willing to work for beans comes over to another country and does all the work that everybody forgot about before a bunch of foreigners started doing it for them.

and yet suddenly they're all shocked and outraged and they DEMAND that they can start emptying dustbins and working in old peoples' homes, even though a few years back everyone would have been too snobby to even *think* of lowering themselves to that level.

i generally get quite angry about immigration. just not in the same way that most people do.

inb4 Margaret Mountford

oooh i could make such a tasteless joke right now but i won't because i'm feeling PC today


are you serious

the french fucking love coming here

the young ones at least. London is full of French young people! (idk about the Germans)
Another one we have over here is: young brits are drunken hooligans that somehow grow up to be passive-aggressive suit-wearing conservatives.
Because it's pretty much what happens to the Brits in our school :o(

no that's true

it really is

(unless you live in Wales, in which case you vote Labour. except this year.)

don't, i'm about to go to bed.

but that's the best place!
But do they really talk like this, wot wot, old chap? Cheerio, mate.

Because that would be epic.

That sounds more Australian. o_o

And god, I hate it when people go on about immigration. Like you all actually have any idea what you're talking about. Whoo, bandwagon of hatred and spite~

And seriously, if we'd stayed living in Scotland I would get free uni tuition, ARGHH also because of Scotland I didn't get to go to reception which was apparently fun. ;_;

are you serious

the french fucking love coming here

the young ones at least. London is full of French young people! (idk about the Germans)

i thought the french had a general dislike for britain? or maybe it's just the old french people who're like that.

(unless you live in Wales, in which case you vote Labour. except this year.)
god fucking damn Tony Blair and his fucking New Labour shit. ruined the party for everyone. ):
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