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I've got this little notice thing at the top of my screen...
"Where have you been for the past two weeks? Everything is so boring without you. D: Get active again!"
So I'm posting.
I finished the Centigr sprites (sorry I didn't use your shiny, but I based mine off of yours.)
Shiny Centigr:![]()
Centigr Back:![]()
Shiny Centigr Back:![]()
Centigr Icon:![]()
PHP:Centigr: [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090101C/Centipede34629.bmp[/IMG] Shiny Centigr: [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090101C/ShinyCentigr74513.PNG[/IMG] Centigr Back: [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090101C/CentigrBack48172.bmp[/IMG] Shiny Centigr Back: [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090101C/ShinyCentigrBack82916.PNG[/IMG] Centigr Icon: [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090101C/CentigrIcon42438.PNG[/IMG]
(That is my first icon, and i know it sucks, so go ahead and try to make another one if you want.)
I'll start doing the prevo sprites now.
Yea, they both look great. *Adds to the list of Pokemon* I think I might put the list in my signature so I don't have to keep reposting it.
That's quite a jump from your old sprites.
Are you a member of C Spriting?
Shiny Milyon
Milyon Back
Shiny Milyon Back
Milyon Icon
Like I said, a big jump.No.
And I think I just got lucky. (no, i did not steal it) xP
As for the icons, i would guess they would be needed, but im not sure.
Here, I finished the prevo, which I named Milyon
Shiny Milyon
Milyon Back
Shiny Milyon Back
Milyon Icon
PHP:Milyon [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090103C/Millepede58449.bmp[/IMG] Shiny Milyon [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090103C/ShinyMilyon74904.PNG[/IMG] Milyon Back [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090103C/MilyonBack80365.PNG[/IMG] Shiny Milyon Back [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090103C/ShinyMilyonBack41235.PNG[/IMG] Milyon Icon [IMG]http://www.iaza.com/work/090103C/MilyonIcon70064.PNG[/IMG]
And now I'm out of ideas. For now anyways.
Surely if it's a phoenix, it should be Fire/Flying or some other similarity? I mean, it doesn't make much sense to have it two unrelated types.It's a Dragon/Fighting Pheonix,
Perhaps you could explain to us exactly what this "Thingie" is. Otherwise we have no idea what we're spriting.beigey-yellowey-goldy thingie.
Huh? What exactly do you mean by "Medium mouth"? I get the impression that you're on about a muzzle, and I'm guessing a small-ish one. But surely a Phoenix should have a beak, not a muzzle. And mostly every living thing has a tounge.Medium mouth, no tounge.
Where did the "Instead" come from? Just Big, blue, pointy ears would have been enough for us to understand.Big pointy ears, blue instead of pink.
Like I said, a big jump.
Why would you assume that I was accusing you of stealing?
Anyway, Wolf, if you need anything fixed (sprites and stuff) PM me. I don't have an ideas so I'll be fixing some stuff people send in if needed.
Why not try Dragactyl, Zulo?Now, If anyone other than Grimdour feels like spriting Dragactyl, use this pic that Kratos Aurain so kindly drew for me as a reference:
Or, look at this for an anatomical breakdown:
Still working on it.Uh, Grim? A while back, I asked you to sprite my fakemon, Dragactyl. Have you forgotten it, did you ignore/not see it or are working on it?
I was thinking of a red blob Pokémon, but I'm tired and can't really do it now.