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Calling all spriters!

I've got a bug line~


Larfluff, Fluppa and Mothra respectively. Fluppa has a thing on the back of its head XD

Please make them pure Bug-type, and I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
I have another one that I call Mantisgise.


I'd prefer if it were Bug/Grass type, since that would make most sense.

Ingame, can I be a Dark gym leader named Aria? Doesn't matter which number gym. You can choose my Pokemon, except I would really like it if I had a Glameow/Purugly with Faint Attack as my strongest.
OK I know there's a lot of Kiwis*hears crowd moan* but I didn't know that before so I bring you my fat kiwi...


The beak is rather short but ehh, it's just me. Are you going to put credits into your game?

So hmm...can I be...

Cooltrainer Cathy

-Baton Pass
-Iron Tail

-Baton Pass
-Iron Tail

And can it be that you can battle me in my house in Christchurch. Just a normal trainer. You can decide the levels because I don't know how far in the game I am. For my house the Eevees and Skittys could be the PMD sprites if you don't have any small sprites of them. Thanks.

PS: If you make it that the kiwis can fly I'll LOL.
Hi everyone, I don't know if anyone else has had the same problem but I haven't been able to access this site for about 3 days and so I tried doing some scratching which turned out awful. Next I tried resizing some of the dp pokemon and totally screwed up a lucario and then did Munchlax and managed to do it quite well.

Also thanks to all for the new sprites, they're really good. I've been doing quite alot of planning lately and have decided on some major features of the game and which pokemon are going to be innit. I've decided that there's goin to be 400 pokemon altogether. Also I'm about to go and download the platinum sprites and dp sprites and see which ones look the best.
Keep the new sprites coming.:grin:
No the forums have been blocked for a while for everyone because of the server of something so it isn't just you. The Munchlax is great, have confidence in your work.
Thanks, I'm going to try some more later.

EDIT: I just put Munchlax ingame to try it out and here are some screenshots,

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Nice screenshots White Wolf, I get the feeling this is going to be a great game. I might sprite some more scratches or pre evos or whatever I feel like after the dreaded school.
Would you like me to re-shade some Fakemon?

I don't have any Fakemon's I haven't completely re-shaded but this is fully re-shaded (and almost fully scratched)


I can scratch but I just can't find the inspiration x.x
Sure, I need some reshading done on some of them and I'll try to think of something for you if you need inspiration. I'll just go check the sprites and see which ones need reshading.
YES!!! the site's up again! anyways, I'm at my school's computer, so I'll have the sprites in... like 8 hours. x.x heheh... :sweatdrop: damn, and when I wanted to put up my avatar.
Cool, I did some research earlier and found that there are about 400 slots for pokemon in the game, there's the normal pokemon up to hoenn and then there's also about 20 free slots with nothing in them. I went through all the pokemon from all the regons including sinnoh and picked out the ones I wanted in my game and so there's going to be 340 pokemon chosen from the four regions and 60 of the new pokemon. When I get the time I'll post the pokemon I've chosen for my game on my website. I've also chosen to use dp and platinum sprites and also some reposes of some of the pokemon. I know it's going to take ages to resize all the sprites but I'm willing to work for as long as it takes to finish this game. Also I been looking at stuff for the game and have chosen some major thins for the game, first of all it's going to contain every ledgendary from every region and every starter pokemon set from every region but they're going to be in the wild. Also there isn't really going to be a main story but loads of side stories and also the paths connecting the towns and cities and villages don't have grass on them but as soon as you step off the path you fight wild pokemon and trainers and the further away from the path you get the stronger the pokemon and trainers get. Certain stories start when you go to a certain place or talk to someone. Also all the hms are usable from the start butyou have to obtain them from somewhere before you can use them. All the gyms are around about the same level and quite strong but you can battle them whenever you feel you're strong enough. I also have loads of other ideas but I'll post them when I'm certain about them. Any ideas would be welcome.
Here is the grass starter, it's first evo, and my trainer sprite who if you remember is a Pokemon Researcher who randomly encounters the main character and then at the end you can battle him.


I call it Cankyl.
Type: Grass


Type: Grass/Steel


Here's my character.
Name: Matt
Pokemon: I'll pm you with the team later.

I'm currently working on Metaur's evo and I really like how it's turning out. If you don't mind I have a request. Can I sprite all the starters? I really enjoy working on them.
Sweet niblets I forgot about teh male Kangashkan x.x But I'm off for fall break, gives me more time XD
hi! the forums are up, i see. i wont be able to help much. my family is moving. it will take a while. i may be able to help once were done moving, though.

Here is the final stage of Cankyl. Type:Grass/Steel. It's called Ankylotohn (Ank-ee-low-tohn) Possibly one of my best scratches yet if you ask me. Oh you've probably realized this already but this line are Dinosaur Pokemon.
I don't mean to be impatient, but my Pokémon aren't on the site yet, and others' are. Have you updated it recently?
If you don't mind, could my in-game character be Isabelle, leading an Ice-type gym? I'll make some stuff about it later.
Ahh, I'm bad at scratch spriting.

I call it Anurric. But I don't like the name much...
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