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Calling all spriters!

And here's a smaller Pinslor.


It just barely fit.

I'll try to get at least one more scratch for you today.

I'll make a better sprite of Funbit for FR/LG! I'll put it in this thread when I'm done.
here it is! My made in 3 minutes and now half an hour old sprite. I need to shrink the edges, though.... *opens Paint*
And the evo, Vambite.


It's bigger than Funbit, even though the sprite is smaller. To make it fit, I had to have it curve its wings in a lot. So, enjoy.

Oh, and fix Funbit so that it's made by me, not XDragonFireX.
XDragonFireX = Yeah dino pokemon are what I need now and the NZ animals I posted pics of a few posts back.

Cryptica = Yeah, sorry about that, I realised I did straight after I wrote it, it's already been changed.
Okay, thanks.

I have Phantire or Fantire, however you want to spell it. It's a snake-like Fire/Ghost stand-alone.

One more Pokemon. Even a Dino Pokemon this time. I call it Spintrodon and it's based on a Dimetrodon.


Type: Dragon/Ground
He looks great, I was thinking it would be great to have a Kangaskhan family, like the Nidoran family where you a baby girl and a baby boy and then the girl evolves into the normal female kangaskhan and the boy evolve into a new male kangaskhan and the male and female kangaskhans can breed and you ramdomly get either the male or female baby. What does everyone think?
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