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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Calling all spriters!

I'm fine with that.

EDIT: I also need someone to do the male baby kangaskhan

EDIT: EDIT: If anyone needs a pic to work off of for the dinosaurs, I found loads in a file on my computer.








Can't Rememder the name:




Hopes this helps
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Hay look, I have a Tyrannosaurus toy just like that! But it's oold...


I'm soon finished resizing Hammed, I'm also reshading and maybe recolouring it.


Redo other sprites, them maybe make some new ones.
Which ones you going to redo? All the ones that I requested be resized have been, unless you have some others?

EDIT: Bakun, does Hammed have another type as well as water?
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I'm going to redo some of the pokémon I mentioned in the PM I last sent to you. But that'll be tomorrow.
ChaosTres = Sure that'll be great, I need some trainer sprites and some other people for the story like Professor Fern and also if you want you design the hero, heroine and rival.
may i work on trainers? im better at them than pokemon.
and if i do, can i be a charecter? if i can, i am a breeder with a lucario who has, other than the lucario, a jumpluff, an altaria, and three other dragon or grass or preferably a dragon/grass pokemon.
next post will be graphics for trainers if i can figure out how..... i know how to manage attachments but it always fails.....
Tropiking = Great, he looks good, now we just have to wait for Mewtwo's one.

ferrikpm = Sure you can do trainers an dsure if you make some good ones your ingame.

EDIT: Tropiking if you want something to do while you wait, I still need the male baby kangaskhan, if you do do it try to make relatively similar to the girl but with a few major differences. Thanks if you do do it.
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next post will be graphics for trainers if i can figure out how..... i know how to manage attachments but it always fails.....

upload the images to a site such as Photobucket, then put the image's URL in [img][/img] tags.
I have to get off the computer now, (my mum wants to use it), so if you have any questions, I won't on to answer them till tomorrow.
I decided to make a squid, so there would be something for Super Rod fishing.


Abypode, the squid Pokemon. Give it any type you like, just make sure it fits! :)
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